384 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/im1677
Kenji Koike, “Hessian K3 surfaces of non-Sylvester type”, Journal of Algebra, 330:1 (2011), 388
Degtyarev A., “Topology of plane algebraic curves: the algebraic approach”, Topology of Algebraic Varieties and Singularities, Contemporary Mathematics, 538, 2011, 137–161
Anton Kapustin, Natalia Saulina, “Topological boundary conditions in abelian Chern–Simons theory”, Nuclear Physics B, 845:3 (2011), 393
Artebani M. Kondo Sh., “The Moduli of Curves of Genus Six and K3 Surfaces”, Trans. Am. Math. Soc., 363:3 (2011), 1445–1462
В. А. Краснов, “О вещественных двумерных пересечениях квадрики кубикой”, Матем. заметки, 90:4 (2011), 530–540 ; V. A. Krasnov, “Real Two-Dimensional Intersections of a Quadric by a Cubic”, Math. Notes, 90:4 (2011), 509–516
В. В. Никулин, “Самосоответствия K3-поверхностей через модули пучков и арифметические гиперболические группы отражений”, Современные проблемы математики, Сборник статей. К 75-летию Института, Труды МИАН, 273, МАИК «Наука/Интерпериодика», М., 2011, 247–256 ; Viacheslav V. Nikulin, “Self-correspondences of K3 surfaces via moduli of sheaves and arithmetic hyperbolic reflection groups”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 273 (2011), 229–237
Eyal Markman, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics, 8, Complex and Differential Geometry, 2011, 257
Artebani M., Sarti A., Taki Sh., “$K3$ surfaces with non-symplectic automorphisms of prime order”, Math. Z., 2010
Hulek K., Schütt M., “Enriques surfaces and Jacobian elliptic K3 surfaces”, Math. Z., 2010
Finashin S., Kharlamov V., “Topology of real cubic fourfolds”, Journal of Topology, 3:1 (2010), 1–28