Prostranstvennye techeniya zhidkostei i gazov : ucheb. pos. ... po napr. 652200 - "Dvigateli letat. apparatov" / Yu. V. Zuev ; Minobr RF, Mosk. aviats. in-t (Gos. tekhn. un-t). - Moskva : Izd-vo MAI, 2004. - 94, [1] s. : il.; 20 sm.; ISBN 5-7035-1394-4 : 500
Gazovaya dinamika elementarnoi struiki : ucheb. pos. ... po napr. 160300 "Dvigateli letatelnykh apparatov" / I. A. Lepeshinskii, Yu. V. Zuev, E. A. Istomin ; Minobrnauki RF, Mosk. aviats. in-t (NIU). - Moskva : Izd-vo MAI, 2013. - 87, [1] s. : il.; 20 sm.; ISBN 978-5-4316-0132-3
Yu. V. Zuev, “Features of the coagulation and fragmentation of drops in turbulent gas–liquid jets”, Vestn. Tomsk. Gos. Univ. Mat. Mekh., 2024, no. 90, 103–118
Yu. V. Zuev, “Effect of phase changes on parameters of turbulent
non-isothermal gas-drop jets”, Vestn. Tomsk. Gos. Univ. Mat. Mekh., 2023, no. 83, 86–101
Yu. V. Zuev, “The impact of coagulation and division of drops on the parameters of the gas-drop turbulent jet”, Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Fiziko-Matematicheskie Nauki, 164:1 (2022), 85–100
Yu. V. Zuev, “About the use of the Stokes number for mathematical modeling of two-phase jet flows”, Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Fiziko-Matematicheskie Nauki, 161:3 (2019), 341–354
Yu. V. Zuev, I. A. Lepeshinsky, P. V. Nikitin, “Criteria research of interphase heat exchange in a two-phase turbulent nonisothermal jet”, Matem. Mod., 27:5 (2015), 114–126
Yu. V. Zuev, I. A. Lepeshinsky, P. V. Nikitin, “Influence of heat exchange between phases by radiation on parameters of a two-phase turbulent jet”, Matem. Mod., 26:9 (2014), 33–46
Yu. V. Zuev, I. A. Lepeshinsky, “Influence of interphasic convective heat exchange on parametres of a two-phase turbulent jet”, Matem. Mod., 25:5 (2013), 44–54
Yu. V. Zuev, I. A. Lepeshinskii, V. A. Reshetnikov, E. A. Istomin, “Features of two-phase jets with big concentration of the disperse phase”, Matem. Mod., 24:1 (2012), 129–142
Yu. V. Zuev, “Effect of boundary conditions on turbulence characteristics in two-phase jet flows with phase transitions”, Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz., 46:3 (2005), 29–40; J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 46:3 (2005), 329–338
Yu. V. Zuev, I. A. Lepeshinskii, A. V. Voronetskii, A. V. Tsipenko, “A two-phase jet extending in space with a huge temperature fluctuation”, Matem. Mod., 14:10 (2002), 83–86
I. A. Lepeshinskii, A. V. Voronetskii, Yu. V. Zuev, V. I. Ones, V. A. Reshetnikov, A. V. Tsipenko, “Experimental and theoretical studies of gas-drop jets with high concentration of liquid in the gas”, Matem. Mod., 13:6 (2001), 124–127
V. V. Kostyuk, I. A. Lepeshinskii, O. K. Ivanov, Yu. V. Zuev, V. A. Reshetnikov, A. V. Voronetskii, A. V. Tsipenko, “Interphase interaction investigation in multiphase turbulent jets”, Matem. Mod., 11:4 (1999), 59–69