A. E. Druzhinin, “Cousin complex on the complement to the strict normal-crossing divisor in a local essentially smooth scheme over a field”, Mat. Sb., 214:2 (2023), 72–89; Sb. Math., 214:2 (2023), 210–225
Andrei E. Druzhinin, Ivan A. Panin, “Surjectivity of the Étale Excision Map for Homotopy Invariant Framed Presheaves”, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 320 (2023), 103–127; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 320 (2023), 91–114
A. E. Druzhinin, “Rigidity theorem for presheaves with Witt-transfers”, Algebra i Analiz, 31:4 (2019), 114–136; St. Petersburg Math. J., 31:4 (2020), 657–673
A. E. Druzhinin, “Smooth affine model for the framed correspondences spectrum”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 484 (2019), 59–71
A. E. Druzhinin, “Nisnevich sheafification of homotopy invariant presheaves with Witt-transfers”, Algebra i Analiz, 29:6 (2017), 1–34; St. Petersburg Math. J., 29:6 (2018), 863–886
A. È. Druzhinin, “On the homotopy invariant presheaves with Witt-transfers”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 69:3(417) (2014), 181–182; Russian Math. Surveys, 69:3 (2014), 575–577
A. E. Druzhinin, “The maintenance of homotopy invariance for presheaves with Witt-transfers under Nisnevich sheafication”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 423 (2014), 113–125; J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 209:4 (2015), 555–563