29 citations to 10.1103/PhysRevE.64.056208 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Almas F Sadreev, Karl-Fredrik Berggren, “Signatures of quantum chaos in complex wavefunctions describing open billiards”, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 38, № 49, 2005, 10787  crossref
  2. J. Okołowicz, M. Płoszajczak, I. Rotter, “Dynamics of quantum systems embedded in a continuum”, Physics Reports, 374, № 4-5, 2003, 271  crossref
  3. K.F Berggren, J. Larsson, O. Bengtsson, “Electrical Resonance Circuits as Analogs to Quantum Mechanical Billiards”, Acta Phys. Pol. A, 109, № 1, 2006, 33  crossref
  4. Evgeny N. Bulgakov, Dmitrii N. Maksimov, Almas F. Sadreev, “Electric circuit networks equivalent to chaotic quantum billiards”, Phys. Rev. E, 71, № 4, 2005, 046205  crossref
  5. Almas F. Sadreev, Karl-Fredrik Berggren, “Current statistics for wave transmission through an open Sinai billiard: Effects of net currents”, Phys. Rev. E, 70, № 2, 2004, 026201  crossref
  6. Almas F. Sadreev, Karl-Fredrik Berggren, 213, Non-Linear Dynamics and Fundamental Interactions, 2006, 57  crossref
  7. Konstantin Clauß, Martin J. Körber, Arnd Bäcker, Roland Ketzmerick, “Resonance Eigenfunction Hypothesis for Chaotic Systems”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 121, № 7, 2018, 074101  crossref
  8. Luis A. Razo-López, Geoffroy J. Aubry, Felipe A. Pinheiro, Fabrice Mortessagne, “Aperiodicity is more effective than disorder in localizing electromagnetic waves [Invited]”, Opt. Mater. Express, 14, № 3, 2024, 816  crossref
  9. Domenico Lippolis, Jung-Wan Ryu, Sang Wook Kim, “Localization in chaotic systems with a single-channel opening”, Phys. Rev. E, 92, № 1, 2015, 012921  crossref