Publications in Math-Net.Ru |
Citations |
2024 |
1. |
N. G. Dokuchaev, “Spectral representation of non-vanishing signals and the prediction problem”, Probl. Peredachi Inf., 60:3 (2024), 26–34 |
2023 |
2. |
N. G. Dokuchaev, “Near-ideal predictors and causal filters for discrete-time signals”, Probl. Peredachi Inf., 59:2 (2023), 32–48 ; Problems Inform. Transmission, 59:2 (2023), 99–114 |
2022 |
3. |
N. G. Dokuchaev, “Predictors for high frequency signals based on rational polynomial approximation of periodic exponentials”, Probl. Peredachi Inf., 58:4 (2022), 84–94 ; Problems Inform. Transmission, 58:4 (2022), 372–381 |
2021 |
4. |
N. G. Dokuchaev, “On data compression and recovery for sequences using constraints on the spectrum range”, Probl. Peredachi Inf., 57:4 (2021), 74–78 ; Problems Inform. Transmission, 57:4 (2021), 368–372 |
2014 |
5. |
S. A. Gusev, N. G. Dokuchaev, “On differentiation of functionals containing the first exit of a diffusion process from a domain”, Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 59:1 (2014), 159–168 ; Theory Probab. Appl., 59:1 (2015), 136–144 |
2003 |
6. |
N. G. Dokuchaev, “Parabolic Itô equations with nonsmooth nonlinearity and duality approach”, Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 48:1 (2003), 22–42 ; Theory Probab. Appl., 48:1 (2004), 45–62 |
1998 |
7. |
N. G. Dokuchaev, “Local sojourn time of diffusion and degenerating processeson a mobile surface”, Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 43:2 (1998), 226–247 ; Theory Probab. Appl., 43:2 (1999), 171–188 |
1997 |
8. |
N. G. Dokuchaev, “Cordes conditions and some alternative conditions for parabolic equations and Itô equations with discontinuous diffusions”, Differ. Uravn., 33:4 (1997), 522–531 ; Differ. Equ., 33:4 (1997), 526–535 |
9. |
N. G. Dokuchaev, “Equations for probability distributions of local time on surface for diffusion processes and control problems”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 244 (1997), 96–118 ; J. Math. Sci. (New York), 99:2 (1997), 1075–1088 |
1996 |
10. |
N. G. Dokuchaev, “Control of Cordes-type diffusion with incomplete observation and in a game-theoretic problem”, Differ. Uravn., 32:8 (1996), 1051–1062 ; Differ. Equ., 32:8 (1996), 1055–1066 |
11. |
N. G. Dokuchaev, “Optimal stopping of a random process in a problem with additional restrictions”, Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 41:4 (1996), 884–892 ; Theory Probab. Appl., 41:4 (1997), 761–768 |
1995 |
12. |
N. G. Dokuchaev, “Parabolic equations without a Cauchy boundary condition and problems of the control of diffusion processes. II”, Differ. Uravn., 31:8 (1995), 1409–1418 ; Differ. Equ., 31:8 (1995), 1362–1372 |
1994 |
13. |
N. G. Dokuchaev, “Parabolic equations without a Cauchy boundary condition and problems of the control of diffusion processes. I”, Differ. Uravn., 30:10 (1994), 1738–1749 ; Differ. Equ., 30:10 (1994), 1606–1617 |
14. |
N. G. Dokuchaev, “Existence of optimal controls and necessary conditions for optimality for partially observable diffusion processes”, Differ. Uravn., 30:9 (1994), 1498–1507 ; Differ. Equ., 30:9 (1994), 1386–1394 |
15. |
N. G. Dokuchaev, “Distributions of Itô processes: estimates for the density and for conditional expectations of integral functionals”, Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 39:4 (1994), 825–833 ; Theory Probab. Appl., 39:4 (1994), 662–670 |
1992 |
16. |
N. G. Dokuchaev, “Integral estimates for solutions of ordinary differential equations in the case of a break on the boundary of the domain”, Differ. Uravn., 28:11 (1992), 1890–1900 ; Differ. Equ., 28:11 (1992), 1540–1549 |
1991 |
17. |
N. G. Dokuchaev, “Integral estimates for ordinary differential equations and their application to nonsmooth problems of optimal control”, Differ. Uravn., 27:10 (1991), 1679–1691 ; Differ. Equ., 27:10 (1991), 1181–1191 |
18. |
N. G. Dokuchaev, “Solvability of equations that are analogues of Bellman equations in a problem of the control of diffusion processes with integral constraints and with incomplete feedback”, Differ. Uravn., 27:3 (1991), 403–414 ; Differ. Equ., 27:3 (1991), 279–288 |
19. |
N. G. Dokuchaev, “Boundary value problems for functionals of Itô processes”, Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 36:3 (1991), 464–481 ; Theory Probab. Appl., 36:3 (1991), 459–476 |
1990 |
20. |
N. G. Dokuchaev, “Solution of boundary value problems on a graph by the operational method”, Differ. Uravn., 26:11 (1990), 2006–2008 |
1988 |
21. |
N. G. Dokuchaev, “Transversality conditions for the stochastic maximum principle”, Differ. Uravn., 24:7 (1988), 1266–1269 |
1986 |
22. |
N. G. Dokuchaev, “On the first exit times for homogeneous diffusion processes”, Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 31:3 (1986), 565–566 ; Theory Probab. Appl., 31:3 (1987), 497–498 |
1984 |
23. |
N. G. Dokuchaev, V. A. Yakubovich, “Optimal programmed control of a stochastic plant with constraints on the state for every time instant”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 1984, no. 7, 49–57 ; Autom. Remote Control, 45:7 (1984), 859–866 |
Presentations in Math-Net.Ru |
Organisations |