Publications in Math-Net.Ru |
Citations |
2024 |
1. |
I. V. Rasina, I. S. Guseva, “A heuristic algorithm for one nonlinear optimal control problem”, Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 15:4 (2024), 43–54 |
2. |
I. V. Rasina, A. O. Blinov, “One method of optimal control searching in a heterogeneous discrete systems with a delay in the state of processes”, Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 15:4 (2024), 27–41 |
2023 |
3. |
I. V. Rasina, A. O. Blinov, “Minimax improvement method for inhomogeneous discrete systems”, Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 14:4 (2023), 47–66 |
4. |
I. V. Rasina, I. S. Guseva, “About one class of discrete-continuous systems with parameters”, Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 14:1 (2023), 125–148 |
2022 |
5. |
Irina V. Rasina, Irina S. Guseva, “Discrete-continuous systems with parameters: method for improving control and parameters”, Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Mathematics, 39 (2022), 34–50 |
6. |
I. V. Rasina, A. O. Blinov, “Approximate synthesis of optimal control in the vicinity
of the relative minimum for discrete-continuous systems”, Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 13:4 (2022), 139–162 |
2021 |
7. |
I. V. Rasina, O. V. Fesko, O. V. Usenko, “Analytical design of controllers for discrete-continuous systems with linear control”, Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 12:2 (2021), 105–119 ; Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 12:2 (2021), 121–135 |
2020 |
8. |
I. V. Rasina, O. V. Danilenko, “Second order Krotov method for discrete-continuous systems”, Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Mathematics, 32 (2020), 17–32 |
9. |
I. V. Rasina, O. V. Fesko, “Sufficient relative minimum conditions for discrete-continuous control systems”, Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 11:2 (2020), 47–59 ; Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 11:2 (2020), 61–73 |
2019 |
10. |
I. V. Rasina, O. V. Fes'ko, “Approximate optimal control synthesis for nonuniform discrete systems with linear quadratic state”, Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 10:2 (2019), 79–91 |
11. |
I. V. Rasina, O. V. Fesko, “Approximate optimal control synthesis for nonuniform discrete systems with linear-quadratic state”, Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 10:2 (2019), 67–77 |
2018 |
12. |
I. V. Rasina, O. V. Fes'ko, “First order control improvement method for discrete continuous systems”, Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 9:3 (2018), 65–76 |
13. |
I. V. Rasina, I. S. Guseva, “Control improvement method for non-homogeneous discrete systems with intermediate criterions”, Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 9:2 (2018), 23–38 |
2017 |
14. |
I. V. Rasina, “Discrete nonuniform systems and sufficient conditions of optimality”, Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Mathematics, 19 (2017), 62–74 |
15. |
I. V. Rasina, O. V. Fesko, A. O. Blinov, “Affine operator networks”, Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 8:4 (2017), 117–131 |
16. |
I. V. Rasina, O. V. Fesko, “Degenerate optimal control problems for nonuniform discrete systems”, Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 8:2 (2017), 3–18 |
2016 |
17. |
V. I. Gurman, I. V. Rasina, O. V. Fesko, I. S. Guseva, “On certain approaches to optimization of control processes. II”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 2016, no. 9, 42–57 ; Autom. Remote Control, 77:9 (2016), 1544–1556 |
18. |
V. I. Gurman, I. V. Rasina, O. V. Fes'ko, I. S. Guseva, “On certain approaches to optimization of control processes. I”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 2016, no. 8, 66–84 ; Autom. Remote Control, 77:8 (2016), 1370–1385 |
19. |
V. I. Gurman, I. V. Rasina, “Nets of discrete operators”, Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 7:3 (2016), 71–78 |
20. |
V. I. Gurman, I. V. Rasina, A. O. Blinov, I. S. Guseva, N. E. Kulbaka, O. V. Fesko, “Possibilities of mathematical models and methods application to study of regional sustainable development problems on the case of the Arctic zone”, Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 7:2 (2016), 105–125 |
21. |
V. I. Gurman, I. V. Rasina, “Global control improvement method for non-homogeneous discrete systems”, Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 7:1 (2016), 171–186 |
22. |
V. I. Gurman, I. V. Rasina, “Turnpike solutions in the problem of excitation transfer along a spin chain”, Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 7:1 (2016), 3–13 |
2015 |
23. |
V. I. Gurman, I. V. Rasina, I. S. Guseva, O. V. Fesko, “Methods for approximate solution of optimal control problems”, Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 6:4 (2015), 113–137 |
24. |
I. V. Rasina, O. V. Baturina, “Linear quadratic discrete-continuous systems with controllable coefficients”, Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 6:1 (2015), 21–37 |
25. |
V. I. Gurman, L. Dameshek, G. Konstantinov, S. N. Nasatueva, I. V. Rasina, T. Chemesova, “Quoting anthropogenic environmental impacts on the basis of ecological and economic models”, UBS, 55 (2015), 160–184 |
2014 |
26. |
V. I. Gurman, I. V. Rasina, “Optimization of processes in a spin chain”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 2014, no. 12, 153–159 ; Autom. Remote Control, 75:12 (2014), 2212–2216 |
27. |
V. I. Gurman, I. V. Rasina, O. V. Fesko, O. V. Usenko, “An Improvement Method for Hierarchical Model with Network Structure”, Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Mathematics, 8 (2014), 71–85 |
28. |
Vladimir Gurman, Irina Rasina, Irina Guseva, “Differential control systems transformations to approximate optimal control search”, Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 5:4 (2014), 123–157 |
2013 |
29. |
V. I. Gurman, I. V. Rasina, “Sufficient optimality conditions in hierarchical models of nonuniform systems”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 2013, no. 12, 15–30 ; Autom. Remote Control, 74:12 (2013), 1935–1947 |
30. |
I. V. Rasina, O. V. Baturina, “Control optimization in bilinear systems”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 2013, no. 5, 102–113 ; Autom. Remote Control, 74:5 (2013), 802–810 |
31. |
I. V. Rasina, O. V. Baturina, “Optimization of state-linear discrete-continuous systems”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 2013, no. 4, 80–90 ; Autom. Remote Control, 74:4 (2013), 604–612 |
32. |
I. V. Rasina, “Degenerate problems of optimal control for discrete-continuous (hybrid) systems”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 2013, no. 2, 38–52 ; Autom. Remote Control, 74:2 (2013), 196–206 |
33. |
V. I. Gurman, I. V. Rasina, O. V. Fesko, “Practical transformation of degenerate optimal control problems”, Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 4:2 (2013), 71–82 |
34. |
V. I. Gurman, E. A. Trushkova, I. V. Rasina, O. Usenko, “Hierarchical model of heterogenuius system and its applications”, UBS, 41 (2013), 249–269 |
2012 |
35. |
I. V. Rasina, “Iterative optimization algorithms for discrete-continuous processes”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 2012, no. 10, 3–17 ; Autom. Remote Control, 73:10 (2012), 1591–1603 |
36. |
V. I. Gurman, I. V. Rasina, “Discrete-continuous representations of impulsive processes in the controllable systems”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 2012, no. 8, 16–29 ; Autom. Remote Control, 73:8 (2012), 1290–1300 |
2011 |
37. |
V. I. Gurman, I. V. Rasina, “Control improvement and approximately optimal synthesis in the neighborhood of a support trajectory”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 2011, no. 12, 24–37 ; Autom. Remote Control, 72:12 (2011), 2445–2457 |
38. |
I. V. Rasina, “Discretization of continuous controllable systems based on generalized solutions”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 2011, no. 6, 171–178 ; Autom. Remote Control, 72:6 (2011), 1301–1308 |
39. |
I. V. Rasina, “Discrete-continuous models and optimization of control processes”, Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 2:5 (2011), 49–72 |
40. |
V. I. Gurman, I. V. Rasina, A. O. Blinov, “Evolution and prospects of approximate methods of optimal control”, Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 2:2 (2011), 11–29 |
1980 |
41. |
E. V. Danilina, I. V. Rasina, M. M. Khrustalev, “Local design of optimal control for digital systems”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 1980, no. 5, 48–56 ; Autom. Remote Control, 41:5 (1980), 627–634 |
1979 |
42. |
V. I. Gurman, I. V. Rasina, “On practical applications of conditions sufficient for a strong relative minimum”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 1979, no. 10, 12–18 ; Autom. Remote Control, 40:10 (1980), 1410–1415 |
43. |
A. G. Orlov, I. V. Rasina, “Complex processes and sufficient conditions of relative optimality”, Upravliaemie systemy, 1979, no. 18, 39–46 |
2016 |
44. |
S. M. Abramov, A. O. Blinov, S. N. Vassilyev, I. S. Guseva, E. V. Danilina, M. G. Dmitriev, S. V. Znamenskii, G. Konstantinov, N. E. Kul'baka, G. Osipov, Yu. S. Popkov, I. V. Rasina, E. V. Ryumina, G. V. Sidorenko, O. V. Fes'ko, M. M. Khrustalev, A. M. Tsirlin, “In memory of Professor Vladimir Iosifovich Gurman”, Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 7:3 (2016), 109–132 |
Organisations |