50 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/dan9334
A. E. Mironov, “Spectral Data for Hamiltonian-Minimal Lagrangian Tori in $\mathbb C\mathrm P^2$”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 263 (2008), 112–126
Wang Hong-Yan, “The Nizhnik–Veselov–Novikov equation with self-consistent sources”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 157:1 (2008), 1474–1483
I. A. Taimanov, “Two-dimensional Dirac operator and the theory of surfaces”, Russian Math. Surveys, 61:1 (2006), 79–159
I. A. Taimanov, “On two-dimensional finite-gap potential Schrödinger and Dirac operators with singular spectral curves”, Siberian Math. J., 44:4 (2003), 686–694
P. R. Gordoa, “Algebraic and Differential Nonlinear Superposition Formulas”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 137:1 (2003), 1430–1438
A. A. Oblomkov, “Isoenergy Spectral Problem for Multidimensional Difference Operators”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 36:2 (2002), 120–133
A. A. Oblomkov, “Spectral properties of two classes of periodic difference operators”, Sb. Math., 193:4 (2002), 559–584
A. A. Oblomkov, “Difference Operators on Two-Dimensional Regular Lattices”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 127:1 (2001), 435–445
P. G. Grinevich, “Scattering transformation at fixed non-zero energy for the two-dimensional Schrödinger operator with potential decaying at infinity”, Russian Math. Surveys, 55:6 (2000), 1015–1083
R. G. Novikov, “Approximate Inverse Quantum Scattering at Fixed Energy in Dimension 2”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 225 (1999), 285–302