Komarov, Fadei Fadeevich

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Corresponding member of Academy of Sciences of Belarus
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Publications in Math-Net.Ru Citations
1. F. F. Komarov, S. B. Lastovsky, I. A. Romanov, I. N. Parkhomenko, L. A. Vlasukova, G. D. Ivlev, Y. Berencen, A. A. Tsivako, N. S. Koval'chuk, E. Wendler, “Te-hyperdoped silicon layers for visible-to-infrared photodiodes”, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 91:12 (2021),  2026–2037  mathnet  elib
2. F. F. Komarov, I. D. Parfimovich, A. G. Tkachev, A. V. Shchegolkov, A. V. Shchegolkov, O. V. Milchanin, V. Bondarev, “Effect of methods for fabrication of polymer composites with carbon nanotubes on conduction processes”, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 91:3 (2021),  475–483  mathnet
3. F. F. Komarov, I. A. Romanov, L. A. Vlasukova, I. N. Parkhomenko, A. A. Tsivako, N. S. Koval'chuk, “Resistive switching effect of the structure based on silicon nitride”, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 91:1 (2021),  139–144  mathnet  elib; Tech. Phys., 66:1 (2021), 133–138  scopus 1
4. F. F. Komarov, I. N. Parkhomenko, O. V. Milchanin, G. D. Ivlev, L. A. Vlasukova, Yu. Żuk, A. A. Tsivako, N. S. Koval'chuk, “Effect of pulsed laser annealing on optical properties of selenium-hyperdoped silicon”, Optics and Spectroscopy, 129:8 (2021),  1037–1047  mathnet  elib; Optics and Spectroscopy, 129:10 (2021), 1114–1124 2
5. G. D. Ivlev, V. A. Zaikov, I. M. Klimovich, F. F. Komarov, O. R. Lyudchik, “Nanosecond action of intensive laser radiation on thin TiAlN films”, Optics and Spectroscopy, 128:1 (2020),  144–150  mathnet  elib; Optics and Spectroscopy, 128:1 (2020), 141–147
6. D. O. Murzalinov, L. A. Vlasukova, I. N. Parkhomenko, F. F. Komarov, А. Т. Akylbekov, A. V. Mudryi, , Sh. G. Giniyatova, А. К. Dauletbekova, “The photoluminescence of nitrogen-implanted silicon nitride films”, Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Physics. Astronomy Series, 122:1 (2018),  68–73  mathnet
7. F. F. Komarov, “Nano- and microstructuring of solids by swift heavy ions”, UFN, 187:5 (2017),  465–504  mathnet  elib; Phys. Usp., 60:5 (2017), 435–471  isi  scopus 78
8. F. F. Komarov, S. V. Konstantinov, V. E. Strel'nitskii, V. V. Pilko, “Effect of Helium ion irradiation on the structure, the phase stability, and the microhardness of TiN, TiAlN, and TiAlYN nanostructured coatings”, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 86:5 (2016),  57–63  mathnet  elib; Tech. Phys., 61:5 (2016), 696–702 11
9. F. F. Komarov, “Defect and track formation in solids irradiated by superhigh-energy ions”, UFN, 173:12 (2003),  1287–1318  mathnet; Phys. Usp., 46:12 (2003), 1253–1282  isi 107
10. A. R. Chelyadinskii, F. F. Komarov, “Defect-impurity engineering in implanted silicon”, UFN, 173:8 (2003),  813–846  mathnet; Phys. Usp., 46:8 (2003), 789–820  isi 33
11. O. I. Velichko, F. F. Komarov, N. M. Lukanov, A. N. Muchynski, N. L. Prohorenko, V. A. Tsurko, “Simulation of impurity diffusion during thermal annealing in the polysilicon-silicon system”, Matem. Mod., 9:5 (1997),  68–76  mathnet  zmath 1
12. Y. I. Dudchik, F. F. Komarov, Y. A. Konstantinov, “EMISSION LOSSES IN THIN-FILM GAMMA-WAVE-GUIDES”, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 62:8 (1992),  110–116  mathnet
13. A. P. Novikov, G. A. Gusakov, F. F. Komarov, V. P. Tolstykh, “О механизме ионно-индуцированной кристаллизации в кремнии”, Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, 26:10 (1992),  1841–1844  mathnet
14. Y. I. Dudchik, F. F. Komarov, M. A. Kumakhov, D. G. Lobotskii, V. S. Solovev, V. S. Tishkov, “STUDY OF THE TRANSMISSION OF MULTILAYERED THIN-FILM X-RAY GUIDES”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 17:13 (1991),  82–86  mathnet
15. Y. I. Dudchik, F. F. Komarov, Y. A. Konstantinov, “GAMMA-WAVE GUIDE”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 17:6 (1991),  45–49  mathnet
16. A. F. Burenkov, F. F. Komarov, S. A. Fedotov, “FLUCTUATIONS OF ION CHARGE STATES - POSSIBLE REASON FOR INCREASE OF SHOOT DISPERSION UNDER HIGH-ENERGY IONIC IMPLANTATION”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 17:5 (1991),  69–72  mathnet
17. A. F. Burenkov, F. F. Komarov, S. A. Fedotov, “MODEL OF BORON ION CHANNELING UNDER THE HIGH-ENERGY ION ALLOYING OF SILICON-CRYSTALS”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 16:23 (1990),  4–8  mathnet
18. Y. I. Dudchik, F. F. Komarov, M. A. Kumakhov, D. G. Lobotskii, V. S. Solovev, V. S. Tishkov, “USE OF MULTILAYERED STRUCTURES AS A TARGET FOR THE GENERATION OF X-RAY QUANTUM COLLIMATED BEAMS”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 16:15 (1990),  43–47  mathnet
19. Y. I. Dudchik, F. F. Komarov, V. S. Solovev, V. S. Tishkov, “POTENTIALITY OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF X-RAY-RADIATION SOURCES BASED ON THE COMPLETE EXTERNAL REFLECTION EFFECT”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 16:1 (1990),  57–61  mathnet
20. I. A. Bachilo, R. V. Gribkovskii, F. F. Komarov, V. A. Mironenko, A. P. Novikov, “FORMATION OF BETA-SI3N4 HIDDEN LAYER UNDER HIGHLY EFFICIENT ION IRRADIATION (HII) OF SILICONE”, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 59:1 (1989),  200–202  mathnet
21. A. F. Burenkov, F. F. Komarov, “HIGH-ENERGY ION-IMPLANTATION”, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 58:3 (1988),  559–566  mathnet
22. F. F. Komarov, A. P. Novikov, S. A. Petrov, “FORMATION OF TWINS AND HEXAGONAL MODIFICATION IN SILICON UNDER THE RADIATION WITH INTENSIVE AR+ ION-BEAMS”, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 58:3 (1988),  548–551  mathnet
23. A. F. Burenkov, Y. I. Dudchik, F. F. Komarov, “RADIATION UNDER CHANNELING ELECTRONS WITH 16.9, 30.5, 54.5-MU-U ENERGY IN DIAMOND”, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 58:1 (1988),  195–197  mathnet
24. A. S. Kamyshan, F. F. Komarov, F. P. Korshunov, A. P. Lazar, “Experimental investigation of X-ray radiation spectra under fast electron channeling in silicon”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 294:2 (1987),  339–342  mathnet
25. F. F. Komarov, E. V. Kotov, A. V. Pogrebnyakov, “Implanted nitrogen-induced phase transformation in niobium layers and the superconducting properties of $\mathrm{Nb}$$\mathrm{N}$ system”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 29:6 (1987),  1660–1664  mathnet
26. F. F. Komarov, E. V. Kotov, A. P. Novikov, S. A. Petrov, T. T. Samoilyuk, “Residual Defects in Silicon under Implantation of As$^{+}$ Ions in the Self-Annealing Mode”, Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, 21:10 (1987),  1863–1867  mathnet
27. P. A. Aleksandrov, E. K. Baranova, K. D. Demakov, A. S. Ignat'ev, F. F. Komarov, A. P. Novikov, “Study of the Formation of $\beta$-SiC Monocrystalline Layers on Si by the Method of Highly Intense Ionic Doping”, Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, 21:5 (1987),  920–922  mathnet
28. F. F. Komarov, A. F. Komarov, ““Projector” effect in the Kumakhov radiation”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 289:3 (1986),  603–605  mathnet
29. F. F. Komarov, B. I. Pleshchinskii, A. V. Shtanin, “Определение оптимального режима разработки неоднородного по толщине участка нефтяного месторождения”, Issled. Podzemn. Gidromekh., 8 (1986),  84–91  mathnet
30. F. F. Komarov, A. P. Novikov, I. A. Radishevskii, T. T. Samoilyuk, V. P. Tolstykh, “Annealing of Defects and Electric Activation of Impurity in the Process of Highly Intensive Ionic Doping of Silicon”, Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, 20:9 (1986),  1726–1728  mathnet
31. P. A. Aleksandrov, E. K. Baranova, K. D. Demakov, F. F. Komarov, A. P. Novikov, S. Yu. Shiryaev, “Synthesis of Monocrystalline Silicon Carbide by Single-Step Equipment of Highly Intense Ion Doping”, Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, 20:1 (1986),  149–152  mathnet
32. F. F. Komarov, A. F. Komarov, “FLOODLIGHTING EFFECT IN KUMAKHOV RADIATION”, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 55:11 (1985),  2230–2232  mathnet
33. A. F. Burenkov, F. F. Komarov, Yu. I. Dudchik, “BROADENING THE SPONTANEOUS RADIATION LINES DURING ELECTRON PLANAR CHANNELING”, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 55:11 (1985),  2184–2190  mathnet
34. V. S. Andreev, S. B. Efimov, F. F. Komarov, A. P. Novikov, T. T. Samoiluk, V. S. Solov'ev, S. Yu. Shiryaev, “Crystallization and the effect of the annealing macrodefects during the process of high dense ionic implantation of semiconducting crystals”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 11:18 (1985),  1110–1113  mathnet 1
35. F. F. Komarov, N. V. Moroshkin, “POSSIBILITY OF FLUCTUATION FORMATION OF AMORPHOUS BASE DURING ION METAL ALLOYING”, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 54:9 (1984),  1836–1837  mathnet
36. F. F. Komarov, “IONIZATION CROSS-SECTION OF INNER ELECTRONS IN MODELS OF RELATIVISTIC BINARY IMPACT”, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 54:8 (1984),  1465–1471  mathnet
37. F. F. Komarov, V. I. Telegin, M. Kh. Khokonov, “An anomaly in the Kumakhov radiation temperature dependence at axial channeling of electrons”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 272:2 (1983),  346–349  mathnet
38. F. F. Komarov, “On the method of electron density determination in crystals by the $\delta$-electron yield”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 263:5 (1982),  1123–1125  mathnet

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