57 citations to 10.1016/j.aim.2010.04.025 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Onofrio Mario Di Vincenzo, Viviane Ribeiro Tomaz da Silva, Ernesto Spinelli, “A characterization of minimal varieties of Zp-graded PI algebras”, Journal of Algebra, 539, 2019, 397  crossref
  2. Daniela La Mattina, Fabrizio Martino, Carla Rizzo, “Central polynomials of graded algebras: Capturing their exponential growth”, Journal of Algebra, 600, 2022, 45  crossref
  3. Onofrio Mario Di Vincenzo, Ernesto Spinelli, “Minimal varieties of associative PI (super)-algebras with respect to their (graded) exponent”, São Paulo J. Math. Sci., 10, № 2, 2016, 248  crossref
  4. Antonio de França, Irina Sviridova, “Irreducible graded bimodules over algebras and a Pierce decomposition of the Jacobson radical”, Communications in Algebra, 2024, 1  crossref
  5. Eli Aljadeff, “Group graded PI-algebras and their codimension growth”, Isr. J. Math., 189, № 1, 2012, 189  crossref
  6. Diogo Diniz P. S. Silva, Manuela da Silva Souza, “Specht property for the 2-graded identities of the Jordan algebra of a bilinear form”, Communications in Algebra, 45, № 4, 2017, 1618  crossref
  7. Eli Aljadeff, Yaakov Karasik, “Crossed products and their central polynomials”, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 217, № 9, 2013, 1634  crossref
  8. Antonio Giambruno, Daniela La Mattina, “Superalgebras: Polynomial identities and asymptotics”, Journal of Algebra, 604, 2022, 614  crossref
  9. Lucio Centrone, Viviane Ribeiro Tomaz da Silva, “On Z2-graded identities of UT2(E) and their growth”, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 471, 2015, 469  crossref
  10. Lucio Centrone, Manuela da Silva Souza, “On the growth of graded polynomial identities of”, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 65, № 4, 2017, 752  crossref