Publications in Math-Net.Ru |
Citations |
2021 |
1. |
V. V. Fomichev, A. I. Rogovskiy, “Reduction of hyperoutput systems to a form with relative degree”, Intelligent systems. Theory and applications, 25:4 (2021), 293–296 |
2012 |
2. |
S. V. Emel'yanov, V. V. Fomichev, A. S. Fursov, “Simultaneous stabilization of linear dynamic plants by the variable-structure controller”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 2012, no. 7, 15–24 ; Autom. Remote Control, 73:7 (2012), 1126–1133 |
2008 |
3. |
A. V. Il'in, S. K. Korovin, V. V. Fomichev, “Methods for Constructing Observers for Linear Dynamical Systems under Uncertainty”, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 262 (2008), 87–102 ; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 262 (2008), 80–95 |
2006 |
4. |
A. V. Il'in, S. K. Korovin, V. V. Fomichev, “On the equations and properties of zero dynamics of linear controlled stationary systems”, Differ. Uravn., 42:12 (2006), 1626–1636 ; Differ. Equ., 42:12 (2006), 1696–1706 |
5. |
S. K. Korovin, I. S. Medvedev, V. V. Fomichev, “Functional observers for linear systems with uncertainty”, Differ. Uravn., 42:10 (2006), 1307–1317 ; Differ. Equ., 42:10 (2006), 1374–1384 |
2005 |
6. |
A. V. Il'in, S. K. Korovin, V. V. Fomichev, A. Hlavenka, “Observers for Linear Dynamical Systems with Indeterminacy”, Differ. Uravn., 41:11 (2005), 1443–1457 ; Differ. Equ., 41:11 (2005), 1517–1531 |
7. |
A. V. Il'in, S. K. Korovin, V. V. Fomichev, “Asymptotic Observers with Discontinuous Control for Scalar Linear Indeterminate Systems”, Differ. Uravn., 41:10 (2005), 1310–1317 ; Differ. Equ., 41:10 (2005), 1379–1386 |
8. |
A. V. Il'in, S. K. Korovin, V. V. Fomichev, A. Hlavenka, “Synthesis of asymptotic observers for linear vector indeterminate systems”, Differ. Uravn., 41:1 (2005), 73–81 ; Differ. Equ., 41:1 (2005), 74–83 |
2002 |
9. |
N. A. Bobylev, A. V. Il'in, S. K. Korovin, V. V. Fomichev, “On the Stability of Families of Dynamical Systems”, Differ. Uravn., 38:4 (2002), 447–452 ; Differ. Equ., 38:4 (2002), 464–470 |
2001 |
10. |
S. K. Korovin, V. V. Fomichev, “Asymptotic Observers for Bilinear Systems on the Plane”, Differ. Uravn., 37:12 (2001), 1605–1611 ; Differ. Equ., 37:12 (2001), 1684–1691 |
2000 |
11. |
S. K. Korovin, V. V. Fomichev, A. S. Shepit'ko, “Positional stabilization of two-dimensional bilinear systems with degenerate matrix of the bilinear form”, Differ. Uravn., 36:9 (2000), 1285–1288 ; Differ. Equ., 36:9 (2000), 1423–1427 |
12. |
V. V. Fomichev, A. S. Shepit'ko, “The method of rotating Lyapunov functions in the stabilization problem for two-dimensional bilinear
systems”, Differ. Uravn., 36:8 (2000), 1136–1138 ; Differ. Equ., 36:8 (2000), 1262–1265 |
1998 |
13. |
A. V. Il'in, S. K. Korovin, V. V. Fomichev, “Robust inversion of vector linear systems”, Differ. Uravn., 34:11 (1998), 1478–1486 ; Differ. Equ., 34:11 (1998), 1478–1486 |
14. |
A. V. Il'in, S. K. Korovin, V. V. Fomichev, “Inversion algorithms for linear control systems”, Differ. Uravn., 34:6 (1998), 744–750 ; Differ. Equ., 34:6 (1998), 741–747 |
1997 |
15. |
S. K. Korovin, A. V. Il'in, V. V. Fomichev, “The controllable model method in problems of the inversion of
dynamical systems”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 354:2 (1997), 171–173 |
16. |
A. V. Il'in, S. K. Korovin, V. V. Fomichev, “Algorithms for the inversion of linear scalar dynamical systems: the controlled model method”, Differ. Uravn., 33:3 (1997), 329–339 ; Differ. Equ., 33:3 (1997), 326–336 |
Presentations in Math-Net.Ru |
Organisations |