Nazarov, Sergei Aleksandrovich

Statistics Math-Net.Ru
in MathSciNet: 489 (488)
in zbMATH: 446 (446)
in Web of Science: 248 (247)
in Scopus: 340 (339)
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (1985)
Speciality: 01.02.04 (Mechanics of deformable solids)
Main publications:
  • Asimptoticheskie razlozheniya sobstvennykh chisel : Ucheb. posobie / S. A. Nazarov; LGU im. A. A. Zhdanova. - Leningrad : LGU, 1987. - 109 s.
  • Diskretnye zadachi i osrednenie v zadachakh teorii uprugosti : Ucheb. posobie / S. A. Nazarov, M. V. Paukshto. - Leningrad : LGU, 1984. - 93 s. : il.
  • Ellipticheskie zadachi v oblastyakh s kusochno gladkoi granitsei / S. A. Nazarov, B. A. Plamenevskii. - Moskva : Nauka, 1991. - 335,[1] s.; 22 sm.; ISBN 5-02-014603-X
  • Perevod.
    Elliptic problems in domains with piecewise smooth boundaries / by Sergey A. Nazarov, Boris A. Plamenevsky. - Berlin; New York : De Gruyter, 1994. - VII, 524, [1] s.; 24 sm. - (De Gruyter expositions in mathematics, ISSN 0938-6572; 13).; ISBN 3-11-013522-1
List of publications on Google Scholar

List of publications:
| scientific publications | by years | by types | by times cited | common list |

Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru)
1. S. A. Nazarov, “The polynomial property of self-adjoint elliptic boundary-value problems and an algebraic description of their attributes”, Russian Math. Surveys, 54:5 (1999), 947–1014  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  scopus
2. S. A. Nazarov, J. Sokolowski, “Asymptotic analysis of shape functionals”, J. Math. Pures Appl., 82:2 (2003), 125–196  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  scopus 118
3. S. A. Nazarov, “Asymptotic expansions of eigenvalues in the continuous spectrum of a regularly perturbed quantum waveguide”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 167:2 (2011), 606–627  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus
4. V. G. Maz'ya, S. A. Nazarov, B. A. Plamenevskii, “Asymptotic expansions of the eigenvalues of boundary value problems for the Laplace operator in domains with small holes”, Math. USSR-Izv., 24:2 (1985), 321–345  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  scopus
5. S. A. Nazarov, “Variational and asymptotic methods for finding eigenvalues below the continuous spectrum threshold”, Siberian Math. J., 51:5 (2010), 866–878  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  elib  scopus
6. S. A. Nazarov, “Enforced Stability of a Simple Eigenvalue in the Continuous Spectrum of a Waveguide”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 47:3 (2013), 37–53  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  elib  scopus
7. I. V. Kamotskii, S. A. Nazarov, “An augmented scattering matrix and an exponentially decreasing solution of elliptic boundary-value problem in the domain with cylindrical outlets”, J. Math. Sci. (New York), 111:4 (2002), 3657–3666  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  scopus
8. S. A. Nazarov, “Korn inequalities for elastic junctions of massive bodies, thin plates, and rods”, Russian Math. Surveys, 63:1 (2008), 35–107  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  elib  scopus
9. I. V. Kamotskii, S. A. Nazarov, “Exponentially Decreasing Solutions of Diffraction Problems on a Rigid Periodic Boundary”, Math. Notes, 73:1 (2003), 129–131  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi
10. S. A. Nazarov, “Elliptic boundary value problems with periodic coefficients in a cylinder”, Math. USSR-Izv., 18:1 (1982), 89–98  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
11. S. A. Nazarov, G. Sweers, “A hinged plate equation and iterated Dirichlet Laplace operator on domains with concave corners”, J. of Differential Equations, 233 (2007), 151–180  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  scopus 45
12. S. A. Nazarov, “Opening of a Gap in the Continuous Spectrum of a Periodically Perturbed Waveguide”, Math. Notes, 87:5 (2010), 738–756  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  elib  scopus
13. S. A. Nazarov, “Asymptotic solution of the Navier–Stokes problem on the flow of a thin layer of fluid”, Siberian Math. J., 31:2 (1990), 296–307  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
14. S. A. Nazarov, “The two terms asymptotics of the solutions of spectral problems with singular perturbations”, Math. USSR-Sb., 69:2 (1991), 307–340  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  scopus
15. S. A. Nazarov, “Sufficient conditions of the existence of trapped modes in problems of the linear theory of surface waves”, J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 167:5 (2010), 713–725  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  elib  scopus
16. S. A. Nazarov, “Discrete spectrum of cranked, branchy, and periodic waveguides”, St. Petersburg Math. J., 23:2 (2012), 351–379  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  elib  scopus
17. S. A. Nazarov, “A general scheme for averaging selfadjoint elliptic systems in multidimensional domains, including thin domains”, St. Petersburg Math. J., 7:5 (1996), 681–748  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
18. S. A. Nazarov, “Umov-Mandelshtam radiation conditions in elastic periodic waveguides”, Sb. Math., 205:7 (2014), 953–982  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  elib  scopus
19. M. N. Lobo, S. A. Nazarov, M. E. Perez, “Eigen-oscillations of contrasting non-homogeneous bodies: asymptotic and uniform estimates for eigenvalues”, IMA J. of Applied Mathematics, 70 (2005), 419–458  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  scopus 33
20. S. A. Nazarov, J. Sokolowski, “The topological derivative of the Dirichlet integral under formation of a thin ligament”, Siberian Math. J., 45:2 (2004), 341–355  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
21. I. V. Kamotskii, S. A. Nazarov, “Wood's anomalies and surface waves in the problem of scattering by a periodic boundary. I”, Sb. Math., 190:1 (1999), 111–141  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
22. S. A. Nazarov, K. Pileckas, “On steady Stokes and Navier-Stokes problems with zero velocity at infinity in a three-dimensional exterior domain”, Journal of Mathematics of Kyoto University, 40:3 (2000), 475–492  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  scopus 31
23. S. A. Nazarov, “Korn's inequalities for junctions of spatial bodies and thin rods”, Math. Methods Appl. Sci., 20:3 (1997), 219–243  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  scopus 31
24. V. G. Maz'ya, S. A. Nazarov, “Paradoxes of limit passage in solutions of boundary value problems involving the approximation of smooth domains by polygonal domains”, Math. USSR-Izv., 29:3 (1987), 511–533  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  scopus
25. S. A. Nazarov, “Concentration of trapped modes in problems of the linearized theory of water waves”, Sb. Math., 199:12 (2008), 1783–1807  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  elib  scopus
26. D. Gomes, M. N. Lobo, S. A. Nazarov, M. E. Perez, “Spectral stiff problems in domains surrounded by thin bands: Asymptotic and uniform estimates for eigenvalues”, J. Math. Pures Appl., 85 (2006), 598–632  crossref  mathscinet  scopus 30
27. S. A. Nazarov, “A Criterion for the Existence of Decaying Solutions in the Problem on a Resonator with a Cylindrical Waveguide”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 40:2 (2006), 97–107  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  elib  scopus
28. S. A. Nazarov, “Bounded solutions in a $\mathrm{T}$-shaped waveguide and the spectral properties of the Dirichlet ladder”, Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 54:8 (2014), 1261–1279  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  elib  scopus
29. G. Cardone, T. Durante, S. A. Nazarov, “The localization effect for eigenfunctions of the mixed boundary value problem in a thin cylinder with distorted ends”, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 42:6 (2010), 2581–-2609  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus 28
30. M. Iguernane, S. A. Nazarov, J.-R. Roche, J. Sokolowski, K. Szulc, “Topological derivatives for semilinear elliptic equations”, Int. J. Appl. Math. Comput. Sci., 19:2 (2009), 191–205  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus 27
31. I. V. Kamotskii, S. A. Nazarov, “Wood's anomalies and surface waves in the problem of scattering by a periodic boundary. II”, Sb. Math., 190:2 (1999), 205–231  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
32. S. A. Nazarov, “The spectrum of the elasticity problem for a spiked body”, Siberian Math. J., 49:5 (2008), 874–893  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  elib  scopus
33. S. A. Nazarov, “Trapped modes in a cylindrical elastic waveguide with a damping gasket”, Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 48:5 (2008), 816–833  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  elib  scopus
34. S. A. Nazarov, J. Sokolowski, “Self-adjoint extensions for the Neumann Laplacian and applications”, Acta Mathematica Sinica, 22:3 (2006), 879–906  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  elib  scopus 26
35. T. A. Mel'nik, S. A. Nazarov, “Asymptotic analysis of the Neumann problem on the junction of a body and thin heavy rods”, St. Petersburg Math. J., 12:2 (2001), 317–351  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
36. S. A. Nazarov, “On the asymptotics of the spectrum of a thin plate problem of elasticity”, Siberian Math. J., 41:4 (2000), 744–759  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
37. S. A. Nazarov, “Interaction of concentrated masses in a harmonically oscillating spatial body with Neumann boundary conditions”, RAIRO Model. Math. Anal. Numer., 27:6 (1993), 777–799  crossref  mathscinet  zmath 26
38. V. G. Maz'ya, S. A. Nazarov, B. A. Plamenevskii, “Asymptotics of solutions of the Dirichlet problem in a domain with a truncated thin tube”, Math. USSR-Sb., 44:2 (1983), 167–194  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  scopus
39. S. A. Nazarov, “Enforced stability of an eigenvalue in the continuous spectrum of a waveguide with an obstacle”, Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 52:3 (2012), 448–464  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  elib  scopus
40. S. A. Nazarov, “Asymptotic analysis of an arbitrary anisotropic plate of variable thickness (sloping shell)”, Sb. Math., 191:7 (2000), 1075–1106  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
41. G. Cardone, S. A. Nazarov, K. Ruotsalainen, “Asymptotic behaviour of an eigenvalue in the continuous spectrum of a narrowed waveguide”, Sb. Math., 203:2 (2012), 153–182  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  elib  scopus
42. S. A. Nazarov, A. S. Slutskij, “One-dimensional equations of deformation of thin slightly curved rods. Asymptotical analysis and justification”, Izv. Math., 64:3 (2000), 531–562  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
43. S. A. Nazarov, K. Pileckas, “On the solvability of the Stokes and Navier-Stokes problem in the domain that are layer-like at infinity”, J. Math. Fluid Mech., 1:1 (1999), 78–116  crossref  mathscinet  zmath 23
44. G. Cardone, S. A. Nazarov, C. Perugia, “A gap in the essential spectrum of a cylindrical waveguide with a periodic perturbation of the surface”, Math. Nachr., 2010, 1222–1244  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus 22
45. S. A. Nazarov, J. H. Videman, “A sufficient condition for the existence of trapped modes for oblique waves in a two-layer fluid”, Proc. R. Soc. A., 465 (2009), 3799–3816  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus 22
46. S. A. Nazarov, A. Novotny, K. Pileckas,, “On steady compressible Navier-Stokes equations in plane domains with corners”, Math. Ann., 304:1 (1996), 121–150  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  scopus 22
47. S. A. Nazarov, “Selfadjoint extensions of the Dirichlet problem operator in weighted function spaces”, Math. USSR-Sb., 65:1 (1990), 229–247  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  scopus
48. S. A. Nazarov, “The Vishik–Lyusternik method for elliptic boundary value problems in regions with conic points. I. Problem in a cone”, Siberian Math. J., 22:4 (1981), 594–611  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  mathscinet  zmath  zmath  isi  scopus
49. S. A. Nazarov, “Threshold resonances and virtual levels in the spectrum of cylindrical and periodic waveguides”, Izv. Math., 84:6 (2020), 1105–1160  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus
50. Korolkov A.I., Nazarov S.A., Shanin A.V., “Stabilizing solutions at thresholds of the continuous spectrum and anomalous transmission of waves”, Z. Angew. Math. Mech., 96:10 (2016), 1245–-1260  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  scopus 21
51. S. A. Nazarov, “An example of multiple gaps in the spectrum of a periodic waveguide”, Sb. Math., 201:4 (2010), 569–594  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  elib  scopus
52. G. Cardone, T. Durante, S. A. Nazarov, “Water-waves modes trapped in a canal by a near-surface rough body”, Z. Angew. Math. Mech., 90:12 (2010), 983–1004  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus 21
53. S. A. Nazarov, “Justification of the asymptotic theory of thin rods. Integral and pointwise estimates”, J. Math. Sci., 97:4 (1999), 4245–4279  crossref  mathscinet  scopus
54. V. G. Maz'ya, S. A. Nazarov, B. A. Plamenevskii, “On the singularities of solutions of the Dirichlet problem in the exterior of a slender cone”, Math. USSR-Sb., 50:2 (1985), 415–437  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  scopus
55. S. A. Nazarov, “Almost standing waves in a periodic waveguide with a resonator and near-threshold eigenvalues”, St. Petersburg Math. J., 28:3 (2017), 377–410  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  elib  scopus
56. S. A. Nazarov, A. V. Shanin, “Trapped modes in angular joints of 2D waveguides”, Applicable Analysis, 93:3 (2014), 572–582  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus 20
57. S. A. Nazarov, M. Specovius-Neugebauer, J. Sokolowski, “Polarization matrices in anisotropic heterogeneous elasticity”, Asymptotic Analysis, 68:4 (2010), 189–249  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  scopus 20
58. F. L. Bakharev, S. A. Nazarov, “On the structure of the spectrum for the elasticity problem in a body with a supersharp spike”, Siberian Math. J., 50:4 (2009), 587–595  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  elib  scopus
59. D. Gomes, M. N. Lobo, S. A. Nazarov, M. E. Perez, “Asymptotics for the spectrum of the Wentzell problem with a small parameter and other related stiff problems”, J. Math. Pures Appl., 86:5 (2006), 369–402  crossref  mathscinet  isi  scopus 20
60. S. A. Nazarov, “Weighted Korn inequalities in paraboloidal domains”, Math. Notes, 62:5 (1997), 629–641  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
61. S. A. Nazarov, “Scattering anomalies in a resonator above the thresholds of the continuous spectrum”, Sb. Math., 206:6 (2015), 782–813  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  elib  scopus
62. S. A. Nazarov, K. Ruotsalainen, J. Taskinen, “Essential spectrum of a periodic elastic waveguide may contain arbitrarily many gaps”, Applicable Anal., 89:1 (2010), 109–124  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus 19
63. S. A. Nazarov, “Asymptotics of solutions and modelling the problems of elasticity theory in domains with rapidly oscillating boundaries”, Izv. Math., 72:3 (2008), 509–564  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus
64. S. A. Nazarov, M. Specovius-Neugebauer, “Approximation of unbounded domains by bounded domains. Boundary value problems for the Lamé operator”, St. Petersburg Math. J., 8:5 (1997), 879–912  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
65. V. G. Mazya, S. A. Nazarov, “Asimptotika integralov energii pri malykh vozmuscheniyakh granitsy vblizi uglovykh i konicheskikh tochek”, Trudy moskovskogo matem. obschestva, 50 (1987), 79–129  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath 19
66. S. A. Nazarov, B. A. Plamenevskii, “Selfadjoint elliptic problems: scattering and polarization operators on the edges of the boundary”, St. Petersburg Math. J., 6:4 (1995), 839–863  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
67. S. A. Nazarov, B. A. Plamenevskii, “Selfadjoint elliptic problems with radiation conditions on the edges of the boundary”, St. Petersburg Math. J., 4:3 (1993), 569–594  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
68. Nazarov S.A., Perez E., Taskinen J., “Localization effect for Dirichlet eigenfunctions in thin non-smooth domains”, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 368:7 (2016), 4787–4829  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus 17
69. S. A. Nazarov, “Modeling of a Singularly Perturbed Spectral Problem by Means of Self-Adjoint Extensions of the Operators of the Limit Problems”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 49:1 (2015), 25–39  mathnet  crossref  crossref  zmath  isi  elib  elib  scopus
70. S. A. Nazarov, J. Taskinen, “Radiation conditions at the top of a rotational cusp in the theory of water-waves”, Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 45 (2011), 947–-979  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus 17
71. S. A. Nazarov, , J. H. Videman, “Trapping of water waves by freely floating structures in a channel”, Proc. R. Soc. A., 467 (2011), 3613–3632  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus 17
72. V. A. Kozlov, S. A. Nazarov, “The spectrum asymptotics for the Dirichlet problem in the case of the biharmonic operator in a domain with highly indented boundary”, St. Petersburg Math. J., 22:6 (2011), 941–983  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  elib  scopus
73. G. Cardone, S. A. Nazarov, J. Sokolowski, “Asymptotic analysis, polarization matrices, and topological derivatives for piezoelectric materials with small voids”, SIAM J. Control Optim., 48:6 (2010), 3925-3961  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus 17
74. S. A. Nazarov, A. S. Slutskij, “Korn's inequality for an arbitrary system of distorted thin rods”, Siberian Math. J., 43:6 (2002), 1069–1079  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
75. S. A. Nazarov, A. S. Slutskij, “Arbitrary Plane Systems of Anisotropic Beams”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 236 (2002), 222–249  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
76. S. A. Nazarov, “Asymptotics of the solution of the Dirichlet problem for an equation with rapidly oscillating coefficients in a rectangle”, Math. USSR-Sb., 73:1 (1992), 79–110  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  scopus
77. Yu. D. Golovatyj, S. A. Nazarov, O. A. Oleinik, T. S. Soboleva, “Natural oscillations of a string with an additional mass”, Siberian Math. J., 29:5 (1988), 744–760  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
78. A.-S. Bonnet-Ben Dhia, L. Chesnel, S. A. Nazarov, “Perfect transmission invisibility for waveguides with sound hard walls”, J. Math. Pures Appl., 111:3 (2018), 79–105  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus 16
79. S. A. Nazarov, “The spectra of rectangular lattices of quantum waveguides”, Izv. Math., 81:1 (2017), 29–90  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  elib  scopus
80. S. A. Nazarov, “The localization for eigenfunctions of the Dirichlet problem in thin polyhedra near the vertices”, Siberian Math. J., 54:3 (2013), 517–532  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  elib  scopus
81. V. Chiado Piat, S. A. Nazarov, A. L. Piatnitski, “Steklov problems in perforated domains with a coefficient of indefinite sign”, Networks and heterogeneous media, 7:1 (2011), 151–178  crossref  mathscinet  isi  scopus 16
82. S. A. Nazarov, “The Essential Spectrum of Boundary Value Problems for Systems of Differential Equations in a Bounded Domain with a Cusp”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 43:1 (2009), 44–54  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  elib  scopus
83. S. A. Nazarov, “Nonselfadjoint elliptic problems with the polynomial property in domains possessing cylindrical outlets to infinity”, J. Math. Sci. (New York), 101:5 (2000), 3512–3522  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  scopus
84. I. I. Argatov, S. A. Nazarov, “Asymptotic analysis of problems on junctions of domains of different limit dimensions. A body pierced by a thin rod”, Izv. Math., 60:1 (1996), 1–37  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
85. F. L. Bakharev, S. A. Nazarov, “Gaps in the spectrum of a waveguide composed of domains with different limiting dimensions”, Siberian Math. J., 56:4 (2015), 575–592  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  elib  scopus
86. G. Cardone, V. Minutolo, S. A. Nazarov, “Gaps in the essential spectrum of periodic elastic waveguides”, Z. Angew. Math. Mech., 89:9 (2009), 729–741  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus 15
87. S. Blazy, S. A. Nazarov, M. Specovius-Neugebauer,, “Artificial boundary conditions of pressure type for viscous flows in a system of pipes”, J. Math. Fluid Mech., 9:1 (2007), 1–33  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus 15
88. S. A. Nazarov, “Artificial boundary conditions for finding surface waves in the problem of diffraction by a periodic boundary”, Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 46:12 (2006), 2164–2175  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  elib  elib  scopus
89. S. A. Nazarov, “Weighted anisotropic Korn's inequality for a junction of a plate and a rod”, Sb. Math., 195:4 (2004), 553–583  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
90. S. A. Nazarov, “Localization effects for eigenfunctions near to the edge of a thin domain”, Mathematica Bohemica, 127:2 (2002), 283–292  crossref  mathscinet  zmath 15
91. S. A. Nazarov, B. A. Plamenevskii, “Radiation conditions for selfadjoint elliptic problems”, Dokl. Math., 41:2 (1990), 274–277  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
92. G. Cardone , S. A. Nazarov, J. Taskinen, “Spectra of open waveguides in periodic media”, J. Funct. Anal., 269:8 (2015), 2328–-2364  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus 14
93. F. L. Bakharev, S. A. Nazarov, K. M. Ruotsalainen, “A gap in the spectrum of the Neumann–Laplacian on a periodic waveguide”, Applicable Anal., 88 (2012), 1–17  crossref  mathscinet  scopus 14
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387. S. A. Nazarov, L. Chesnel, Siberian Math. J., 62:2 (2021), 272–291  mathnet  crossref  crossref  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
388. S. A. Nazarov, “Propagating and standing Rayleigh waves near rivet chains connecting Kirchhoff plates”, Siberian Math. J., 62:6 (2021), 1084–1099  mathnet  crossref  crossref  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
389. S. A. Nazarov, K. M. Ruotsalainen, P. J. Uusitalo, “Scattering coefficients and threshold resonances in a waveguide with inflating resonator”, Mathematical problems in the theory of wave propagation. Part 51, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 506, POMI, St. Petersburg, 2021, 175–209  mathnet
390. S. A. Nazarov, J. Taskinen, “A model of a plane deformation state of a two-dimensional plate with small almost periodic clamped parts of the edge”, Mathematical problems in the theory of wave propagation. Part 51, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 506, POMI, St. Petersburg, 2021, 130–174  mathnet
391. S. A. Nazarov, L. Shenel, “Anomalnoe prokhozhdenie voln cherez tonkii kanal, soedinyayuschii dva akusticheskikh volnovoda”, Doklady RAN. Fizika. Tekhn. nauki., 496 (2021), 31–36  crossref
392. L. Chesnel, S.A.Nazarov, “Abnormal acoustic transmission in a waveguide with perforated screens”, Comptes Rendus Mecanique, 349:1 (2021), 9-19  crossref  mathscinet  isi  scopus
393. S. A. Nazarov, “O suschnosti "chernykh dyr dlya uprugikh voln v telakh s pikoobraznymi zaostreniyami”, Doklady RAN. Fizika. Tekhn. nauki, 498 (2021), 57-–61  crossref
394. S. A. Nazarov, “Modeli uprugogo sochleneniya plastiny so sterzhnyami, osnovannye na tochechnykh usloviyakh Soboleva i samosopryazhennykh rasshireniyakh differentsialnykh operatorov”, Differentsialnye uravneniya, 57:5 (2021), 700–-716  crossref
395. S. A. Nazarov, “Volny Releya v odnorodnoi izotropnoi poluploskosti s periodicheskim kraem”, Doklady RAN. Fizika. Tekhn. nauki, 499 (2021), 36–-42  crossref
396. S. A. Nazarov, “O sobstvennykh chislakh i funktsiyakh zadach Dirikhle i Neimana v oblasti s dyrchatymi peregorodkami”, Differentsialnye uravneniya, 57:6 (2021), 752–768  crossref
397. S. A. Nazarov, “Zakhvat voln v polubeskonechnoi plastine Kirkhgofa s periodicheskoi kromkoi”, Problemy matem. analiza, 111, Novosibirsk, 2021, 119–136
398. D. Gomes , S. A. Nazarov, R. Orive-Iiera, M.-E. Peres, “Zamechaniya ob obosnovanii asimptotiki spektra tsilindricheskikh volnovodov s periodicheskimi singulyarnymi vozmuscheniyami granitsy i koeffitsientov”, Problemy matem. analiza, 111, Novosibirsk, 2021, 43–65
399. S. A. Nazarov, “Zakhvat voln v polubeskonechnoi plastine Kirkhgofa s periodicheskoi kromkoi”, Problemy matem. analiza., 111, Nauchnaya kniga, Novosibirsk, 2021, 119–136
400. Chesnel L., Nazarov S.A., “Design of an acoustic energy distributor using thin resonant slits”, Proc. Royal Soiety., 477 (2021), 2247:20200896 , 16 pp.  mathscinet
401. V.A. Kozlov, S.A.Nazarov, G. Zavorokhin, “Modeling of fluid flow in a flexible vessel with elastic walls”, J. Math. Fluid Mech., 23 (2021), 79 (2021) , 30 pp.  crossref
402. S. A. Nazarov, Siberian Math. J., 61:1 (2020), 127–138  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi
403. F. L. Bakharev, S. A. Nazarov, Siberian Math. J., 61:2 (2020), 233–247  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
404. S.A. Nazarov, J. Taskinen, “Essential spectrum of periodic medium with sparsely placed foreign inclusions”, Pure and Applied Functional Analysis, 5, 2 (2020), 427–455  mathscinet  zmath
405. D. Gomez, S.A. Nazarov, M.-E. Perez-Martinez, “Spectral homogenization problems in linear elasticity with large reaction terms concentrated in small regions of the boundary”, Computational and Analytic Methods in Science and Engineering, Springer, 2020, 121–143
406. G. Leugering, S.A. Nazarov, A.S. Slutskij, J. Taskinen, “Asymptotic analysis of a bit brace shaped junction of thin rods”, Z. Angew Math. Mech., 100 (2020), e201900227  crossref  mathscinet  isi  scopus
407. S.A. Nazarov, “Abnormal behavior of eigenvalues of mixed boundary value problems for the Laplace operator in truncated, but long cylinders”, Journal of Math. Sci., 250:2 (2020), 351–383  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  scopus
408. S. A. Nazarov, “Matritsa rasseyaniya na malykh chastotakh v sochlenenii tsilindricheskikh akusticheskikh volnovodov”, Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika, 84:5 (2020), 612–624  crossref  zmath
409. D. Gomez, S. A. Nazarov, M.-E. Perez, “Pointwise fixation along the edge of the Kirchhoff plate”, Mathematical problems in the theory of wave propagation. Part 50, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 493, POMI, St. Petersburg, 2020, 107–137  mathnet
410. S. A. Nazarov, “Anomalnoe povedenie sobstvennykh chisel smeshannoi kraevoi zadachi dlya operatora Laplasa v usechennom, no dlinnom tsilindre”, Problemy matem. analiza., Novosibirsk, 2020, 147–175
411. S. A. Nazarov, “Asimptoticheskii analiz dvukhryadnogo klepaniya plastin Kirkhgofa”, Doklady RAN. Fizika. Tekhn. nauki, 495 (2020), 57–-62  crossref
412. S. A. Nazarov, V. Kiado Piat, “Smeshannye kraevye zadachi v singulyarno vozmuschennykh dvumernykh oblastyakh so spektralnym usloviem Steklova”, Problemy matem. analiza., 106, Novosibirsk, 2020, 91–124
413. S.A.Nazarov, J. Taskinen, “Pathology of essential spectra of elliptic problems in periodic family of beads threaded by a spoke thinning at infinity”, Rend. Lincei Mat. Appl., 31 (2020), 937-–967
414. S. A. Nazarov, “Finite-dimensional approximations to the Poincaré–Steklov operator for general elliptic boundary value problems in domains with cylindrical and periodic exits to infinity”, Trans. Moscow Math. Soc., 80 (2019), 1–51  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  elib  scopus
415. G. Leugering, S. A. Nazarov, J. Taskinen, “Umov–Poynting–Mandelstam radiation conditions in periodic composite piezoelectric waveguides”, Asymptotic Analysis, 111 (2019), 69–111  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
416. S.A. Nazarov, V.A. Kozlov, “Modelirovanie lozhnoi anevrizmy arterii: ravnovesie i razvitie gematomy”, Problemy matematicheskogo analiza, 96, Nauchn. kniga, 2019, 101–112
417. S.A. Nazarov, A.S. Slutskii, “Matritsa uprugoi polyarizatsii sochleneniya polubeskonechnykh izotropnykh polos”, Problemy matematicheskogo analiza, 96, Nauchn. kniga, 2019, 101–112
418. S.A. Nazarov, “Strannoe povedenie chastot sobstvennykh kolebanii uprugogo tela s zatuplennym pikom”, Prikladnaya matem. i mekhanika, 83:2 (2019), 298–314
419. S.A. Nazarov, “Volny v ploskoi pryamougolnoi reshetke tonkikh uprugikh volnovodov”, Problemy matem. analiza, Nauchn. kniga, 2019, 47–88
420. S.A. Nazarov, “Konechnomernye versii operatora Steklova-Puankare dlya obschikh ellipticheskikh kraevykh zadach v oblastyakh s tsilindricheskimi i periodicheskimi vykhodami na beskonechnost”, Trudy Moskovsk. matem. obschestva, 80:1 (2019), 1–62  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
421. S. A. Nazarov, R. Orive-Illera, M. E. Perez-Martinez, “On the polarization matrix for a perforated strip”, Integral Methods in Science and Engineering: Analytic Treatment and Numerical Approximations, Birkhauser, N.Y., 2019, 267–281  mathscinet  zmath
422. S.A. Nazarov, “Modelirovanie klepaniya: asimptoticheskii analiz plastin Kirkhgofa s tochechnymi usloviyami Soboleva”, Doklady RAN, 489:1 (2019), 29–34  crossref
423. S.A. Nazarov, “Pochti polnoe prokhozhdenie nizkochastotnykh voln v lokalno povrezhdennom uprugom volnovode”, Problemy matem. analiza, 100, Nauchn. kniga, 2019, 83–121
424. S. A. Nazarov, “Scattering of low-frequency waves in infinite Kirchhoff plate”, Mathematical problems in the theory of wave propagation. Part 49, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 483, POMI, St. Petersburg, 2019, 142–177  mathnet
425. V. A. Kozlov, S. A. Nazarov, A. Orlof, “Trapped modes in armchair graphene nanoribbons”, Matematicheskie voprosy teorii rasprostraneniya voln. 49, Zap. nauchn. sem. POMI, 483, POMI, SPb., 2019, 85–115  mathnet;
426. L. Chesnel, X. Claeys, S. A. Nazarov, “Small obstacle asymptotics for a 2D semi-linear convex problem”, Applicable Analysis, 97:6 (2018), 962–-981  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
427. S. A. Nazarov, “Asymptotics of eigenvalues in spectral gaps of periodic waveguides with small singular perturbations”, J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 243:5 (2019), 746–773  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  scopus
428. V. Chiado Piat, S. A. Nazarov, K. Ruotsalainen, “Spectral gaps and non-Bragg resonances in a water channel”, Rend. Lincei Mat. Appl., 29 (2018), 321–342  mathscinet  zmath
429. S.A. Nazarov, “Konechnomernye approksimatsii operatora Steklova–Puankare dlya uravneniya Gelmgoltsa v periodicheskikh volnovodakh”, Problemy matem. analiza, 93, Nauchn. kniga, 2018, 53–88
430. S.A. Nazarov, A.S. Slutskii, “Asimptotika sobstvennykh kolebanii sochlenenii uprugikh sterzhnei s podvizhnymi fragmentami”, Prikladnaya matem. i mekhanika, 82:3 (2018), 333–347
431. L. Chesnel, X. Claeys, S. A. Nazarov, “Small obstacle asymptotics for a 2D semi-linear convex problem”, Applicable Analysis, 97:6 (2018), 962–981  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
432. S. A. Nazarov, “"Wandering natural frequencies of an elastic cuspidal plate with the clamped peak”, Materials Physics and Mechanics, 40:1 (2018), 47–55  mathscinet
433. S. A. Nazarov, “Spectrum of a problem of elasticity theory in the union of several infinite layers”, Russian J. of Mathematical Physics, 25:1 (2018), 71–85  mathscinet  adsnasa
434. S.A. Nazarov, “Obostrenie i sglazhivanie okoloporogovykh anomalii Vuda v akusticheskom volnovode”, Akusticheskii zhurnal, 64:5 (2018), 534–546
435. S. A. Nazarov, “Finite-dimensional approximations of the Steklov–Poincaré operator in periodic elastic waveguides”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 481:3 (2018), 264–269  mathnet  crossref  isi  elib  scopus
436. G.L. Zavorokhin, A.I. Nazarov, S.A. Nazarov, “Simmetrichnaya moda v uprugom klin s uglom rastvora, blizkim k razvernutomu”, Doklady RAN, 483:6 (2018), 621–624  crossref
437. V. A. Kozlov, S. A. Nazarov, “Model of saccular aneurysm of the bifurcation node of the artery”, J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 238:5 (2019), 676–688  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  scopus
438. G. Buttazzo ,G. Cardone , S. A. Nazarov, “Thin elastic plates supported over small areas. II: Variational-Asymptotic Models”, J. of Convex Analysis., 24:3 (2017), 819–-855  mathscinet  zmath
439. S.A. Nazarov, “Rasseyanie voln v sochlenenii pryamogo i periodicheskogo volnovodov”, Prikladnaya matem. i mekhanika, 81:2 (2017), 188–215  zmath  elib
440. F. Berntsson, M. Karlsson, V. Kozlov, S. A. Nazarov, “A one-dimensional model of a false aneurysm”, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Science, 6:5 (2017), 61–73
441. S.A. Nazarov, “Asimptotika sobstvennykh chisel v spektralnykh lakunakh pri regulyarnom vozmuschenii stenok periodicheskogo volnovoda”, Problemy matem. analiza., 89, Nauchn. kniga, 2017, 63–98
442. G. Loigering, S. A. Nazarov, A. S. Slutskii, “Asimptotika sobstvennykh chisel v spektralnykh lakunakh pri regulyarnom vozmuschenii stenok periodicheskogo volnovoda”, Problemy matem. analiza, 89, Nauchn. kniga, 2017, 39–50
443. S. A. Nazarov, A. S. Slutskij, “A folded plate clamped along one side only”, C. R. Mecanique, 345:12 (2017), 903–907  crossref  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus
444. F. L. Bakharev, S. A. Nazarov, “Open waveguides in doubly periodic junctions of domains with different limit dimensions”, Siberian Math. J., 57:6 (2016), 943–956  mathnet  crossref  crossref  isi  elib  elib  scopus
445. V. A. Kozlov, S. A. Nazarov, “Asimptoticheskie modeli anizotropnykh neodnorodnykh uprugikh stenok krovenosnykh sosudov”, Problemy matematicheskogo analiza, 83, 2016, 93–110
446. Nazarov S.A., Slutskii A.S., “Asimptoticheskii analiz sochleneniya dvukh uprugikh balok v forme litery L”, Problemy matematicheskogo analiza, 84, Nauchn. kniga, 2016, 123–150  zmath
447. V. Kozlov, S.A. Nazarov, “On the spectrum of an elastic solid with cusps”, Adv. Differential Equations, 21:9 (2016), 887–944  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib
448. G. Buttazzo, G. Cardone, S.A. Nazarov, “Thin elastic plates supported over small areas. I. Korn's inequalities and boundary layers”, J. of Convex Analysis, 23:2 (2016), 347–386  mathscinet  zmath  isi
449. Nazarov S.A., “Usloviya sopryazheniya v odnomernoi modeli pryamougolnoi reshetki tonkikh kvantovykh volnovodov”, Problemy matematicheskogo analiza, 87, 2016, 153–173
450. S.A. Nazarov, K. Ruotsalainen, P. Uusitalo, “Multifarious transmission conditions in the graph models of carbon nano-structures”, Materials Physics and Mechanics, 29:2 (2016), 107–115
451. S.A. Nazarov, K. Ruotsalainen, P. Uusitalo, “Localized waves in carbon nano-structures with connected and disconnected open waveguides”, Materials Physics and Mechanics, 29:2 (2016), 116–124
452. S. A. Nazarov, “Eigenmodes of a thin elastic layer between periodic rigid profiles”, Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 55:10 (2015), 1684–1697  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  elib  scopus
453. A.-S. Bonnet-Ben Dhia, L. Chesnel, S. A. Nazarov, “Non-scattering wavenumbers and far field invisibility for a finite set of incident/scattering directions”, Inverse Problems, 31:4 (2015), P. 045006, 24 pp.  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa
454. S. A. Nazarov, “Exfoliation of thin periodic elastic coating due to trapping and propagation of waves”, Materials Physics and Mechanics, 24:1 (2015), 50–60
455. S. A. Nazarov, “Asimptotika sobstvennykh kolebanii tonkoi uprugoi prokladki mezhdu absolyutno zhestkimi profilyami”, Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika, 79:6 (2015), 824–838  zmath  elib
456. S. A. Nazarov, “Modeling of densely cracked surfaces and the Griffith energy criterion of fracture”, Materials Physics and Mechanics, 24:4 (2015), 308–317
457. S. A. Nazarov, “Lokalizatsiya uprugikh kolebanii v krestoobraznykh ploskikh ortotropnykh volnovodakh”, Doklady RAN, 458:1 (2014), 42–46  mathscinet
458. S. A. Nazarov, “Stroenie spektra reshetki kvantovykh volnovodov i ogranichennye resheniya modelnoi zadachi na poroge”, Doklady RAN, 458:6 (2014), 636–640  zmath
459. S. A. Nazarov, “Sobstvennye chastoty slaboiskrivlennoi izotropnoi polosy, zazhatoi mezhdu absolyutno zhestkimi profilyami”, Prikladnaya matem. i mekhanika, 78:4 (2014), 527–541  zmath
460. S. A. Nazarov, “Neotrazhenie i zakhvat uprugikh voln v slaboiskrivlennoi izotropnoi polose”, Doklady RAN, 455:2 (2014), 153–157  mathscinet
461. V. Chiadò Piat, S. A. Nazarov, K. M. Ruotsalainen, “Spectral gaps for water waves above a corrugated bottom”, Proc. R. Soc. A. Math. Phys. Eng. Sci., 469 (2013), 1–17  mathscinet
462. S. A. Nazarov, “Asimptotika spektralnykh lakun v regulyarno vozmuschennom periodicheskom volnovode”, Vestnik SPbGU. Ser. 1., 2013, no. 7, 54–63
463. S. A. Nazarov, “Lakuny i sobstvennye chastoty v spektre periodicheskogo akusticheskogo volnovoda”, Akusticheskii zhurnal, 59:3 (2013), 312–-321
464. A.-S. Bonne-Ben Dia, S. A. Nazarov, “Prepyatstviya v akusticheskom volnovode, stanovyaschiesya “nevidimymi” na zadannykh chastotakh”, Akusticheskii zhurnal, 59:6 (2013), 685–692
465. S. A. Nazarov, “Energeticheskie usloviya izlucheniya Mandelshtama i vektor Umova–Pointinga v uprugikh volnovodakh”, Problemy matem. analiza, 72, Tamara Rozhkovskaya, 2013, 101–146
466. F. L. Bakharev, S. A. Nazarov, G. Sweers, “A sufficient condition for a discrete spectrum of the Kirchhoff plate with an infinite peak”, Mathematics and Mechanics of Complex Systems, 1:2 (2013), 233–247  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  scopus
467. S. A. Nazarov, “Uprugie volny, zakhvachennye polubeskonechnym ortotropnym tsilindrom”, Doklady RAN, 453:1 (2013), 41–45  mathscinet
468. S. A. Nazarov, “Diskretnyi spektr krestoobraznykh kvantovykh volnovodov”, Problemy matem. analiza, 73, Tamara Rozhkovskaya, 2013, 101–127
469. S.A. Nazarov, J. Taskinen, “Spectral anomalies of the Robin Laplacian in non-Lipschitz domains”, J. Math. Sci. Univ. Tokyo., 20 (2013), 27–90  mathscinet  zmath
470. M. Specovius-Neugebauer, M. Steigemann, S. A. Nazarov, H. A. Richard, “Energy release rates near the interface between two anisotropic solids”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 108 (2013), 162–169  crossref  elib  scopus
471. S. A. Nazarov, “Asimptoticheskie svoistva spektra zadachi o volnakh dlya dvukhsloinoi zhidkosti v konteinere”, Prikladnaya matem. i mekhanika, 77:2 (2013), 690–710  zmath
472. S. A. Nazarov, Ya.Taskinen, “Svoistva spektra zadachi Iona o plavayuschem pogruzhennom tele v konechnom vodoeme”, Differentsialnye uravneniya, 49:12 (2013), 1591–1606  zmath
473. S. A. Nazarov, “Dopolneniya k dokazatelstvu vesovogo neravenstva Korna dlya uprugogo tela s pikoobraznym zaostreniem”, Problemy matem. analiza, 63, Nauchn. kniga, Novosibirsk, 2012, 83–113  zmath
474. S. A. Nazarov, M. Specovius-Neugebauer, M. Steigemann, H. A. Richard, “Das Energie-Kriterium — Neue Entwicklungen zu einer alten Idee”, DVM-Bericht 244, 44, Deutscher Verband fur Materialforschung und -prufung, Darmstadt, 2012, 1–10
475. S. A. Nazarov, “Asymptotics of the reflection coefficient at critical frequencies in a narrowing waveguide”, Russian J. of Math. Physics, 19:2 (2012), 216–233  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  scopus
476. S. A. Nazarov, K. Ruotsalainen, Ya. Taskinen, “Lakuny v spektre zadachi Neimana na perforirovannoi ploskosti”, Doklady RAN, 444:2 (2012), 151–156
477. S. A. Nazarov, “Asimptoticheskii analiz lakun v spektre volnovoda, vozmuschennogo periodicheskim semeistvom malykh polostei”, Problemy matem. analiza, 66, Nauchn. kniga, Novosibirsk, 2012, 101–146
478. V. A. Kozlov, S. A. Nazarov, “Asimptoticheskaya model vzaimodeistviya potoka krovi so stenkami veny i okruzhayuschei myshechnoi tkanyu”, Doklady RAN, 446:6 (2012), 631–636  mathscinet
479. S. A. Nazarov, “Volny, zakhvachennye tonkim iskrivlennym ekranom v volnovode s zhestkimi stenkami”, Akusticheskii zhurnal, 58:6 (2012), 683–-691  elib
480. S. A. Nazarov, “Asimptotika sobstvennykh chastot, poyavlyayuschikhsya vnutri lakun pri vozmuschenii periodicheskogo volnovoda”, Doklady RAN, 447:4 (2012), 382-–386  zmath
481. V. A. Kozlov, S. A. Nazarov, “Effektivnye odnomernye obrazy arterialnykh derevev iz krovenosnoi sistemy”, Doklady RAN, 446:6 (2012), 631–636  mathscinet
482. S. A. Nazarov, A. S. Slutskiǐ, “The buffer boundary layer in a mixed boundary value problem with contrasting coefficients”, Sib. Zh. Ind. Mat., 14:4 (2011), 63–75  mathnet  mathscinet
483. S. A. Nazarov, “Nepolnyi printsip sravneniya v zadachakh o poverkhnostnykh volnakh, zakhvachennykh fiksirovannymi i svobodno plavayuschimi telami”, Problemy matem. analiza, 56, Nauchn. kniga, Novosibirsk, 2011, 83–114
484. S. A. Nazarov, “Lokalizovannye uprugie polya v periodicheskikh volnovodakh s defektami”, Prikladnaya mekhanika i tekhnicheskaya fizika, 52:2 (2011), 183–194.  mathscinet  zmath  elib
485. S. A. Nazarov, G. Kh. Svirs, A. S. Slutskii, “Izgibnaya zhestkost tonkoi plastiny, armirovannoi periodicheskimi sistemami raz'edinennykh sterzhnei”, Prikladnaya matem. i mekhanika, 74:3 (2011), 441–454
486. S. A. Nazarov, “Lokalizovannye poverkhnostnye volny v periodicheskom sloe tyazheloi zhidkosti”, Prikladnaya matem. i mekhanika, 75:2 (2011), 372–385
487. S. A. Nazarov, “Asimptotika reshenii spektralnoi zadachi teorii uprugosti dlya ploskogo tela s maloi kavernoi”, Problemy matem. analiza, 55, Nauchn. kniga, Novosibirsk, 2011, 81–106  zmath
488. S. A. Nazarov, “Asimptotika reshenii i modelirovanie uravnenii Karmana v singulyarno vozmuschennoi oblasti”, Problemy matem. analiza, 54, Nauchn. kniga, Novosibirsk, 2011, 113–143
489. S. A. Nazarov, “Sobstvennye chisla operatora Laplasa s usloviyami Neimana na regulyarno vozmuschennykh stenkakh volnovoda”, Problemy matem. analiza, 53, Nauchn. kniga, Novosibirsk, 2011, 104–119
490. S. A. Nazarov, “Zakhvachennye volny v kolenchatom volnovode s zhestkimi stenkami”, Akusticheskii zhurnal, 57:6 (2011), 746–754  elib
491. S. A. Nazarov, “O vozmuschenii sobstvennogo chisla na nepreryvnom spektre volnovoda s nesimmetrichnym prepyatstviem”, Doklady RAN, 440:3 (2011), 317–322  zmath
492. S. A. Nazarov, “Asimptotika sobstvennogo chisla zadachi Dirikhle v kolenchatom volnovode”, Vestnik SPbGU. Ser. 1., 2011, no. 3, 29–35  zmath
493. Dzh. Buttatstso, S. A. Nazarov, “Zadacha optimizatsii dlya bigarmonicheskogo uravneniya s usloviyami Soboleva”, Problemy matem. analiza, 58, Nauchn. kniga, Novosibirsk, 2011, 69–-77
494. S. A. Nazarov, , G. Kh. Svirs, A. Stilyanou, “O paradoksakh v zadachakh izgiba mnogougolnykh plastin s “sharnirno zakreplennym” kraem”, Doklady RAN, 439:4 (2011), 476–480  mathscinet
495. M. Iguernane, S. A. Nazarov, J. Sokolowski, “Singular perturbations of curved boundaries in dimension three. The spectrum of the Neumann Laplacian”, Zeitschrift fur Analysis und ihre Anwendungen, 30 (2011), 145–180  isi  scopus
496. S. A. Nazarov, G. Thaeter, “The Stokes problem in a periodic layer”, Math. Nachr., 284:10 (2011), 1201–1218  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
497. V. A. Kozlov, S. A. Nazarov, “Poverkhnostnaya entalpiya i uprugie svoistva krovenosnykh sosudov”, Doklady RAN, 441:1 (2011), 38–43  mathscinet
498. S. A. Nazarov, K. Ruotsalainen, Ya. Taskinen, “Spektralnye lakuny v zadachakh Dirikhle i Neimana na ploskosti, perforirovannoi dvoyakoperiodicheskim semeistvom krugovykh otverstii”, Problemy matem. analiza, 62, Nauchn. kniga, Novosibirsk, 2011, 51-100
499. S. A. Nazarov, M. Specovius-Neugebauer, “Verallgemeinerte Energiefunktionale zur Modellierung von kleinen plastischen Zonen”, DVM-Bericht. Tagung des DVM-Arbeitskreises Bruchvorgaenge., 243, 43, Deutscher Verband fur Materialforschung und -prufung, Rostock, 2011, 27–34  isi
500. S. A. Nazarov, “Non-quasielliptic boundary-value problems in a cylinder with regularly degenerate model problem on the cross-section”, J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 179:4 (2011), 515–536  mathnet  crossref  zmath  elib  scopus
501. S. A. Nazarov, “Nekvaziellipticheskie kraevye zadachi v tsilindre pri regulyarno vyrozhdayuscheisya modelnoi zadache na sechenii”, Trudy seminara im. I.G.Petrovskogo, MGU, 2011, 266–289  mathnet
502. S. A. Nazarov, “Poverkhnostnaya entalpiya i kvazistaticheskoe rasprostranenie treschin v anizotropnom tele”, Mekhanika tverdogo tela, 2010, no. 1, 72–83  zmath
503. S. A. Nazarov, “Lakuna v nepreryvnom spektre uprugogo volnovoda s chastichno zaschemlennoi poverkhnostyu”, Prikladnaya mekhanika i tekhnicheskaya fizika, 51:1 (2010), 134–146  mathscinet  zmath  elib
504. S. A. Nazarov, “Lokalizovannye volny v T-obraznom volnovode”, Akusticheskii zhurnal, 56:6 (2010), 747–758  elib
505. S. A. Nazarov, “Asimptotika chastot uprugikh voln, zakhvachennykh maloi treschinoi v tsilindricheskom volnovode”, Mekhanika tverdogo tela, 2010, no. 6, 112–122
506. S. A. Nazarov, “Lakuna v spektre formalno samosopryazhennoi ellipticheskoi sistemy differentsialnykh uravnenii”, Differentsialnye uravneniya, 46:5 (2010), 726–736  mathscinet  zmath  elib
507. S. A. Nazarov, A. L. Pyatnitskii, “Osrednenie spektralnoi zadachi Dirikhle dlya sistemy differentsialnykh uravnenii s bystroostsilliruyuschimi koeffitsientami pri plotnosti peremennogo znaka”, Problemy matem. analiza, 47, Nauchn. kniga, Novosibirsk, 2010, 75–107
508. S. A. Nazarov, G. Kh. Svirs, A. S. Slutskii, “Zadacha teploprovodnosti dlya tonkoi plastine s kontrastnymi sterzhnevymi vklyucheniyami”, Vestnik SPbGU. Ser. 1., 2009, no. 4, 44–54  zmath
509. T. Durante, S. A. Nazarov, Dzh. Kardone, “Modelirovanie sochlenenii plastin i sterzhnei posredstvom samosopryazhennykh rasshirenii”, Vestnik SPbGU. Ser. 1., 2009, no. 2, 3–14  mathscinet  zmath
510. S. A. Nazarov, “Lokalizovannye volny v dvoyakoperiodicheskoi uprugoi ploskosti s periodicheskoi sherengoi defektov”, Doklady RAN, 429:4 (2009), 481–485  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
511. S. A. Nazarov, “Ob optimizatsii zaplaty”, Problemy matem. analiza, Nauchn. kniga, Novosibirsk, 2009, 65–82
512. S. A. Nazarov, J. Taskinen, “On essential and continuous spectra of the linearized water-wave problem in a finite pond”, Math. Scand., 106 (2009), 1–20  mathscinet
513. K. Ruotsalainen, S. A. Nazarov, J. Taskinen, “Gaps in the essential spectrum of infinite periodic necklace-shaped elastic waveguide”, C. R. Mecanique, 337:3 (2009), 119–123  crossref  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus
514. S. A. Nazarov, G. Kh. Svirs, A. S. Slutskii, “Armirovanie plastiny periodicheskimi semeistvami raz'edinennykh zhestkikh sterzhnei”, Doklady RAN, 427:6 (2009), 776–780  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
515. S. A. Nazarov, “Tenzor uprugoi polyarizatsii, poverkhnostnaya entalpiya i teorema Eshelbi”, Problemy matem. analiza, 41, Nauchn. kniga, Novosibirsk, 2009, 3–35
516. Dzh. Kardone, S. A. Nazarov,Ya. Taskinen, “Effekt “pogloscheniya” uprugikh voln osobennostyu granitsy tipa klyuva”, Doklady RAN, 425:2 (2009), 182–186  mathnet  mathscinet
517. S. A. Nazarov, J. Sokolowski, J. Taskinen, “Neumann Laplacian on a domain with tangential components in the boundary”, Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae Mathematica, 34:1/2 (2009), 131-143  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus
518. S. A. Nazarov, M. Specovius-Neugebauer,, “Optimal convergence results for the Brezzi-Pitkaranta approximation of the Stokes problem: Exterior domains”, Banach Center Publications, 81 (2008), 297–320  crossref  mathscinet  zmath
519. S. A. Nazarov, “Properties of spectra of boundary value problems in cylindrical and quasicylindrical domains”, Sobolev Spaces in Mathematics, International Mathematical Series , Vol. 9., 2, eds. Maz'ya V., Springer-Verlag, New York, 2008, 261–309  mathscinet
520. S. A. Nazarov, J. Sokolowski, “Shape sensitivity analysis of eigenvalues revisited”, Control and Cybernetics, 37:4 (2008), 999–1012  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
521. S. A. Nazarov, “O spektre zadachi Steklova v pikoobraznykh oblastyakh”, Trudy Sankt-Peterburg. matem. o-va., 14 (2008), 103–168
522. S. A. Nazarov, “Bazisy singulyarnykh reshenii v zadachakh mekhaniki treschin”, Vestnik SPbGU. Ser. 1., 2008, no. 4, 21–34  zmath
523. S. A. Nazarov, “A gap in the continuous spectrum of an elastic waveguide”, C. R., Méc., Acad. Sci. Paris, 336:10 (2008), 751–756  zmath
524. S. A. Nazarov, “Sobstvennye kolebaniya uprugogo tela s tyazhelym zhestkim pikoobraznym vklyucheniem”, Prikladnaya matem. i mekhanika, 72:5 (2008), 775–787  mathscinet  zmath  elib
525. S. A. Nazarov, J. Sokolowski, “Spectral problems in shape optimization. Singular boundary perturbations”, Asymptotic Analysis, 56:3-4 (2008), 159–204  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
526. S. A. Nazarov, M. Specovius-Neugebauer, “Artificial boundary conditions for Stokes and Navier-Stokes equations in domains that are layer-like at infinity”, ZAA, 27:2 (2008), 125–155  mathscinet  zmath
527. S. A. Nazarov, “Stsenarii kvazistaticheskogo rosta treschin pri slabom iskrivlenii i izlome”, Prikladnaya matem. i mekhanika, 72:3 (2008), 507–525
528. S. A. Nazarov, Ya. Taskinen, “O spektre zadachi Steklova v oblasti s pikom”, Vestnik SPbGU. Ser. 1., 2008, no. 1, 56–65  zmath
529. Yu. G. Videman, S. A. Nazarov, “Utochnennoe nelineinoe uravnenie Reinoldsa dlya tonkogo techeniya vyazkoi neszhimaemoi zhidkosti”, Vestnik SPbGU. Ser. 1., 2008, no. 2, 97–102  mathscinet  zmath
530. S. A. Nazarov, M. Specovius-Neugebauer, “Das Dugdale Criterium in isotropen Medien”, Berichtsband der 40. Tagung des DVM- Arbeitskreises Bruchvorgaenge Zuverlaessigkeit von Bauteilen durch bruchmechanische Bewertung Regelwerke, Anwendungen und Trends, DMV, Suttgart, 2008, 154–145
531. S. A. Nazarov, “Tonkie uprugie pokrytiya i poverkhnostnaya entalpiya”, Mekhanika tverdogo tela, 5 (2007), 60–74
532. S. A. Nazarov, “Asimptoticheskoe modelirovanie uprugikh tel s povrezhdennymi ili uprochnennymi poverkhnostyami”, Doklady RAN, 415:5 (2007), 611—616  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
533. S. A. Nazarov, I. L. Sofronov, “Asimptotika reshenii i iskusstvennye kraevye usloviya v zadache sopryazheniya so sloevidnoi neodnorodnostyu”, Trudy Sankt-Peterburg. matem. o-va, 13 (2007), 209–286
534. S. A. Nazarov, “Sobstvennye kolebaniya uprugogo tela s sherokhovatoi poverkhnostyu”, Prikladnaya mekhanika i tekhnicheskaya fizika, 48:6 (2007), 103–114  mathscinet  zmath  elib
535. S. A. Nazarov, “Zadacha Neimana v uglovykh oblastyakh s periodicheskimi i parabolicheskimi vozmuscheniyami granitsy”, Trudy Moskovsk. matem. obschestva, 69 (2007), 183–243
536. S. A. Nazarov, “A criterion for the continuous spectrum for elasticity and other self-adjoint systems on sharp peak-shaped domains”, C. R., Méc., Acad. Sci. Paris, 335:12 (2007), 751–756  zmath
537. S. A. Nazarov, J. H. Videman, “A modified nonlinear Reynolds equation for thin viscous flows in lubrication”, Asymptotic Analysis, 52:1/2 (2007), 1–36  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
538. S. A. Nazarov, “Asymptotics of eigenfrequences of an elastic body with a heavy and hard peak-shaped inclusion”, C. R., Méc., Acad. Sci. Paris, 335:12 (2007), 757–762  zmath
539. G. Cardone, S. A. Nazarov, J. Sokolowski, J. Taskinen, “Asymptotics of Neumann harmonics when a cavity is close to the exterior boundary of the domain”, C. R., Méc., Acad. Sci. Paris, 335:12 (2007), 763–767  zmath
540. O. V. Izotova, S. A. Nazarov, , G. Kh. Svirs, “Asimptoticheski tochnoe vesovoe neravenstvo Korna dlya tonkostennykh uprugikh konstruktsii”, Problemy matem. analiza, Nauchn. kniga, Novosibirsk, 2007, 29–64
541. S. A. Nazarov, “O trekhmernoi formulirovke kriteriya Novozhilova kvazistaticheskogo razrusheniya”, Mekhanika tverdogo tela, 2006, no. 2, kogo razrusheniya // Mekhanika tverdogo tela. 2006. №2. S.
542. S. A. Nazarov, “Kvazistaticheskaya model evolyutsii mezhfaznoi poverkhnosti vnutri tverdogo deformirovannogo tela”, Prikladnaya matem. i mekhanika, 70:3 (2006), 458–472  mathscinet  zmath  elib
543. S. A. Nazarov, “Asimptotika sobstvennykh chisel zadachi Neimana pri kontsentratsii mass na tonkom toroidalnom mnozhestve”, Vestnik SPbGU. Ser. 1, 2006, no. 3, 61–71
544. S. A. Nazarov, “Asimptoticheskaya model kriteriya Griffitsa pri slabom iskrivlenii i izlome treschiny”, Doklady RAN, 408:4 (2006), 476–480  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
545. S. Langer, S. A. Nazarov, M. Shpekovius-Noigebauer, “Affinnye preobrazovaniya trekhmernykh anizotropnykh sred i yavnye formuly dlya fundamentalnykh matrits”, Prikladnaya mekhanika i tekhnicheskaya fizika, 47:2 (2006), 95–102  mathscinet  zmath  elib
546. S. A. Nazarov, “O bifurkatsiyakh fronta ploskoi treschiny, rastuschei kvazistaticheski v uprugom prostranstve”, Prikladnaya matem. i mekhanika, 70:4 (2006), 702–713  mathscinet
547. S. A. Nazarov, M. Shpekovius-Noigebauer, “Primenenie energeticheskogo kriteriya razrusheniya dlya opredeleniya formy slaboiskrivlennoi treschiny”, Prikladnaya mekhanika i tekhnicheskaya fizika, 47:5 (2006), 119–130  mathscinet  zmath  elib
548. O. V. Izotova, S. A. Nazarov, G. Sweers, “Weighted Korn inequalities for thin-walled elastic structures”, C. R., Méc., Acad. Sci. Paris, 334 (2006), 707–712
549. S. A. Nazarov, M. Specovius-Neugebauer, “Optimal estimates for the pressure stabilization method: the nonlinear problem”, WSEAS Trans. Math., 5:3 (2006), 322–328  mathscinet  elib  scopus
550. O. V. Izotova, S. A. Nazarov, “An asymptotic solution to the Signorini problem about a beam laying on two rigid bases”, J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 138:2 (2006), 5503–5513  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  elib  scopus
551. S. A. Nazarov, “Treschina na styke anizotropnykh tel. Singulyarnosti uprugikh polei i kriterii razrusheniya pri kontakte beregov”, Prikladnaya matem. i mekhanika, 69:3 (2005), 520–532  mathscinet  zmath  elib
552. S. A. Nazarov, “Trekhmernaya formulirovka kriteriya Novozhilova dlya treschin normalnogo otryva”, Doklady RAN, 69:3 (2005), 766–770  mathnet
553. S. A. Nazarov, “Koeffitsienty intensivnosti napryazhenii i usloviya deviatsii treschiny v khrupkom anizotropnom tele”, Prikladnaya mekhanika i tekhnicheskaya fizika, 46:3 (2005), 98–107  mathscinet  zmath  elib
554. S. A. Nazarov, G. Thaeter, “Neumann problem in a perforated layer (sieve)”, Asymptotic Analysis, 44:3,4 (2005), 259–298  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
555. S. A. Nazarov, M. Shpekovius-Noigebauer, “Iskusstvennye kraevye usloviya dlya sistem Stoksa i Nave-Stoksa v sloevidnoi oblasti”, Doklady RAN, 405:3 (2005), 311–314  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
556. S. A. Nazarov, “Obrazovanie kraevoi treschiny po kriteriyu Novozhilova”, Vestnik SPbGU. Ser. 1., 2005, no. 3, 81–84
557. A. A. Kulikov, S. A. Nazarov, “Skorost vysvobozhdeniya energii pri roste treschiny v pezo-elektricheskoi srede”, Vestnik SPbGU. Ser. 1, 2005, no. 3, 40–44
558. S. A. Nazarov, J. Sokolowski, “Self-adjoint extensions of differential operators and exterior topological derivatives in shape optimization”, Control and Cybernetics, 34:3 (2005), 903–925  mathscinet  zmath  scopus
559. S. A. Nazarov, A. Slutskij, J. Sokolowski, “Topological derivative of the energy functional due to formation of a thin ligament on a spatial body”, Folia Mathematica, 12:1 (2005), 39–72  mathscinet  zmath
560. S. A. Nazarov, M. Specovius-Neugebauer, “Artificial boundary conditions for external boundary problem with a cylindrical inhomogeneity”, Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 44:12 (2004), 2087–2103  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  scopus
561. A. A. Kulikov, S. A. Nazarov, “Printsip sootvetstviya v ploskikh zadachakh o pryamolineinom razvitii treschiny”, Mekhanika tverdogo tela, 1 (2004), 77–87
562. S. A. Nazarov, A. S. Slutskii, “Asimptoticheskii analiz proizvolnoi prostranstvennoi sistemy tonkikh sterzhnei”, Trudy Sankt-Peterburg. matem. o-va., 10 (2004), 63–115
563. E. A. Akimova, S. A. Nazarov G. A. Chechkin, “Asimptotika resheniya zadachi o deformatsii proizvolnoi lokalno periodicheskoi plastiny”, Trudy moskovskogo matem. obschestva, 65 (2004), 3–34  mathscinet  zmath
564. S. A. Nazarov, “Napravlenie rosta treschiny po kriteriyu Novozhilova”, Doklady RAN, 396:5 (2004), 620–623  mathnet
565. S. A. Nazarov, J. Sokolowski, “Modelling of topology variations in elasticity”, System Modelling and Optimization Proceedings of the 21st IFIP TC7 Conference, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 2004, 147–158  mathscinet  zmath
566. S. A. Nazarov, M. Specovius-Neugebauer, “Optimal results for the Brezzi–Pitkäranta approximation of viscous flow problems”, Differential and Integral Equations, 17:11-12 (2004), 1359–1394  mathscinet  zmath  isi
567. S. Langer, S. A. Nazarov, M. Specovius-Neugebauer, “Artificial boundary conditions on polyhedral truncation surfaces for three-dimensional elasticity systems”, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris. Ser. 2., 332 (2004), 591–596  zmath
568. S. A. Nazarov, “Asimptoticheskii analiz i modelirovanie sochleneniya massivnogo tela s tonkimi sterzhnyami”, Trudy seminara im. I.G.Petrovskogo, 24, izd-vo MGU, M., 2004, 95–214
569. S. A. Nazarov, “Ravnomernye otsenki ostatkov v asimptoticheskikh razlozheniyakh reshenii zadachi o sobstvennykh kolebaniyakh pezoelektricheskoi plastiny”, Problemy matem. analiza, 25, Nauchn. kniga, Novosibirsk, 2003, 99–188
570. S. A. Nazarov, G. Thrater, “Asymptotics at infinity of solutions to the Neumann problem in a sieve-type layer”, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris. Ser. 2., 2003, no. 331, 85–90  zmath
571. M. N. Lobo, S. A. Nazarov, M. E. Perez, “Asymptotically sharp uniform estimates in a scalar spectral stiffness problem”, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris. Ser. 1., 331 (2003), 325–330  zmath
572. S. A. Nazarov, J. Sokolowski, “Self adjoint extensions of differential operators in application to shape optimization”, C. R., Méc., Acad. Sci. Paris, 331:10 (2003), 667-672  zmath
573. S. A. Nazarov, J. Sokolowski, “Techniques of asymptotic analysis in shape optimization”, Transactions of French-russian A.M. Liapunov Institute, 4 (2003), 49–57
574. I. I. Argatov, S. A. Nazarov, “Vysvobozhdenie energii pri izlome treschiny v ploskom anizotropnom tele”, Prikladnaya matem. i mekhanika, 66:3 (2002), 502–514  mathscinet  zmath
575. S. A. Nazarov, “Neravenstvo Korna dlya uprugogo soedineniya tela so sterzhnem”, Problemy mekhaniki deformiruemogo tverdogo tel, izd-vo SPbGU, SPb, 2002, 234–240
576. S. A. Nazarov, Asimptoticheskii analiz tonkikh plastin i sterzhnei. . Ponizhenie razmernosti i integralnye otsenki., v. 1, Nauchn. kniga, Novosibirsk, 2002 , 408 pp.  zmath
577. S. A. Nazarov, “Estimating the convergence rate for eigenfrequencies of anisotropic plates with variable thickness”, C. R., Méc., Acad. Sci. Paris, 330 (2002), 603–607  zmath
578. S. A. Nazarov, K. Pileckas, “On the Fredholm property of the Stokes operator in a layer-like domain”, ZAA, 20:1 (2001), 155–182  mathscinet  zmath
579. S. A. Nazarov, “Tenzor i mery povrezhdennosti. 2. Invariantnye integraly v telakh s rasseyannymi defektami”, Mekhanika tverdogo tela, 2001, no. 2, 121–131
580. S. A. Nazarov, “Tenzor i mery povrezhdennosti. 3. Kharakteristiki povrezhdennosti, assotsiirovannye s invariantnym integralom”, Mekhanika tverdogo tela, 2001, no. 3, 78–87
581. I. I. Argatov, S. A. Nazarov, “Metod sraschivaemykh razlozhenii dlya zadach s malymi zonami kontakta”, Mekhanika kontaktnykh vzaimodeistvii, Fizmatlit, M., 2001, 73–82
582. S. A. Nazarov, “Asimptotika vblizi konicheskoi tochki resheniya kvazilineinoi zadachi Neimana”, Problemy matem. analiza, 23, Nauchn. kniga, Novosibirsk, 2001, 76–93  zmath
583. S. A. Nazarov, A. S. Slutskii, “Stepennye pogranichnye sloi v zadache osredneniya skalyarnogo uravneniya, vyrozhdayuschegosya na granitse”, Problemy matem. analiza, Nauchn. kniga, Novosibirsk, 2001, 94–146
584. S. A. Nazarov, A. S. Sokolovskii, “Povedenie napryazhenii vblizi vershiny treschiny v neodnorodnom anizotropnom stareyuschem tele”, Doklady RAN, 378:1 (2001), 47–50  mathnet
585. M. Bach, S. A. Nazarov, “Smoothness properties of solutions to variational inequalities describing propagation of mode-1 cracks”, Mathematical aspects of boundary element method (Palaiseau, 1998), Chapman and Hall, London, 2000, 23–32  mathscinet  zmath
586. A. Sampbel, S. A. Nazarov, “Asymptotic behavior of the eigenvalues of a plate problem”, Trends in applications of mathematics to mechanics (Nice, 1998). CRC Monogr. Surv. Pure Appl. Math.,, 106, Chapman and Hall, London, 2000, 3–13  mathscinet
587. S. A. Nazarov, M. Specovius-Neugebauer,, “Artificial boundary conditions for the exterior spatial Navier-Stokes problem”, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris. Ser. 1., 328:12 (2000), 863–867  zmath  scopus
588. M. Bach, S. A. Nazarov, W. L. Wenland, “Stable propagation of a mode-1 crack in an isotropic elastic space. Comparison of the Irwin and the Griffith approaches”, Problemi attuali dell'analisi e della fisica matematica, Aracne, Roma, 2000, 167–189  mathscinet
589. I. I. Argatov, S. A. Nazarov, “Asimptoticheskaya model odnostoronnego kontakta vdol linii”, Vestnik SPbGU. Ser. 1., 2000, no. 1, 83–88
590. R. Hinder, E. Meister, S. A. Nazarov, “Asymptotic of solutions to Joukovskii-Kutta-type problems at infinity”, Applicable Analysis, 76:1–2 (2000), 153–166  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  scopus
591. S. A. Nazarov, “Kriterii Irvina i Griffitsa dlya semeistva vzaimodeistvuyuschikh treschin”, Doklady RAN, 373:1 (2000), 42–44  mathnet  crossref
592. I. I. Argatov, S. A. Nazarov, “Asimptoticheskii analiz na soedineniyakh oblastei razlichnykh predelnykh razmernostei. Uprugoe telo, pronzennoe tonkimi sterzhnyami”, Problemy matem. analiza, 20, Nauchn. kniga, Novosibirsk, 2000, 3–55
593. S. A. Nazarov, “Vzaimodeistvie treschin pri khrupkom razrushenii. Silovoi i energeticheskii podkhody”, Prikladnaya matem. i mekhanika, 64:3 (2000), 484–496  zmath
594. V. Maz'ya, B. Plamenevsky, S. A. Nazarov, Asymptotic theory of elliptic boundary value problems in singularly perturbed domains, v. 1, Birkhaeuser Verlag, Basel, 2000  mathscinet
595. V. Maz'ya, B. Plamenevsky, S. A. Nazarov, Asymptotic theory of elliptic boundary value problems in singularly perturbed domains, v. 2, Birkhaeuser Verlag, Basel, 2000
596. S. A. Nazarov, “Tenzor i mery povrezhdennosti. 1. Asimptoticheskii analiz anizotropnoi sredy s defektami”, Mekhanika tverdogo tela, 2000, no. 3, 113–124
597. I. V. Kamotski, S. A. Nazarov,, “Trapped modes, surface waves and Wood's anomalies for gently sloped periodic boundaries”, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris. Ser. 2., 328 (2000), 423–428  zmath  scopus
598. I. I. Argatov, S. A. Nazarov, “Kontaktnaya zadacha dlya uzkogo koltsevogo shtampa. Neizvestnaya oblast kontakta”, Prikladnaya mekhanika i tekhnicheskaya fizika, 41:6 (2000), 184–192  zmath
599. A. A. Kulikov, S. A. Nazarov, M. A. Narbut, “Affinnye preobrazovaniya v ploskoi zadache teorii uprugosti”, Vestnik SPbGU. Ser. 1., 2000, no. 2, 91–95  zmath
600. I. I. Argatov, S. A. Nazarov, “Sravnenie kriteriev Griffitsa i Irvina dlya nesimmetrichno rastuschei treschiny v ploskosti”, Fiziko-khimichna mekhanika materialiv, 2000, no. 4, 77–82  mathscinet
601. O. V. Izotova, S. A. Nazarov, “Tonkaya trekhmernaya plastina s treschinoi vdol zony zaschemleniya na ee bokovoi poverkhnosti”, Problemy matem. analiza, Nauchn. kniga, Novosibirsk, 2000, 138–192
602. I. I. Argatov, S. A. Nazarov, “Contact problem for a narrow annular punch. Unknown region of contact”, J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 41:6 (2000), 1123–1130  mathnet  crossref  elib
603. S. A. Nazarov, A. S. Slutskii, “Printsip Sen-Venana dlya paraboloidalnykh uprugikh tel”, Problemy matem. analiza, 18, izd-vo SPbGU, SPb, 1999, 133–180
604. S. A. Nazarov, K. Pileckas, “Asymptotic conditions at infinity for the Stokes and Navier-Stokes problems in domains with cylindrical outlets to infinity”, Quaderni di matematica, 4 (1999), 141–243  mathscinet  zmath
605. O. V. Izotova, S. A. Nazarov, “Vysvobozhdenie energii pri umenshenii zony zaschemleniya izgibaemoi plastiny”, Vestnik SPbGU. Ser. 1, 1999, no. 3, 64–67  zmath
606. I. I. Argatov, S. A. Nazarov, “O ravnovesii uprugogo tela na pronizyvayuschikh ego gorizontalnykh tonkikh uprugikh sterzhnyakh”, Prikladnaya mekhanika i tekhnicheskaya fizika, 40:4 (1999), 236–242  mathscinet  zmath
607. S. A. Nazarov, A. S. Slutskii, “Asimptotika napryazhennogo sostoyaniya vblizi prostranstvennoi osobennosti granitsy tipa “kogtya””, Prikladnaya matem. i mekhanika, 63:6 (1999), 1008–1017  mathscinet  zmath
608. S. A. Nazarov, “Minimalnye trebovaniya gladkosti dannykh, sokhranyayuschie tochnost odnomernoi modeli sterzhnei”, Problemy matem. analiza, 19, Nauchn. kniga, Novosibirsk, 1999, 164–181
609. I. V. Kamotskii, S. A. Nazarov, “O sobstvennykh funktsiyakh, lokalizovannykh okolo kromki tonkoi oblasti”, Problemy matem. analiza, Nauchn. kniga, Novosibirsk, 1999, 105–148
610. I. V. Kamotskii, S. A. Nazarov, “Uprugie volny, lokalizovannye okolo periodicheskikh semeistv defektov”, Doklady RAN, 367:4 (1999), 461–463
611. S. A. Nazarov, K. I. Piletskas, “Asimptotika reshenii sistemy Nave-Stoksa vo vneshnosti ogranichennogo tela”, Doklady RAN, 367:4 (1999), 461–463  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
612. I. I. Argatov, S. A. Nazarov, “Kontaktnaya zadacha dlya uzkogo koltsevogo shtampa. Uvelichivayuschayasya oblast kontakta”, Issledovaniya po uprugosti i plastichnosti, 18, izd-vo SPbGU, SPb, 1999, 15–26
613. N. V. Movchan, S. A. Nazarov O. R. Polyakova, “Iskrivlenie traektorii pri kvazistaticheskom roste treschiny v ploskosti s malym defektom”, Issledovaniya po uprugosti i plastichnosti, 18, izd-vo SPbGU, SPb, 1999, 142–161
614. S. A. Nazarov, “Asymptotic behavior of the solution of the Poisson–Boltzmann equation in a three-dimensional domain with a thin bridge”, Siberian Math. J., 39:1 (1998), 81–98  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
615. M. Bach, S. A. Nazarov, W. L. Wenland, “Propagation of a penny shaped crack under the Irwin criterion”, Analysis, numerics and applications of differential and integral equations. Pitman Research Notes in Math. Series, 379, Longman, Harlow, Essex, 1998, 17–21  mathscinet  zmath
616. S. A. Nazarov, “Singularities at angular points of a trailing edge under the Joukowskii-Kutta conditions”, Analysis, numerics and applications of differential and integral equations. Pitman Research Notes in Math. Series, 379, Longman, Harlow, Essex, 1998, 153–157  mathscinet  zmath
617. R. Hinder, S. A. Nazarov, “Asymptotics of the circulation around a three-dimensional thin wing”, Asymptotic Analysis, 18 (1998), 279–305  mathscinet  zmath  scopus
618. I. A. Aldoshina, S. A. Nazarov, “Asimptoticheski tochnye usloviya sopryazheniya na styke plastin s silno razlichayuschimisya kharakteristikami”, Prikladnaya matem. i mekhanika, 62:2 (1998), 272–282  mathscinet  zmath
619. S. A. Nazarov, “Treschina na styke anizotropnykh tel. Singulyarnosti napryazhenii i invariantnye integraly”, Prikladnaya matem. i mekhanika, 62:3 (1998), 489–502  mathscinet
620. S. A. Nazarov, M. A. Narbut, “Invariantnye integraly v uprugikh telakh s dislokatsiyami Somiliany”, Vestnik SPbGU. Ser. 1., 1998, no. 2, 98–101
621. S. A. Nazarov, M. Shpekovius-Noigebauer, “O pogreshnostyakh pri approksimatsii neogranichennykh tel ogranichennymi”, Prikladnaya matem. i mekhanika, 62:4 (1998), 650–663  mathscinet
622. I. V. Kamotskii, S. A. Nazarov, “Spektralnye zadachi v singulyarno vozmuschennykh oblastyakh i samosopryazhennye rasshireniya differentsialnykh operatorov”, Trudy Sankt-Peterburg. matem. o-va, 6 (1998), 151–212  mathscinet
623. S. A. Nazarov, K. Pileckas, “Asymptotics of solutions to Stokes and Navier-Stokes equations in domains with paraboloidal outlets to infinity”, Rend. Semin. Mat. Univ. Padova, 99 (1998), 1–43  mathscinet  zmath  scopus
624. S. A. Nazarov, “Asimptoticheskie razlozheniya na beskonechnosti reshenii zadachi teorii uprugosti v sloe”, Trudy Moskovsk. matem. obschestva, 60 (1998), 3–97
625. S. A. Nazarov, “Vesovye prostranstva s otdelennoi asimptotikoi i zadacha Nave-Stoksa v neogranichennykh oblastyakh”, Uspekhi matem. nauk, 53:4 (1998), 192
626. N. V. Movchan, S. A. Nazarov, “Napryazhenno-deformirovannoe sostoyanie vblizi vershin tupykh i ostrykh konusov”, Prikladnaya mekhanika, 10, izd-vo SPbGU, SPb, 1997, 74–88
627. S. A. Nazarov, “Asimptoticheskii analiz zadachi teorii uprugosti v sloe s pozitsii problemy O.A.Oleinik”, Doklady RAN, 352:2 (1997), 172–175  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
628. S. A. Nazarov, M. Specovius-Neugebauer,, “Self-adjoint extensions of the Neumann Laplacian in domains with cylindrical outlets”, Comm. in Math. Physics, 352 (1997), 458–461  mathscinet
629. S. A. Nazarov, “Samosopryazhennye ellipticheskie kraevye zadachi. Polinomialnoe svoistvo i formalno polozhitelnye operatory”, Problemy matem. analiza, 16, izd-vo SPbGU, SPb, 1997, 167–192
630. T. A. Melnik, S. A. Nazarov, “Asimptotika resheniya spektralnoi zadachi Neimana v oblasti tipa “gustogo grebeshka””, Trudy seminara im. I.G.Petrovskogo, izd-vo MGU, M., 1997, 138–173
631. L. G. Kolton, S. A. Nazarov, “Variatsiya formy rebra ploskoi lokalno neravnovesnoi treschiny normalnogo otryva”, Mekhanika tverdogo tela, 1997, no. 3, 125–133
632. S. A. Nazarov, “Invariantnye integraly v modeli treschiny Leonova-Panasyuka-Dagdeila”, Prikladnaya mekhanika i tekhnicheskaya fizika, 38:5 (1997), 147–155  mathscinet  zmath
633. S. A. Nazarov, “Soedineniya singulyarno vyrozhdayuschikhsya oblastei razlichnykh predelnykh razmernostei. 2”, Trudy seminara im. I.G.Petrovskogo, izd-vo MGU, M., 1997, 155–195
634. S. A. Nazarov, “Pri pomoschi invariantnykh integralov mozhno vychislit vse koeffitsienty pri mladshikh singulyarnostyakh polya napryazhenii”, Vestnik SPbGU. Ser. 1., 1996, no. 4, 95–99
635. S. A. Nazarov, “Asymptotics of the solution to the Neumann problem in a domain with singular point of peak exterior type”, Russian J. Math. Phys., 4:2 (1996), 217–250  mathscinet  zmath  scopus
636. S. A. Nazarov, “On the two-dimensional aperture problem for Navier-Stokes equations”, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris. Ser. 1., 323:6 (1996), 699–703  zmath
637. S. A. Nazarov, O. R. Polyakova, “Kriterii razrusheniya, asimptoticheskie usloviya v vershinakh treschin i samosopryazhennye rasshireniya operatora Lame”, Trudy moskovskogo matem. obschestva, 57 (1996), 16–75
638. I. I. Argatov, S. A. Nazarov, “Davlenie na uprugoe poluprostranstvo uzkogo koltsevogo shtampa”, Prikladnaya matem. i mekhanika, 60:5 (1996), 810–825  mathscinet  zmath
639. S. A. Nazarov, O. R. Polyakova, “Asimptoticheskie usloviya v tochkakh,samosopryazhennye rasshireniya operatorov i metod sraschivaemykh asimptoticheskikh razlozhenii”, Trudy Sankt-Peterburg. matem. o-va, 5 (1996), 112–183
640. S. A. Nazarov, O. R. Polyakova, “Vesovye funktsii i invariantnye integraly vysshikh poryadkov”, Mekhanika tverdogo tela, 1995, no. 1, 104–119
641. S. A. Nazarov, “Junction problem of bee-on-ceiling type in the theory of anisotropic elasticity”, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris. Ser. 1., 320:11 (1995), 1419–1424  mathscinet  zmath
642. S. A. Nazarov, P. K. Chernyaev, “Asimptotika resheniya kraevoi zadachi v singulyarno vyrozhdayuscheisya oblasti s bystro ostsilliruyuschei granitsei”, Problemy matem. analiza, 14, izd-vo SPbGU, SPb, 1995, 63–90
643. N. V. Movchan, S. A. Nazarov, “Kvazistaticheskii rost kanala razrusheniya”, Prikladnaya mekhanika, izd-vo SPbGU, SPb, 1995, 117–135
644. S. A. Nazarov, A. S. Slutskii, “Asimptotika na beskonechnosti reshenii zadach teorii uprugosti v ploskikh parabolicheskikh oblastyakh”, Problemy matem. analiza, 15, izd-vo SPbGU, SPb, 1995, 162–200
645. S. A. Nazarov, “Asymptotics at infinity of the solution to the Dirichlet problem for a system of equations with periodic coefficients in an angular domain”, Russian J. Math. Phys., 3:3 (1995), 297–326  mathscinet  zmath
646. S. A. Nazarov, “Soedineniya singulyarno vyrozhdayuschikhsya oblastei razlichnykh predelnykh razmernostei. 1”, Trudy seminara im. I.G.Petrovskogo, izd-vo MGU, M., 1995, 3–78
647. S. A. Nazarov, O. R. Polyakova, “The Griffiths criterion for a separation crack with nonlinear effects in the tip zones”, Dokl. Math., 39:3 (1994), 199–201  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
648. I. I. Argatov, S. A. Nazarov, “Asimptoticheskoe reshenie zadachi ob uprugom tele, lezhaschem na neskolkikh malykh oporakh”, Prikladnaya matem. i mekhanika, 58:2 (1994), 110–118  mathscinet  zmath
649. S. A. Nazarov, B. A. Plamenevsky, Elliptic problems in domains with piecewise smooth boundaries, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, New York, 1994 , 525 pp.  mathscinet
650. S. A. Nazarov, “Asymptotic solutions of a variational inequality with small obstacles”, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris. Ser. 1., 318:11 (1994), 1059–1064  mathscinet  zmath
651. T. A. Mel'nyk, S. A. Nazarov, “Asymptotic structure of the spectrum of the Neumann problem in a thin comb-like domain”, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris. Ser. 1., 319:12 (1994), 1343–1348  zmath
652. I. S. Zorin, S. A. Nazarov, “Asymptotics of energy integrals for problems with a small parameter multiplying the highest derivatives”, Russian Math. (Iz. VUZ), 37:1 (1993), 10–15  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
653. S. A. Nazarov, “Concentrated masses problems for a spatial elastic body”, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris. Ser. 1., 316:12 (1993), 1329-1334  zmath
654. I. I. Argatov, S. A. Nazarov, “Junction problem of shashlik (skewer) type”, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris. Ser. 1., 316:6 (1993), 627-632  mathscinet
655. S. A. Nazarov, O. R. Polyakova, “Asimptotika napryazhenno-deformirovannogo sostoyaniya vblizi prostranstvennoi osobennosti granitsy tipa “vershiny klyuva””, Prikladnaya matem. i mekhanika, 57:5 (1993), 130–149
656. S. A. Nazarov, O. R. Polyakova, “Deformatsiya i otryv tonkoi prokladki iz maloszhimaemogo materiala”, Mekhanika tverdogo tela, 1993, no. 5, 123–134
657. S. A. Nazarov, B. A. Plamenevsky, “On noncompact free boundary problems for the plane stationary Navier-Stokes equations”, J. reine angew Math., 438 (1993), 103–141  mathscinet  zmath
658. S. A. Nazarov, “New series of asymptotics of eigenvalues of the Sturm–Liouville problem with rapidly oscillating coefficients”, Math. Notes, 52:5 (1992), 1134–1136  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
659. I. S. Zorin, S. A. Nazarov, “Dvuchlennaya asimptotika resheniya zadachi o prodolnoi deformatsii plastiny, zaschemlennoi po krayu”, Vychislitelnaya mekhanika deformirovannogo tverdogo tela, 1992, no. 2, 10–21
660. S. A. Nazarov, “Neravenstva Korna, asimptoticheski tochnye dlya tonkikh oblastei”, Vestnik LGU. Seriya 1, 1992, no. 2, 19–24
661. A. B. Movchan, S. A. Nazarov, O. R. Polyakova, “Priraschenie koeffitsientov intensivnosti napryazhenii pri udlinenii krivolineinoi treschiny”, Mekhanika tverdogo tela, 1992, no. 1, 84–93  mathscinet
662. S. A. Nazarov, O. R. Polyakova, “Ob ekvivalentnosti kriteriev razrusheniya dlya treschiny otryva v uprugom prostranstve”, Mekhanika tverdogo tela, 1992, no. 2, 101–113
663. S. A. Nazarov, “Asimptotika reshenii zadachi Sinorini bez treniya ili s malym treniem”, Problemy matem. analiza, 12, izd-vo SPbGU, SPb, 1992, 82–109
664. S. A. Nazarov, B. A. Plamenevskii, “Obobschennaya formula Grina dlya ellipticheskikh zadach v oblastyakh s rebrami”, Problemy matem. analiza, 13, izd-vo SPbGU, SPb, 1992, 106–147
665. S. A. Nazarov, “Three-dimensional effects at plate crack tips”, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris. Ser. 2., 314 (1992), 995–1000  zmath
666. S. A. Nazarov, O. R. Polyakova, “Deformatsiya uprugikh tel s tonkimi peremychkami”, Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika, 50:5 (1992), 52–65
667. L. H. Kolton, S. A. Nazarov, “Quasi-static propagation of a mode-I crack in an elastic space”, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris. Ser. 2., 315 (1992), 1453–1457  zmath  scopus
668. S. A. Nazarov, B. A. Plamenevsky, “On the Neumann problem in domains with edges”, Symposium “Analysis on manifolds with singularities”, 131, Teubner-Texte Math., Stuttgart, 1992, 144-157  mathscinet  zmath
669. S. A. Nazarov, O. R. Polyakova, “Razrushenie uzkoi peremychki mezhdu treschinami, lezhaschimi v odnoi ploskosti”, Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika, 55:1 (1991), 165–173
670. S. A. Nazarov, “Asymptotics of the Stokes system solutions at a surfaces contact point”, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris. Ser. 1., 312 (1991), 207–211  mathscinet  zmath
671. S. A. Nazarov, “Ob effekte trekhmernosti vblizi vershiny treschiny v tonkoi plastine”, Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika, 55:3 (1991), 500–510  mathscinet  zmath
672. W. G. Mazja, S. A. Nazarov, B. A. Plamenewski, Asymptotische Theorie elliptischer Randwertaufgaben in singulaer gestoerten Gebieten, v. 1, Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, 1991 , 432 pp.  mathscinet  zmath
673. W. G. Mazja, S. A. Nazarov, B. A. Plamenewski, Asymptotische Theorie elliptischer Randwertaufgaben in singulaer gestoerten Gebieten, v. 2, Akademie-Verlag, 1991 , 319 pp.  mathscinet
674. S. A. Nazarov, “Proyavlenie prostranstvennoi struktury polya napryazhenii v okrestnosti uglovoi tochki tonkoi plastiny”, Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika, 55:4 (1991), 653–661  mathscinet  zmath
675. N. B. Alfutova, A. B. Movchan, S. A. Nazarov, “Algebraicheskaya ekvivalentnost ploskikh zadach dlya ortotropnykh i anizotropnykh sred”, Vestnik LGU. Seriya 1, 1991, no. 3, 64–68  zmath
676. S. A. Nazarov, B. A. Plamenevskii, “Printsipy izlucheniya dlya samosopryazhennykh ellipticheskikh zadach”, Problemy matem. fiziki, 13, izd-vo LGU, L., 1991, 192–244
677. A. B. Movchan, S. A. Nazarov, “Vliyanie malykh nerovnostei poverkhnosti na napryazhennoe sostoyanie tela i energeticheskii balans pri roste treschiny”, Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika, 55:5 (1991), 819–828  mathscinet  zmath
678. A. B. Movchan, S. A. Nazarov, “Singulyarnosti napryazhenii v vershine pikoobraznogo vklyucheniya inogda vozmozhny”, Fiziko-khimicheskaya mekhanika materialov, 1991, no. 2, 98–102
679. A. B. Movchan, S. A. Nazarov, O. R. Polyakova, “The quasi-static growth of a semi-infinite crack in a plane containing small defects”, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris. Ser. 2., 313 (1991), 1223–1228  zmath  scopus
680. S. A. Nazarov, B. A. Plamenevskii, Ellipticheskie zadachi v oblastyakh s kusochno gladkoi granitsei, Nauka, M., 1991 , 336 pp.
681. S. A. Nazarov, “Asimptotika reshenii ellipticheskoi kraevoi zadachi v tonkoi oblasti”, Problemy matem. analiza, 11, izd-vo LGU, L., 1990, 191–208
682. S. A. Nazarov, “Zadacha Dirikhle dlya ellipticheskoi sistemy s periodicheskimi koeffitsientami v uglovoi oblasti”, Vestnik LGU. Seriya 1, 1990, no. 1, 32–35  zmath
683. S. A. Nazarov, O. V. Polyakova, “Koeffitsienty intensivnosti napryazhenii dlya parallelnykh sblizhennykh treschin v ploskoi oblasti”, Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika, 54:1 (1990), 132–141  mathscinet  zmath
684. I. S. Zorin, A. B. Movchan, S. A. Nazarov,, “O primenenii tenzorov uprugoi emkosti, polyarizatsii i prisoedinennoi deformatsii”, Issledovaniya po uprugosti i plastichnosti, 16, izd-vo LGU, L., 1990, 75–91  mathscinet
685. A. B. Movchan, S. A. Nazarov, “O napryazhenno-deformirovannom sostoyanii vblizi vershin konusov”, Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika, 54:2 (1990), 281–293  mathscinet  zmath
686. A. B. Movchan, S. A. Nazarov, “Vozniknovenie treschiny Griffitsa v neodnorodnom pole napryazhenii”, Fiziko-khimicheskaya mekhanika materialov, 1990, no. 1, 26–31
687. S. A. Nazarov, “Vesovye funktsii i invariantnye integraly”, Vychislitelnaya mekhanika deformiruemogo tverdogo tela, 1990, no. 1, 17–31
688. S. A. Nazarov, B. A. Plamenevskii, “Zadacha Neimana dlya samosopryazhennykh ellipticheskikh sistem v oblasti s kusochno gladkoi granitsei”, Trudy leningradskogo matem. obschestva, 1 (1990), 174–211
689. A. B. Movchan, S. A. Nazarov, “Asimptotika pokazatelei singulyarnostei dlya uglovykh v plane treschin”, Vestnik LGU. Seriya 1, 1990, no. 3, 34–38  mathscinet
690. S. A. Nazarov, “Uprugie emkost i polyarizatsiya defekta v uprugom sloe”, Mekhanika tverdogo tela, 1990, no. 5, 57–65
691. A. B. Movchan, S. A. Nazarov, “Treschiny v kompozitnykh materialakh. 1. Polubeskonechnaya treschina v uprugoi ploskosti s ortotropnoi kompozitnoi polosoi”, Mekhanika kompozitnykh materialov, 1990, no. 5, 842–851
692. A. B. Movchan, S. A. Nazarov, “Treschiny v kompozitnykh materialakh. 2. Konechnaya treschina v ortotropnoi kompozitnoi ploskosti”, Mekhanika kompozitnykh materialov, 1990, no. 6, 1038–1046
693. S. A. Nazarov, K. I. Piletskas, “Reinoldsovo techenie zhidkosti v tonkom trekhmernom kanale”, Litovskii matem sbornik, 30:4 (1990), 772–783  mathscinet  zmath
694. S. A. Nazarov, “Vyvod variatsionnogo neravenstva dlya formy malogo prirascheniya treschiny otryva”, Mekhanika tverdogo tela, 1989, no. 2, 152–160
695. S. A. Nazarov, Yu. A. Romashov, “Yu.A. Vychislenie izmeneniya energii v zadache Griffitsa dlya sredy Kossera”, Vestnik LGU. Seriya 1, 1989, no. 2, 55–58  zmath
696. I. S. Zorin, S. A. Nazarov, “Kraevoi effekt pri izgibe tonkoi trekhmernoi plastiny”, Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika, 53:4 (1989), 642–650  mathscinet  zmath
697. A. B. Movchan, N. F. Morozov, S. A. Nazarov, “Trekhmernaya treschina s plavno smykayuschimisya beregami”, Vestnik LGU. Seriya 1, 1989, no. 3, 60–62  mathscinet  zmath
698. V. G. Mazya, N. F. Morozov, S. A. Nazarov, Ob izmenenii potentsialnoi energii deformatsii pri variatsii oblasti vblizi uglovogo kontsentratora napryazhenii., Preprint N 4, Leningr. filial in-ta mashinovedeniya im. A.A.Blagonravova., L., 1989 , 32 pp.
699. V. M. Babich, I. S. Zorin, M. I. Ivanov, A.B. Movchan, S. A. Nazarov, Integralnye kharakteristiki v zadachakh teorii uprugosti, Preprint R-6-89, Leningr. otd. Mat. in-ta AN SSSR, L., 1989 , 62 pp.
700. N. Kh. Arutyunyan, A. B. Movchan, S. A. Nazarov, “Ob asimptoticheskikh interpretatsiyakh reshenii zadachi Lekhnitskogo”, Prikladnaya mekhanika i tekhnicheskaya fizika, 1989, no. 5, 123–127
701. A. B. Movchan, S. A. Nazarov, “Napryazhenno-deformirovannoe sostoyanie vblizi vershiny trekhmernogo absolyutno zhestkogo pika, vnedrennogo v uprugoe telo”, Prikladnaya mekhanika, 25:12 (1989), 10–19  mathscinet  zmath
702. S. A. Nazarov, B. A. Shoǐkhet, “Ellipticity of a two-dimensional problem of elasticity theory in stresses”, Soviet Math. (Iz. VUZ), 32:1 (1988), 71–83  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
703. S. A. Nazarov, “Otsenki vblizi rebra resheniya zadachi Neimana dlya ellipticheskoi sistemy”, Vestnik LGU. Seriya 1, 1988, no. 1, 37–42  zmath
704. S. A. Nazarov, “Lokalnaya ustoichivost i neustoichivost treschin normalnogo otryva”, Mekhanika tverdogo tela, 1988, no. 3, 124–129
705. S. A. Nazarov, P. K. Chernyaev, “O primenenii balochnoi teorii treschin”, Vestnik LGU. Seriya 1, 3 (1988), 104–106  zmath
706. A. B. Movchan, S. A. Nazarov, O. R. Polyakova, “O kontsentratsii napryazhenii vblizi myagkikh i zhestkikh pikoobraznykh vklyuchenii”, Mekhanika tverdogo tela, 1988, no. 4, 106–113
707. A. B. Movchan, N. F. Morozov, S. A. Nazarov, “O razrushenii vblizi pikoobraznykh vklyuchenii pri posadke s natyagom”, Plastichnost i razrushenie tverdykh tel. Seriya “Prochnost i vyazkouprugoplastichnost”, Nauka, M., 1988, 137–145  mathscinet
708. S. A. Nazarov, “Kraevye zadachi dlya odnokharakteristicheskikh uravnenii. 1. Kharakteristika transversalna granitse”, Differentsialnye uravneniya i ikh primenenie, 42, izd-vo AN LitSSR, Vilnyus, 1988, 42–58
709. I. S. Zorin, S. A. Nazarov, A. B. Movchan, “Ob ispolzovanii tenzora uprugoi polyarizatsii v zadachakh mekhaniki treschin”, Mekhanika tverdogo tela, 1988, no. 6, 128–134
710. S. A. Nazarov, Yu. A. Romashov, “Energeticheskii balans i ustoichivost razvitiya treschin v ramkakh deformatsionnogo kriteriya razrusheniya”, Fiziko-khimicheskaya mekhanika materialov, 1988, no. 6, 44–49
711. S. A. Nazarov, “Nelineinye effekty deformirovaniya kompozitov s regulyarnoi sistemoi melkikh treschin”, Mekhanika kompozitnykh materialov, 1988, no. 6, 1052–1059
712. A. B. Movchan, S. A. Nazarov, “O singulyarnostyakh napryazhenii v vershinakh konicheskikh vklyuchenii”, Dinamika sploshnoi sredy, 87, izd-vo SOAN SSSR, Novosibirsk, 1988, 97–105
713. S. A. Nazarov, “Povedenie na beskonechnosti reshenii sistem Lame i Stoksa v sektore sloya”, Doklady AN ArmSSR, 87:4 (1988), 156–159  mathscinet  zmath
714. A. B. Movchan, N. F. Morozov, S. A. Nazarov, “Treschiny s plavno smykayuschimisya beregami pri ploskoi deformatsii”, Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika, 51:1 (1987), 130–139  zmath
715. A. B. Movchan, S. A. Nazarov, “Napryazhenno-deformirovannoe sostoyanie ploskoi oblasti s tonkim uprugim vklyucheniem konechnykh razmerov”, Mekhanika tverdogo tela, 1 (1987), 75–83
716. Nazarov S.A., Trapeznikov L.P., Shoikhet B.A., “O printsipe sootvetstviya v ploskoi zadache polzuchesti stareyuschikh odnorodnykh sred s razvivayuschimisya razrezami i polostyami”, Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika, 51:3 (1987), 504–512  mathscinet  zmath
717. S. A. Nazarov, K. I. Piletskas, “Otsenki reshenii zadachi Dirikhle dlya odnogo uravneniya s malym parametrom pri starshikh proizvodnykh”, Litovskii matem. sbornik, 27:2 (1987), 327–343  mathscinet  zmath
718. S. A. Nazarov, K. I. Piletskas, “Ravnomernye po kompleksnomu parametru otsenki reshenii odnogo obyknovennogo differentsialnogo uravneniya vtorogo poryadka. 1”, Litovskii matem sbornik, 27:3 (1987), 508–522  mathscinet
719. S. A. Nazarov, “Koeffitsienty intensivnosti v zadachakh antiploskogo sdviga i techeniya idealnoi zhidkosti v tonkikh oblastyakh s prodolnym razrezom”, Izvestiya AN ArmSSR, 40:5 (1987), 24–34  zmath
720. N. Kh. Arutyunyan, A. B. Movchan, S. A. Nazarov, “Povedenie reshenii zadach teorii uprugosti v neogranicheskikh oblastyakh s paraboloidalnymi i tsilindricheskimi vklyucheniyami i polostyami”, Uspekhi mekhaniki, 1987, no. 4, 3–91  mathscinet
721. V. G. Mazya, S. A. Nazarov, “Napryazhenno-deformirovannoe sostoyanie v vershine ostrogo vklyucheniya // Mekhanika tverdogo tela”, Mekhanika tverdogo tela, 1986, no. 3, 155–163
722. S. A. Nazarov, K. I. Piletskas, “O nekotorykh vesovykh funktsionalnykh prostranstvakh s anizotropnym raspredeleniem vesa”, Litovskii matem. sbornik, 26:1 (1986), 99–112  mathscinet  zmath
723. N. Kh. Arutyunyan, A. B. Movchan, S. A. Nazarov, “O korrektnykh postanovkakh zadach Lekhnitskogo”, Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika, 50:2 (1986), 237–246  mathscinet  zmath
724. S. A. Nazarov, P. K. Chernyaev, “Antiploskii sdvig oblasti s dvumya blizko raspolozhennymi treschinami”, Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika, 50:5 (1986), 815–825  zmath
725. S. A. Nazarov, B. N. Semenov, “Asimptotika resheniya zadach mekhaniki treschin v momentnoi postanovke”, Issledovaniya po uprugosti i plastichnosti, 15, izd-vo LGU, L., 1986, 118–135
726. N. F. Morozov, S. A. Nazarov, A. V. Proskura, “Kraevye zadachi teorii uprugosti dlya ploskikh oblastei s tonkimi okaimleniyami”, Mekhanika deformiruemykh tel, Nauka, 1986, 82-93
727. I. S. Zorin, S. A. Nazarov, “Napryazhenno-deformirovannoe sostoyanie uprugogo prostranstva s tonkim toroidalnym vklyucheniem”, Mekhanika tverdogo tela, 1985, no. 3, 79–86
728. S. A. Nazarov, “O koeffitsientakh v asimptotike reshenii ellipticheskikh kraevykh zadach s periodicheskimi koeffitsientami”, Vestnik LGU. Seriya 1, 1985, no. 3, 16–22  zmath
729. A. B. Movchan, S. A. Nazarov, “Asimptotika napryazhenno-deformirovannogo sostoyaniya vblizi prostranstvennogo pikoobraznogo vklyucheniya”, Mekhanika kompozitnykh materialov, 1985, no. 5, 792–800
730. V. G. Mazya, S. A. Nazarov, “O paradokse Sapondzhyana–Babushki v zadachakh teorii tonkikh plastin”, Doklady AN ArmSSR, 78:3 (1984), 127–130  zmath
731. S. A. Nazarov, A. V. Proskura, “Asimptoticheski tochnoe uravnenie izgiba balki na uprugom osnovanii”, Vestnik LGU. Seriya 1, 1984, no. 1, 68–72  mathscinet
732. S. A. Nazarov, Paukshto M.V., Diskretnye modeli i osredneniya v zadachakh teorii uprugosti, izd-vo LGU, L., 1984 , 93 pp.
733. V. G. Mazya, S. A. Nazarov, B. A. Plamenevskii, “Ellipticheskie kraevye zadachi v oblastyakh tipa vneshnosti pika”, Problemy matem. analiza, 9, izd-vo LGU, L., 1984, 105–148  mathscinet
734. S. A. Nazarov, B. A. Shoikhet, “Asymptotic behavior of the solution of a certain integrodifferential equation near an angular point of the boundary”, Math. Notes, 33:4 (1983), 300–306  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
735. S. A. Nazarov, K. I. Pileckas, “Behavior of solutions of Stokes and Navier–Stokes systems in domains with periodically changing cross-section”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 159 (1984), 97–104  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
736. N. Kh. Arutyunyan, S. A. Nazarov, “Ob osobennostyakh funktsii napryazheniya v uglovykh tochkakh poperechnogo secheniya skruchivaemogo sterzhnya s tonkim usilivayuschim pokrytiem”, Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika, 47:1 (1983), 122–132  mathscinet
737. V. P. Zhuravlev, S. A. Nazarov, B. A. Shoikhet, “Asimptotika vblizi vershiny treschiny napryazhenno-deformirovannogo sostoyaniya neodnorodno stareyuschikh tel”, Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika, 47:2 (1983), 200–208  mathscinet
738. S. A. Nazarov, “Napryazhenno-deformirovannoe sostoyanie v tochke sguscheniya kollinearnykh mikrotreschin”, Vestnik LGU. Seriya 1, 1983, no. 3, 63–68  zmath
739. V. A. Dudnikov, S. A. Nazarov, “Odno sootnoshenie mezhdu koeffitsientami intensivnosti dlya zadach klassicheskoi i momentnoi teorii uprugosti”, Mekhanika tverdogo tela, 1983, no. 3, 185–187
740. I. S. Zorin, S. A. Nazarov, “Asimptotika napryazhenno-deformirovannogo sostoyaniya uprugogo prostranstva s zhestkim toroidalnym vklyucheniem”, Doklady AN SSSR, 272 (1983), 1340–1343  mathnet  zmath
741. S. A. Nazarov, B. A. Shoikhet, “Koertsitivnye otsenki v vesovykh prostranstvakh reshenii zadach teorii uprugosti i polzuchesti v oblasti s dvumernoi treschinoi”, Doklady AN ArmSSR, 1983, 12–25  zmath
742. N. Kh. Arutyunyan, S. A. Nazarov, B. A. Shoikhet, “Asimptotika resheniya zadach teorii polzuchesti neodnorodno stareyuschikh tel s dvumernoi treschinoi”, Izvestiya AN ArmSSR, 1983, no. 5, 17–30  mathscinet  zmath
743. S. A. Nazarov, Vvedenie v asimptoticheskie metody teorii uprugosti, izd-vo LGU, 1983 , 117 pp.
744. S. A. Nazarov, A. S. Slutskij, “A property of solutions of nonlinear equations of equilibrium near a singularity”, Soviet Math. (Iz. VUZ), 26:9 (1982), 48–52  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
745. S. A. Nazarov, “Ob odnom klasse nekvaziellipticheskikh uravnenii v tsilindre”, Vestnik LGU. Seriya 1, 1982, no. 1, 125–127  zmath
746. V. A. Dudnikov, S. A. Nazarov, “Asimptoticheski tochnye uravneniya tonkikh plastin na osnove teorii Kossera”, Doklady AN SSSR, 262:2 (1982), 306–310  mathnet  mathscinet  mathscinet  zmath
747. S. A. Nazarov, “Struktura reshenii ellipticheskikh kraevykh zadach v tonkikh oblastyakh”, Vestnik LGU. Seriya 1, 1982, no. 2, 65–68  zmath
748. V. P. Zhuravlev, S. A. Nazarov, B. A. Shoikhet, “Asimptotika vblizi vershiny treschiny napryazhenno-deformirovannogo sostoyaniya neodnorodno stareyuschikh tel”, Doklady AN ArmSSR, 1982, no. 1, 26–29  mathscinet  zmath
749. N. F. Morozov, S. A. Nazarov, “K voprosu o vychislenii izmeneniya energii v zadache Griffitsa”, Issledovaniya po uprugosti i plastichnosti, 14, izd-vo LGU, L., 1982, 3–9
750. S. A. Nazarov, “Regulyarnoe vyrozhdenie ellipticheskikh sistem s malym parametrom pri starshikh proizvodnykh”, Vestnik LGU. Seriya 1, 1982, no. 3, 106–108  zmath
751. S. A. Nazarov, Yu. A. Romashov, “Izmenenie koeffitsienta intensivnosti pri razrushenii peremychki mezhdu dvumya kollinearnymi treschinami”, Izvestiya AN ArmSSR, 1982, 30–40  zmath
752. S. A. Nazarov, “Asimptotika reshenii ellipticheskikh uravnenii v tonkikh oblastyakh s kusochno-gladkoi granitsei”, Differentsialnye uravneniya i ikh primeneniya, 33, izd-vo AN LitSSR, Vilnyus, 1982, 62–83
753. S. A. Nazarov, V. A. Dudnikov, “Asimptoticheski tochnye uravneniya tonkikh plastin na osnove teorii Kossera”, Trudy tbilisskogo gos. universiteta. Matem., mekhanika, astronomiya, 13 (1982), 117–150  zmath
754. V. G. Maz'ya, S. A. Nazarov, B. A. Plamenevskii, “On the asymptotic behaviour of solutions of the Dirichlet problem in a domain with a thin tube excluded”, Russian Math. Surveys, 36:5 (1981), 169–170  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  scopus
755. O. B. Agalaryan, S. A. Nazarov, “Ob izmenenii koeffitsienta intensivnosti pri zapaike prodolnoi treschiny v prizmaticheskom sterzhne”, Doklady AN ArmSSR, 72:1 (1981), 18–21  zmath
756. V. G. Mazya, S. A. Nazarov, B. A. Plamenevskii, “Ob asimptotike reshenii ellipticheskikh kraevykh zadach pri neregulyarnom vozmuschenii oblasti”, Problemy matematicheskogo analiza, 8, izd-vo LGU, L., 1981, 72–153  mathscinet
757. O. B. Agalaryan, S. A. Nazarov, “Vliyanie na koeffitsient intensivnosti zapaiki kontsa treschiny pri uprugom kruchenii”, Issledovaniya po mekhanike tverdogo deformiruemogo tela, izd-vo AN ArmSSR, Erevan, 1981, 23–28
758. S. A. Nazarov, “K voprosu o postroenii i primenenii integrala Raisa”, Issledovaniya po mekhanike tverdogo deformiruemogo tela, izd-vo AN ArmSSR, Erevan, 1981, 187–192
759. V. G. Mazya, S. A. Nazarov, B. A. Plamenevskii, Asimptotika reshenii ellipticheskikh kraevykh zadach pri singulyarnom vozmuschenii oblasti, izd-vo TGU, Tbilisi, 1981 , 208 pp.
760. S. A. Nazarov, B. N. Semenov, “Ob asimptotike reshenii zadach izgiba tonkikh plastin s razryvnymi nagruzkami”, Prikladnaya mekhanika, 5, izd-vo LGU, L., 1981, 135–145
761. S. A. Nazarov, “Ob asimptotike po parametru resheniya ellipticheskoi kraevoi zadachi s periodicheskimi koeffitsientami v tsilindre”, Differentsialnye uravneniya i ikh primeneniya, 30, izd-vo AN LitSSR, Vilnyus, 1981, 27–46
762. S. A. Nazarov, “O pokazatele singulyarnosti napryazhenii dlya treschiny pri stseplenii uchastkov ee beregov, sguschayuschikhsya k vershinam”, Doklady AN ArmSSR, 73:1 (1981), 51–53  mathscinet  zmath
763. S. A. Nazarov, “Asymptotic behavior with respect to a small parameter of the solution of a second-order differential equation on a manifold with corners”, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 1980, no. 9, 18–24  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
764. S. A. Nazarov, “Printsip virtualnoi raboty i vesovye integraly Raisa”, Mekhanika tverdogo tela, 1980, no. 1, 72–78
765. N. F. Morozov, S. A. Nazarov, “O napryazhenno-deformirovannom sostoyanii v okrestnosti treschiny, upirayuscheisya v zerno”, Issledovaniya po uprugosti i plastichnosti, 13, izd-vo LGU, L., 1980, 141–148
766. S. A. Nazarov, B. N. Semenov, “O svyazi koeffitsientov intensivnosti dlya ploskoi zadachi teorii uprugosti v klassicheskoi i momentnoi postanovke”, Issledovaniya po uprugosti i plastichnosti, 13, izd-vo LGU, L., 1980, 148–154  adsnasa
767. S. A. Nazarov, “Sverkhstepennoi pogranichnyi sloi v zadache ob izgibe napryazhennoi plastiny”, Vestnik LGU. Seriya 1, 1 (1980), 72–80  zmath
768. V. G. Mazya, S. A. Nazarov, B. A. Plamenevskii, “Ob asimptotike reshenii odnogo kvazilineinogo uravneniya pri neregulyarnom vozmuschenii oblasti”, Differentsialnye uravneniya i ikh primeneniya, 27, izd-vo AN LitSSR, Vilnyus, 1980, 17–50  mathscinet
769. S. A. Nazarov, “Ellipticheskie kraevye zadachi, vyrozhdayuschiesya v konicheskoi tochke”, Vestnik LGU. Seriya 1, 1980, no. 4, 108–109  zmath
770. S. A. Nazarov, “Asimptotika progiba plastiny s treschinoi na uprugom osnovanii”, Vestnik LGU, 1979, no. 2, Seriya 1, 111–112  zmath
771. S. A. Nazarov, “Asimptotika po malomu parametru resheniya ellipticheskoi po Agranovichu-Vishiku kraevoi zadachi v oblasti s konicheskoi tochkoi”, Problemy matematicheskogo analiza., izd-vo LGU, L., 1979, 146–167
772. V. G. Mazya, S. A. Nazarov, B. A. Plamenevskii, “Ob asimptotike reshenii ellipticheskikh kraevykh zadach pri variatsii oblasti vblizi konicheskikh tochek”, Doklady AN CCCR, 249:1 (1979), 94–96  mathscinet  zmath
773. S. A. Nazarov, “Ob indekse kraevoi zadachi s malym parametrom pri starshikh proizvodnykh”, Differentsialnye uravneniya i ikh primeneniya, 24, izd-vo AN LitSSR, Vilnyus, 1979, 75–86
774. S. A. Nazarov, “The asymptotic behavior with respect to a small parameter of the solution of an elliptic boundary value problem in a domain with a conical point”, Sov. Phys. Dokl., 23 (1978), 119–120  mathnet  mathscinet  mathscinet  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa
775. S. A. Nazarov, “O sglazhivanii osobennostei granitsy v dvumernykh zadachakh teorii uprugosti”, Issledovaniya po uprugosti i plastichnosti, 12, izd-vo LGU, L., 1978, 178–186
776. S. A. Nazarov, “Asymptotics of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the Dirichlet problem on a thin spacial net with small knots.”, Izv. RAN. Ser. Mat., 89:1 (2025)  mathnet
777. S. A. Nazarov, “Kirchhoff plate with the Winkler–Steklov conditions at small parts of the edge”, Algebra i Analiz, 36:3 (2024), 165–212  mathnet
778. S. A. Nazarov, A. S. Slutskij, “Homogenization of the scalar boundary value problem in a thin periodically broken cylinder”, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 65:2 (2024), 374–394  mathnet  crossref
779. S. A. Nazarov, “Influence of Winkler–Steklov conditions on natural oscillations of elastic weighty body”, Ufa Math. J., 16:1 (2024), 53–79  mathnet  crossref
780. S. A. Nazarov, “Dynamic plane deformation of semi-infinite polygonal plate: Kostrov's “paradox” and its amendment”, Mathematical problems in the theory of wave propagation. Part 54, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 533, POMI, St. Petersburg, 2024, 170–185  mathnet
781. S. A. Nazarov, “Gaps in the spectrum of thin waveguides with periodically locally deformed walls”, Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 64:1 (2024), 99–117  mathnet  crossref  crossref  elib
782. S. A. Nazarov, “Asymptotics of the spectrum of a boundary-value problem with the Steklov condition on small sets periodically distributed along a contour”, Boundary-value problems of mathematical physics and related problems of function theory. Part 51, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 536, POMI, St. Petersburg, 2024, 178–227  mathnet
783. S. A. Nazarov, A. L. Krylov, A. E. Lifshits, V. A. Vassiliev, A. V. Mikhailov, B. A. Dubrovin, “Sessions of the Petrovskii Seminar on differential equations and mathematical problems of physics”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 39:2(236) (1984), 217–221  mathnet
784. V. A. Kozlov, S. A. Nazarov, “Letter to the editors”, Sb. Math., 209:6 (2018), 919  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus

Presentations in Math-Net.Ru
1. Homogenization of finite dense square lattice of thin quantum waveguides
S. A. Nazarov
V. I. Smirnov Seminar on Mathematical Physics
November 20, 2023 15:00
2. “Parasite” eigenvalues of the spectral problems for the Laplace operator with boundary conditions of third type
S. A. Nazarov
V. I. Smirnov Seminar on Mathematical Physics
February 6, 2023 15:00
3. Models for elastic gaskets of lowered dimensions
S. A. Nazarov
V. I. Smirnov Seminar on Mathematical Physics
September 12, 2022 13:00
4. Asymptotics at infinity in angulate domain with the Dirichlet conditions on converging parts of the boundary posed periodically
S. A. Nazarov
V. I. Smirnov Seminar on Mathematical Physics
May 23, 2022 15:00
5. On the forced stability of an eigenvalue on a continuous spectrum of a waveguide
S. A. Nazarov
V. I. Smirnov Seminar on Mathematical Physics
December 13, 2010 15:00

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