83 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/jsm5
Daniel Chernowitz, Oleksandr Gamayun, “On the dynamics of free-fermionic tau-functions at finite temperature”, SciPost Phys. Core, 5:1 (2022)
Frank Göhmann, Karol Kozlowski, Jesko Sirker, Junji Suzuki, “Spin conductivity of the XXZ chain in the antiferromagnetic massive regime”, SciPost Phys., 12:5 (2022)
Aleksandra Petković, “Local spectral density of an interacting one-dimensional Bose gas with an impurity”, Phys. Rev. A, 105:4 (2022)
Hao Pei, Véronique Terras, “On scalar products and form factors by separation of variables: the antiperiodic XXZ model”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 55:1 (2022), 015205
G Niccoli, V Terras, “Correlation functions for open XXZ spin 1/2 quantum chains with unparallel boundary magnetic fields”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 55:40 (2022), 405203
Etienne Granet, Henrik Dreyer, Fabian Essler, “Out-of-equilibrium dynamics of the XY spin chain from form factor expansion”, SciPost Phys., 12:1 (2022)
Jacopo De Nardis, Benjamin Doyon, Marko Medenjak, Miłosz Panfil, “Correlation functions and transport coefficients in generalised hydrodynamics”, J. Stat. Mech., 2022:1 (2022), 014002
A. A. Ovchinnikov, “Threshold singularities in the XXZ-spin chain”, Mod. Phys. Lett. B, 35:02 (2021), 2150044
Constantin Babenko, Frank Göhmann, Karol K. Kozlowski, Jesko Sirker, Junji Suzuki, “Exact Real-Time Longitudinal Correlation Functions of the Massive
Chain”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 126:21 (2021)
Oleksandr Gamayun, Nikolai Iorgov, Yu. Zhuravlev, “Effective free-fermionic form factors and the XY spin chain”, SciPost Phys., 10:3 (2021)