378 citations to 10.5194/angeo-22-1585-2004 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. M. Akhoondzadeh, “Anomalous TEC variations associated with the powerful Tohoku earthquake of 11 March 2011”, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 12, № 5, 2012, 1453  crossref
  2. Jing Liu, Jianping Huang, Xuemin Zhang, “Ionospheric perturbations in plasma parameters before global strong earthquakes”, Advances in Space Research, 53, № 5, 2014, 776  crossref
  3. Eren Erdogan, Michael Schmidt, Florian Seitz, Murat Durmaz, “Near real-time estimation of ionosphere vertical total electron content from GNSS satellites using B-splines in a Kalman filter”, Ann. Geophys., 35, № 2, 2017, 263  crossref
  4. Livio Conti, Piergiorgio Picozza, Alessandro Sotgiu, “A Critical Review of Ground Based Observations of Earthquake Precursors”, Front. Earth Sci., 9, 2021, 676766  crossref
  5. N. Genzano, C. Filizzola, R. Paciello, N. Pergola, V. Tramutoli, “Robust Satellite Techniques (RST) for monitoring earthquake prone areas by satellite TIR observations: The case of 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake (Taiwan)”, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 114, 2015, 289  crossref
  6. Ashwani Yadav, Raj Pal Singh, “Effect of VLF electric field changes associated with major shallow earthquakes (M = 5.6–5.9) occurred in Indian subcontinent, on the atmosphere”, Indian J Phys, 97, № 12, 2023, 3367  crossref
  7. Fuying Zhu, Yun Wu, Yiyan Zhou, Yang Gao, “Temporal and spatial distribution of GPS-TEC anomalies prior to the strong earthquakes”, Astrophys Space Sci, 345, № 2, 2013, 239  crossref
  8. Fuyang Ke, Yueliang Wang, Xinzhi Wang, Hui Qian, Chuang Shi, “Statistical analysis of seismo-ionospheric anomalies related to Ms > 5.0 earthquakes in China by GPS TEC”, J Seismol, 20, № 1, 2016, 137  crossref
  9. Mohammad Reza Mansouri Daneshvar, Friedemann T. Freund, The Chile-2015 (Illapel) Earthquake and Tsunami, 2017, 157  crossref
  10. J. Y. Liu, Y. I. Chen, Y. J. Chuo, C. S. Chen, “A statistical investigation of preearthquake ionospheric anomaly”, J. Geophys. Res., 111, № A5, 2006, 2005JA011333  crossref