Khachumov, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich

Doctor of technical sciences (1996)
Birth date: 14.11.1948
E-mail: ,
Keywords: artificial intelligence, intelligent control, neural networks, image analyzes, cognitive graphics.


Cognitive graphics, bit-parallel calculating. pattern recognition, neural networks.

Main publications:
  • Artamonov E. I., Khachumov V. M. Sintez struktur spetsializirovannykh sredstv mashinnoi grafiki. - M.: MTsNTI, 1991. -150 s.
  • Artamonov E. I., Ismailov Sh-M. A., Kokaev O. G., Khachumov V. M. Spetsializirovannye algoritmy i ustroistva obrabotki massivov dannykh. - Makhachkala: Dagestanskoe knizhnoe izdatelstvo, 1993. - 304 s.
  • Khachumov V. M. Obobschennoe geometricheskoe preobrazovanie v sisteme algoritmov Voldera // Izv. vuzov. Priborostroenie. - 1995. - T. 38. - N 5-6. - S. 31–34.
  • Khachumov V. M. Frequency-Parametric Representation of Curves in Systems of Computer Graphics and Image Processing. - Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Vol. 11, No 2, 2001, pp. 440–441.
  • Gribov M. G., Khachumov V. M. Opredelenie geometricheskikh parametrov ob'ektov po rastrovym izobrazheniyam. - Avtometriya, # 1, 2001, s. 40–49.
  • Khachumov V. M. Bit-Parallel Structures for Image Processing and Analysis. - Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Vol. 13, No 2, 2003, pp. 214–216.
  • Burdaev M., Osipov G., Khachumov V. Graphical Methods of Control for Safe Spacecraft Docking. Workshop Proceedings of the 6-th German-Russian Workshop. Pattern Recognition and Image Undestanding (Audust, 25–23, 2003, Katun village, Altai Region, Russian Federation, OGRW-6-2003). Novosibirsk, Russian Federation, 2003, pp. 141–144.
  • Khachumov V. M. Periodicheskie raspisaniya s sovmescheniem tsiklov obrabotki dannykh. - Trudy Pervoi Vserossiiskoi nauchnoi konferentsii "Metody i sredstva obrabotki informatsii" - M.: MGU, 2003, s. 522–527.
  • Perezhigin A. A., Khachumov V. M. Obnaruzhenie i avtomaticheskoe opredelenie parametrov letatelnogo ob'ekta na video potoke. - Informatsionnye tekhnologii i vychislitelnye sistemy, # 1, 2005, s. 38–48.
  • Amelkin S. A., Khachumov V. M. Obobschennoe rasstoyanie Evklida–Makhalanobisa i ego primenenie v zadachakh raspoznavaniya obrazov. - Doklady 12-oi Vserossiiskoi konferentsii "Matematicheskie metody raspoznavaniya obrazov". (20–26 noyabrya 2005 goda) - M.: MAKS Press, 2005, s. 7–9.
  • Khachumov V. M. i dr. Kompleks programmno-instrumentalnykh sredstv dlya sozdaniya intellektualnykh sistem kontrolya i upravleniya ob'ektami aerokosmicheskogo naznacheniya. - Aviakosmicheskoe priborostroeniya, # 8, 2006, s. 24–33.
  • Khachumov V. M. Logicheskie elementy na neironakh. - Materialy IX Mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii "Intellektualnye sistemy i kompyuternye nauki" (23–27 oktyabrya 2006 g.) -tom 1, chast 2. - M.: Izd-vo mekhaniko-matematicheskogo fakulteta MGU, 2006, s. 297–300.
  • Amelkin S. A., Zakharov A. V., Khachumov V. M. Obobschennoe rasstoyanie Evklida–Makhalanobisa i ego svoistva. - Informatsionnye tekhnologii i vychislitelnye sistemy, # 4, 2006, s. 40–44.
  • Khachumov V. M., Vinogradov A. N. Razrabotka novykh metodov nepreryvnoi identifikatsii i prognozirovaniya sostoyaniya dinamicheskikh ob'ektov na osnove intellektualnogo analiza dannykh. - Sb. dokladov 13-oi Vserossiiskoi konferentsii "Matematicheskie metody raspoznavaniya (Leningradskaya obl., g. Zelenogorsk, 30 sentyabrya – 6 oktyabrya, 2007 g). - M.: MAKS Press, 2007, s. 548–550.
List of publications on Google Scholar

Publications in Math-Net.Ru Citations
1. V. B. Melekhin, V. M. Khachumov, M. V. Khachumov, “Self-learning of autonomous intelligent robots in the process of search and explore activities”, Inform. Primen., 17:2 (2023),  78–83  mathnet 1
2. V. B. Melekhin, V. M. Khachumov, “Control of effective implementation of technological processes for mechanical processing of parts in mechanical engineering”, Probl. Upr., 2020, no. 1,  71–82  mathnet 1
3. V. B. Melekhin, V. M. Khachumov, “Multi-level model of situational management of technological processes of machining”, Probl. Upr., 2019, no. 1,  73–82  mathnet 5
4. Yu. G. Emel'yanova, V. P. Fralenko, V. M. Khachumov, “Methods of complex estimation of cognitive graphic images”, Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 9:3 (2018),  49–63  mathnet 3
5. V. B. Melekhin, V. M. Khachumov, “Dynamic model of knowledge representation in intelligent control systems of complex technological processes”, Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making, 2017, no. 2,  31–43  mathnet  elib
6. V. M. Khachumov, “Optimization of periodic information processing in systems with the reconstructed structure. Part 2”, Informatsionnye Tekhnologii i Vychslitel'nye Sistemy, 2017, no. 4,  29–42  mathnet
7. V. M. Khachumov, “Optimization of periodic information processing in specialized devices. Part 1”, Informatsionnye Tekhnologii i Vychslitel'nye Sistemy, 2017, no. 1,  62–76  mathnet
8. N. S. Abramov, A. A. Talalaev, V. P. Fralenko, V. M. Khachumov, O. G. Shishkin, “The high–performance neural network system for monitoring of state and behavior of spacecraft subsystems by telemetry data”, Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 8:3 (2017),  109–131  mathnet 3
9. Nguyen Duy Thanh, V. M. Khachumov, “Models and methods for matching images in the problem of face recognition”, Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making, 2016, no. 4,  5–14  mathnet  elib; Scientific and Technical Information Processing, 45:5 (2018), 360–367
10. V. M. Khachumov, “The calculation of mathematical functions based on bit-parallel schemes”, Informatsionnye Tekhnologii i Vychslitel'nye Sistemy, 2016, no. 3,  26–44  mathnet
11. A. V. Latyshev, V. A. Romakin, V. M. Khachumov, M. V. Khachumov, “Methods and models of automatic knowledge-based synthesis of technological processes”, Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 7:3 (2016),  25–43  mathnet
12. V. E. Nagapetyan, V. M. Khachumov, “The combined system of contactless control of robotic systems based on spoken and gestural commands”, Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making, 2015, no. 1,  57–64  mathnet  elib; Scientific and Technical Information Processing, 44:5 (2017), 379–385 1
13. A. A. Talalaev, V. P. Fralenko, V. M. Khachumov, “Review of standards and the conceptual design of tools for spacecraft monitoring, control and diagnostics”, Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 6:3 (2015),  21–43  mathnet
14. V. M. Khachumov, V. P. Fralenko, Chen Guo Xiang, Zhang Guo Liang, “Construction perspectives of the remote sensing data high-performance processing system”, Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 6:1 (2015),  121–133  mathnet 2
15. V. F. Zadneprovskiy, A. A. Talalaev, I. P. Tishchenko, V. P. Fralenko, V. M. Khachumov, “Integrated development environment for high-performance medical and industrial purpose images processing”, Informatsionnye Tekhnologii i Vychslitel'nye Sistemy, 2014, no. 1,  61–72  mathnet
16. V. E. Nagapetyan, V. M. Khachumov, “Automatic transformation of russian manual alphabet to digital text”, Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making, 2013, no. 3,  59–66  mathnet  elib; Scientific and Technical Information Processing, 41:5 (2014), 302–308 1
17. V. M. Khachumov, “Planning of the trajectory of movement of the aircraft”, Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making, 2010, no. 4,  70–76  mathnet  elib
18. V. M. Khachumov, S. V. Pogodin, “Modelling of work of the medical institution as system of mass service”, Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making, 2010, no. 1,  49–56  mathnet  elib
19. Yu. G. Emel'yanova, K. A. Konstantinov, S. V. Pogodin, A. A. Talalaev, I. P. Tishchenko, V. P. Fralenko, V. M. Khachumov, “Monitoring system of spacecraft orientation angle-data and distance transmitters based on artificial neural networks”, Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 1:1 (2010),  45–59  mathnet 3
20. V. V. Mazhuga, V. M. Khachumov, “Technical and biological systems control and diagnostic based on group method of data handling”, Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making, 2009, no. 4,  80–87  mathnet  elib
21. V. M. Khachumov, “Models of conveyor-based medical technological process”, Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making, 2009, no. 3,  25–32  mathnet  elib; Scientific and Technical Information Processing, 37:6 (2010), 407–412
22. A. A. Talalaev, I. P. Tishchenko, V. P. Fralenko, V. M. Khachumov, “Analysis of the efficiency of applying artificial neuron networks for solving recognition, compression, and prediction problems”, Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making, 2008, no. 2,  24–33  mathnet  elib; Scientific and Technical Information Processing, 38:5 (2011), 313–321 4
23. S. A. Amelkin, A. V. Zakharov, V. M. Khachumov, “Обобщенное расстояние Евклида–Махаланобиса и его свойства”, Informatsionnye Tekhnologii i Vychslitel'nye Sistemy, 2006, no. 4,  40–44  mathnet  elib
24. A. A. Perezhigin, V. M. Khachumov, “Обнаружение и автоматическое определение параметров летательного объекта на видео потоке”, Informatsionnye Tekhnologii i Vychslitel'nye Sistemy, 2005, no. 1,  38–48  mathnet

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