Paranin, Vyacheslav Dmitrievich

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Total publications: 19
Scientific articles: 19

Number of views:
This page:139
Abstract pages:6076
Full texts:1165
Associate professor
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences
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List of publications on ZentralBlatt

Publications in Math-Net.Ru Citations
1. V. V. Podlipnov, S. V. Karpeev, V. D. Paranin, “Fully symmetric diffraction-interference beam shaper for radially polarized light on a 1530-nm wavelength”, Computer Optics, 43:4 (2019),  577–585  mathnet
2. S. V. Karpeev, V. V. Podlipnov, N. A. Ivliev, V. D. Paranin, “Transmission and detection of informationally loaded beams of wavelength 1530 nm in a random fluctuating medium”, Computer Optics, 43:3 (2019),  368–375  mathnet 8
3. S. V. Karpeev, V. V. Podlipnov, S. N. Khonina, V. D. Paranin, À. Ñ. Ðåøåòíèêîâ, “A four-sector polarization converter integrated in a calcite crystal”, Computer Optics, 42:3 (2018),  401–407  mathnet 10
4. S. V. Karpeev, V. D. Paranin, S. N. Khonina, “Generation of nonuniformly polarised vortex Bessel beams by an interference polariser”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 48:6 (2018),  521–526  mathnet  elib [Quantum Electron., 48:6 (2018), 521–526  isi  scopus] 13
5. V. D. Paranin, S. V. Karpeev, O. G. Babaev, “Experimental investigation of birefringence of a parabolic gradient-index lens on the basis of astigmatic transformation of a Bessel beam”, Computer Optics, 41:6 (2017),  837–841  mathnet 3
6. S. V. Karpeev, V. D. Paranin, M. S. Kirilenko, “Comparison of the stability of Laguerrå-Gauss vortex beams to random fluctuations of the optical environment”, Computer Optics, 41:2 (2017),  208–217  mathnet 13
7. V. D. Paranin, S. V. Karpeev, K. N. Tukmakov, B. O. Volodkin, “Tunable diffraction grating with transparent indium-tin oxide electrodes on a lithium niobate X-cut crystal”, Computer Optics, 40:5 (2016),  685–688  mathnet
8. V. D. Paranin, “Measuring the thickness of Z-cut uniaxial crystals based on Bessel laser beams”, Computer Optics, 40:4 (2016),  594–599  mathnet
9. S. N. Khonina, V. D. Paranin, “Electro-optical correction of Bessel beam conversion along the axis of a barium niobate-strontium crystal”, Computer Optics, 40:4 (2016),  475–481  mathnet 6
10. V. D. Paranin, S. V. Karpeev, “Method of measurement of thickness of uniaxial anisotropic crystals and thermal control of Bessel beam transformation”, Computer Optics, 40:1 (2016),  36–44  mathnet 4
11. A. V. Volkov, N. L. Kazanskii, O. Yu. Moiseev, V. D. Paranin, S. D. Poletayev, I. V. Chistyakov, “Specific features of the laser irradiation of thin molybdenum films”, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 86:4 (2016),  101–105  mathnet  elib; Tech. Phys., 61:4 (2016), 579–583 6
12. V. D. Paranin, E. Pantelei, “Determining the sign of a polar surface of lithium niobate crystal by UV reflectance spectroscopy”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 42:24 (2016),  58–63  mathnet  elib; Tech. Phys. Lett., 43:1 (2017), 35–37
13. V. D. Paranin, “Determination of the optical axis in $Z$-cut uniaxial crystals by a polarization-based method”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 42:11 (2016),  10–18  mathnet  elib; Tech. Phys. Lett., 42:6 (2016), 559–562
14. V. D. Paranin, S. V. Karpeev, S. N. Khonina, “Control of the formation of vortex Bessel beams in uniaxial crystals by varying the beam divergence”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 46:2 (2016),  163–168  mathnet  elib [Quantum Electron., 46:2 (2016), 163–168  isi  scopus] 21
15. V. D. Paranin, S. V. Karpeev, A. P. Krasnov, “A converter of circularly polarized laser beams into cylindrical vector beams based on anisotropic crystals”, Computer Optics, 39:5 (2015),  644–653  mathnet 7
16. V. D. Paranin, S. V. Karpeev, S. N. Khonina, “Generation of radially polarized beams based on the refractive optical elements with interference polarizing coatings”, Computer Optics, 39:4 (2015),  492–499  mathnet 10
17. S. N. Khonina, V. D. Paranin, S. V. Karpeev, A. A. Morozov, “Study of polarization transformations and interaction of ordinary and extraordinary beams in nonparaxial regime”, Computer Optics, 38:4 (2014),  598–605  mathnet
18. V. D. Paranin, K. N. Tukmakov, “Method for studying the phase function in tunable diffraction optical elements”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 44:4 (2014),  371–375  mathnet  elib [Quantum Electron., 44:4 (2014), 371–375  isi  scopus] 1
19. V. D. Paranin, S. A. Matyunin, K. N. Tukmakov, “Semiconductor laser with a birefringent external cavity for information systems with wavelength division multiplexing”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 43:10 (2013),  920–922  mathnet  elib [Quantum Electron., 43:10 (2013), 920–922  isi  scopus] 1

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