57 citations to 10.1016/j.aim.2010.04.025 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Lucio Centrone, Alejandro Estrada, “Specht property for the algebra of upper triangular matrices of size two with a Taft’s algebra action”, Can. Math. Bull., 66, № 1, 2023, 303  crossref
  2. Alexei Kanel-Belov, Louis Rowen, Uzi Vishne, “Representability of relatively free affine algebras over a Noetherian ring”, J. Algebra Appl., 23, № 08, 2024, 2550154  crossref
  3. Sebastiano Argenti, Onofrio Mario Di Vincenzo, “Minimal varieties of graded PI‐algebras over abelian groups”, Bulletin of London Math Soc, 56, № 7, 2024, 2441  crossref
  4. Ramon Códamo, Plamen Koshlukov, “Specht property for the graded identities of the pair (M2(D),sl2(D))”, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 698, 2024, 326  crossref
  5. Sebastiano Argenti, “Lie semisimple algebras of derivations and varieties of PI-algebras with almost polynomial growth”, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 152, № 10, 2024, 4217  crossref
  6. Antonio Giambruno, Daniela La Mattina, Cesar Milies, “On almost polynomial growth of proper central polynomials”, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 152, № 11, 2024, 4569  crossref
  7. Elena Pascucci, “Some characterizations of fundamental graded algebras”, Journal of Algebra, 2024  crossref