32 citations to 10.1016/0375-9601(90)90662-8 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Ioannis Bakas, “Renormalization group flows and continual Lie algebras”, J. High Energy Phys., 2003, № 08, 2003, 013  crossref
  2. Daniel Finley, John K McIver, “Solutions of the sDiff(2)Toda equation with SU (2) symmetry”, Class. Quantum Grav., 27, № 14, 2010, 145001  crossref
  3. Carlos Castro, “A Moyal quantization of the continuous Toda field”, Physics Letters B, 413, № 1-2, 1997, 53  crossref
  4. Kanehisa Takasaki, “Volume-preserving diffeomorphisms in integrable deformations of self-dual gravity”, Physics Letters B, 285, № 3, 1992, 187  crossref
  5. J D FinleyIII, John K McIver, “Non-Abelian infinite algebra of generalized symmetries for the SDiff(2)Toda equation”, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 37, № 22, 2004, 5825  crossref
  6. Анатолий Моисеевич Вершик, Anatolii Moiseevich Vershik, Борис Б Шойхет, Boris B Shoikhet, “Градуированные алгебры Ли, подалгебра Картана которых есть алгебра многочленов одной переменной”, ТМФ, 123, № 2, 2000, 345  crossref
  7. David Fairlie, Cosmas Zachos, “Vertex ring-indexed Lie algebras”, Physics Letters B, 620, № 3-4, 2005, 195  crossref
  8. M. V. Saveliev, A. M. Vershik, 375, Differential Geometric Methods in Theoretical Physics, 1991, 162  crossref
  9. M. V. Saveliev, P. Sorba, “Solution of the Cauchy problem for a continuous limit of the Toda lattice and its superextension”, Lett Math Phys, 22, № 2, 1991, 119  crossref
  10. D. Lebedev, S. Pakuliak, “Zakharov-Shabat technique with quantized spectral parameter in the theory of integrable models”, Physics Letters A, 160, № 2, 1991, 173  crossref