384 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/im1677
В. А. Краснов, “О многообразии Фано одного класса вещественных четырехмерных кубик”, Матем. заметки, 85:5 (2009), 711–720 ; V. A. Krasnov, “On the Fano Variety of a Class of Real Four-Dimensional Cubics”, Math. Notes, 85:5 (2009), 682–689
Schütt M., “CM newforms with rational coefficients”, Ramanujan J., 19:2 (2009), 187–205
Macri E., Stellari P., “Infinitesimal Derived Torelli Theorem for K3 Surfaces (with an Appendix by Sukhendu Mehrotra)”, Internat Math Res Notices, 2009, no. 17, 3190
Vijay Kumar, Washington Taylor, “Freedom and constraints in the K3 landscape”, J High Energy Phys, 2009:5 (2009), 066
Finashin, S, “On the deformation chirality of real cubic fourfolds”, Compositio Mathematica, 145:5 (2009), 1277
Huybrechts D., “The Global Torelli Theorem: classical, derived, twisted”, Algebraic Geometry, Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, 80, no. 1- 2, 2009, 235–258
В. А. Краснов, “Эквивариантная топологическая классификация многообразий Фано вещественных четырехмерных кубик”, Матем. заметки, 85:4 (2009), 603–615 ; V. A. Krasnov, “Equivariant Topological Classification of the Fano Varieties of Real Four-Dimensional Cubics”, Math. Notes, 85:4 (2009), 574–583
Hisanori Ohashi, “Enriques Surfaces Covered by Jacobian Kummer Surfaces”, Nagoya Mathematical Journal, 195 (2009), 165
Nils R. Scheithauer, “The Weil Representation of and Some Applications”, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2009:8 (2009), 1488
Michela Artebani, “A Compactification of 3 via K3 Surfaces”, Nagoya Mathematical Journal, 196 (2009), 1