378 citations to 10.5194/angeo-22-1585-2004 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Xuhui Shen, Xuemin Zhang, Lanwei Wang, Huaran Chen, Yun Wu, Shigeng Yuan, Junfeng Shen, Shufan Zhao, Jiadong Qian, Jianhai Ding, “The earthquake-related disturbances in ionosphere and project of the first China seismo-electromagnetic satellite”, Earthq Sci, 24, № 6, 2011, 639  crossref
  2. Fuying Zhu, Yiyan Zhou, Yun Wu, “Anomalous variation in GPS TEC prior to the 11 April 2012 Sumatra earthquake”, Astrophys Space Sci, 345, № 2, 2013, 231  crossref
  3. Devbrat Pundhir, Birbal Singh, O. P. Singh, Saral K. Gupta, “Anomalous Variations of Ionosphere Associated with the Strong Earthquake at Pakistan-Iran Border at a Low Latitude Station Agra, India”, Acta Geophys., 64, № 3, 2016, 796  crossref
  4. Andrzej Krankowski, Irina E. Zakharenkova, Irk I. Shagimuratov, “Response of the ionosphere to the Baltic Sea earthquake of 21 September 2004”, Acta Geophys., 54, № 1, 2006, 90  crossref
  5. Emad K. Mohamed, Vineet K. Gahalaut, Aliihsan Sekertekin, Samed Inyurt, “Atmospheric, ionospheric and earth-related variations associated with the 11th August 2012 earthquakes, Ahar, Iran”, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 216, 2021, 105595  crossref
  6. P.I. Nenovski, M. Pezzopane, L. Ciraolo, M. Vellante, U. Villante, M. De Lauretis, “Local changes in the total electron content immediately before the 2009 Abruzzo earthquake”, Advances in Space Research, 55, № 1, 2015, 243  crossref
  7. Aliihsan Sekertekin, Samed Inyurt, Servet Yaprak, “Pre-seismic ionospheric anomalies and spatio-temporal analyses of MODIS Land surface temperature and aerosols associated with Sep, 24 2013 Pakistan Earthquake”, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 200, 2020, 105218  crossref
  8. Jing Liu, Weixing Wan, Chen Zhou, Xuemin Zhang, Yi Liu, Xuhui Shen, “A study of the ionospheric disturbances associated with strong earthquakes using the empirical orthogonal function analysis”, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 171, 2019, 225  crossref