99 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/at1303
N. Kuznetsov, I. Boiko, B. Andrievsky, E. Kudryashova, O. Kuznetsova, I. Zaitceva, 2024 17th International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems (VSS), 2024, 321
А. С. Матвеев, А. Л. Фрадков, А. И. Шепелявый, “Очерк истории научной школы В.А. Якубовича”, Автомат. и телемех., 2023, № 9, 3–36
; A. S. Matveev, A. L. Fradkov, A. I. Shepeljavyi, “A historical essay on the scientific school of V.A. Yakubovich”, Autom. Remote Control, 84:9 (2023), 1017–1040
A. S. Matveev, A. L. Fradkov, A. I. Shepeljavyi, “A Historical Essay on the Scientific School of V.A. Yakubovich”, Autom Remote Control, 84:9 (2023), 905
Nikolay Kuznetsov, Boris Andrievsky, Iuliia Zaitceva, Elizaveta Akimova, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 14214, Interactive Collaborative Robotics, 2023, 221
Ilia Kostin, Julia Fadeeva, Vladimir A. Mikhailov, Alexander M. Popov, Philip Popov, 2023 30th Saint Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems (ICINS), 2023, 1
М. М. Коган, “Адаптивное $H_{\infty}$-оптимальное управление”, Автомат. и телемех., 2022, № 8, 123–139
; M. M. Kogan, “Adaptive $H_{\infty }$-optimal control”, Autom. Remote Control, 83:8 (2022), 1246–1260
Alexander M. Popov, Daniil G. Kostrygin, Anatoly A. Shevchik, Boris Andrievsky, “Speed-Gradient Adaptive Control for Parametrically Uncertain UAVs in Formation”, Electronics, 11:24 (2022), 4187
Boris Andrievsky, Iuliia Zaitceva, Vladimir I. Boikov, Alexander L. Fradkov, “Digital Adaptive Control of Unbalanced Rotor Velocities with Anti-windup Augmentation*”, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 55:12 (2022), 258
Boris Andrievsky, Iuliia Zaitceva, Tao Li, Alexander L. Fradkov, 2022 8th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT), 2022, 611
Nikolay V. Kuznetsov, Boris Andrievsky, Iuliia Zaitceva, Elena V. Kudryashova, Olga A. Kuznetsova, “Adaptive Suppression of Wing Flutter Under Actuator Saturation and Time Sampling”, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 55:12 (2022), 689