1991-present Director, Institute for Advanced Study
1983-1991 Provost and James B. Duke Professor of Mathematics, Duke University
1983 Dwight Parker Robinson Professor of Mathematics, Harvard University
1975-1976 Miller Fellow, University of California at Berkeley
1972-1983 Professor, Harvard University
1968-1970 Member, Institute for Advanced Study
1968-1972 Professor, Princeton University
1967-1968 Visiting Professor, Princeton University
1964-1967 Faculty Member, University of California at Berkeley
1962-1964 Miller Fellow, University of California at Berkeley
Основные публикации:
Selected Publications:
with R. Bryant and L. Hsu, "Hyperbolic exterior differential systems and their conservation laws. II." Selecta Math. (N.S.) 1 (1995), no. 2, 265-323.
with R.L. Bryant, S.S. Chern, R.B. Gardner, H.L. Goldschmidt, Exterior differential systems. Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Publications, 18. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1991.
"Linearizing flows and a cohomological interpretation of Lax equations." Amer. J. Math. 107 (1985), no. 6, 1445-1484 (1986).
with James Carlson, Mark Green, Joe Harris, "Infinitesimal variations of Hodge structure. I." Compositio Math. 50 (1983), no. 2-3, 109-205.
with Robert L. Bryant, Deane Yang, "Characteristics and existence of isometric embeddings." Duke Math. J. 50 (1983), no. 4, 893-994.
with Mark Green,"Two applications of algebraic geometry to entire holomorphic mappings". The Chern Symposium 1979 (Proc. Internat. Sympos., Berkeley, Calif., 1979), pp. 41-74, Springer, New York-Berlin, 1980.
with Joseph Harris, "On the variety of special linear systems on a general algebraic curve." Duke Math. J. 47 (1980), no. 1, 233-272.
with P. Deligne, J. Morgan, D. Sullivan, "The rational homotopy theory of smooth, complex projective varieties" Invent. Math. 29 (1975), no. 3, 245-274.
with James King, "Nevanlinna theory and holomorphic mappings between algebraic varieties." Acta Math. 130 (1973), 145-220.
with C. Herbert Clemens, "The intermediate Jacobian of the cubic threefold." Ann. of Math. (2) 95 (1972), 281-356.
"On the periods of certain rational integrals. I, II." Ann. of Math. (2) 90 (1969), 460-495; ibid. (2) 90 1969 496-541.
with Wilfried Schmid, "Locally homogeneous complex manifolds." Acta Math. 123 1969 253-302.
"The extension problem in complex analysis. II. Embeddings with positive normal bundle." Amer. J. Math. 88 1966 366-446.
Mark Green, James Carlson, Phillip Griffiths, “Variations of Hodge Structure Considered as an Exterior Differential System: Old and New Results”, SIGMA, 5 (2009), 087, 40 стр.
Филипп А. Гриффитс, “Голоморфные отображения в канонические алгебраические многообразия”, Математика, 18:1 (1974), 120–137; Ph. A. Griffiths, “Holomorphic mapping into canonical algebraic varieties”, Ann. of Math., 93 (1971), 439–458
К. Г. Клеменс, Ф. А. Гриффитс, “Промежуточный якобиан трехмерной кубической гиперповерхности”, Математика, 17:1 (1973), 3–41; Ch. H. Clemens, Ph. A. Griffiths, “The intermediate Jacobian of the cubic threefold”, Ann. of Math., 95 (1972), 281–356
К. Г. Клеменс, Ф. А. Гриффитс, “Промежуточный якобиан трехмерной кубической гиперповерхности”, Математика, 16:6 (1972), 3–32; Ch. H. Clemens, Ph. A. Griffiths, “The intermediate Jacobian of the cubic threefold”, Ann. of Math., 95 (1972), 281–356
Ф. А. Гриффитс, “Комплексно-аналитические свойства открытых по Зарисскому множеств на алгебраических многообразиях”, Математика, 15:5 (1971), 14–22; Ph. A. Griffiths, “Complex-analytic properties of certain Zariski open sets on algebraic varieties”, Ann. Math., 94 (1971), 21–51
Ф. А. Гриффитс, В. Шмид, “Локально однородные комплексные многообразия”, УМН, 26:5(161) (1971), 117–168
Ф. А. Гриффитс, “Доклад о вариации структуры Ходжа (обзор основных результатов и обсуждение открытых проблем и гипотез)”, УМН, 25:3(153) (1970), 175–234