27 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/im1148
Н. В. Богачев, А. Ю. Перепечко, “Алгоритм Винберга для гиперболических решёток”, Матем. заметки, 103:5 (2018), 769–773 ; N. V. Bogachev, A. Yu. Perepechko, “Vinberg's Algorithm for Hyperbolic Lattices”, Math. Notes, 103:5 (2018), 836–840
Ishida M., “Cusp Singularities and Quasi-Polyhedral Sets”, Algebraic Varieties and Automorphism Groups, Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics, 75, eds. Masuda K., Kishimoto T., Kojima H., Miyanishi M., Zaidenberg M., Math Soc Japan, 2017, 163–182
Belolipetsky M., “Arithmetic hyperbolic reflection groups”, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., 53:3 (2016), 437–475
Mark A., “Reflection Groups of the Quadratic Form -Px(0)(2) + X(1)(2) + ... X(N)(2) With P Prime”, Publ. Mat., 59:2 (2015), 353–372
M. Belolipetsky, B. Linowitz, “On Fields of Definition of Arithmetic Kleinian Reflection Groups II”, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2013
Anna Felikson, Pavel Tumarkin, “Essential hyperbolic Coxeter polytopes”, Isr. J. Math, 2013
Oleg Karpenkov, Algorithms and Computation in Mathematics, 26, Geometry of Continued Fractions, 2013, 357
Maclachlan C., “Bounds for discrete hyperbolic arithmetic reflection groups in dimension 2”, Bull. Lond. Math. Soc., 43:1 (2011), 111–123
В. В. Никулин, “Константа переноса для арифметических гиперболических групп отражений”, Изв. РАН. Сер. матем., 75:5 (2011), 103–138 ; V. V. Nikulin, “The transition constant for arithmetic hyperbolic reflection groups”, Izv. Math., 75:5 (2011), 971–1005
Belolipetsky M., “Finiteness theorems for congruence reflection groups”, Transform. Groups, 16:4 (2011), 939–954