05.13.01 (System analysis, the control and processing of information (separated by fields))
Birth date:
Reed–Solomon codes,
list decoding,
fast decoding.
621.391.15, 621.391.1, 681.3
Coding theory. Telecommunications. Fast algorithms.
Main publications:
P. Trifonov, “Efficient Interpolation in the Guruswami–Sudan Algorithm”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 56:9 (2010), 4341–4349
P.V. Trifonov, “Interpolyatsiya v spisochnom dekodirovanii kodov Rida–Solomona”, Problemy peredachi informatsii, 43:3 (2007), 28–38
S.V. Fedorenko and P.V. Trifonov, “Finding roots of polynomials over finite fields”, IEEE Transactions on Communications, 50:11 (2002), 1709–1711
Trifonov P. V., Fedorenko S. V., “Metod bystrogo vychisleniya preobrazovaniya Fure nad konechnym polem”, Problemy peredachi informatsii, 39:3 (2003), 3–10
P. V. Trifonov, “Interpolation in List Decoding of Reed–Solomon Codes”, Probl. Peredachi Inf., 43:3 (2007), 28–38; Problems Inform. Transmission, 43:3 (2007), 190–198
P. V. Trifonov, S. V. Fedorenko, “Method for the Fast Fourier Transform Evaluation
over a Finite Field”, Probl. Peredachi Inf., 39:3 (2003), 3–10; Problems Inform. Transmission, 39:3 (2003), 231–238