99 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/at1303
Sylvain Le Gac, Dimitri Peaucelle, Boris Andrievsky, “Adaptive Parameter Identification for Simplified 3D-Motion Model of ‘LAAS Helicopter Benchmark'1”, IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 40:13 (2007), 244
Alexander L. Fradkov, Boris Andrievsky, Dimitri Peaucelle, “ADAPTIVE PASSIFICATION-BASED FAULT-TOLERANT FLIGHT CONTROL”, IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 40:7 (2007), 715
Alexander L. Fradkov, Boris Andrievsky, “Passification-Based Adaptive Control with Implicit Reference Model*”, IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 40:13 (2007), 342
Dimitri Peaucelle, Alexander L. Fradkov, Boris Andrievsky, 2007 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, 2007, 825
Boris Andrievsky, Alexander L. Fradkov, 2007 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, 2007, 42
Boris Andrievsky, Dimitri Peaucelle, Alexander L. Fradkov, 2007 American Control Conference, 2007, 3312
М. Р. Либерзон, “Очерки о теории абсолютной устойчивости”, Автомат. и телемех., 2006, № 10, 86–119 ; M. R. Liberzon, “Essays on the absolute stability theory”, Autom. Remote Control, 67:10 (2006), 1610–1644
П. В. Пакшин, В. А. Угриновский, “Стохастические задачи абсолютной устойчивости”, Автомат. и телемех., 2006, № 11, 122–158 ; P. V. Pakshin, V. A. Ugrinovskii, “Stochastic problems of absolute stability”, Autom. Remote Control, 67:11 (2006), 1811–1846
С. В. Гусев, А. Л. Лихтарников, “Очерк истории леммы Калмана–Попова–Якубовича и $S$-процедуры”, Автомат. и телемех., 2006, № 11, 77–121 ; S. V. Gusev, A. L. Likhtarnikov, “Kalman-Popov-Yakubovich lemma and the $S$-procedure: A historical essay”, Autom. Remote Control, 67:11 (2006), 1768–1810