Publications in Math-Net.Ru |
Citations |
2024 |
1. |
V. E. Bening, “On the behavior of extreme values in the case of Burr distribution”, Vestnik TVGU. Ser. Prikl. Matem. [Herald of Tver State University. Ser. Appl. Math.], 2024, no. 3, 18–32 |
2023 |
2. |
V. E. Bening, “On the asymptotic reserve behavior of the organization subjected to risk”, Vestnik TVGU. Ser. Prikl. Matem. [Herald of Tver State University. Ser. Appl. Math.], 2023, no. 4, 25–42 |
2022 |
3. |
V. E. Bening, “On the organizations' risk reserves comparison based on the deficiency concept”, Vestnik TVGU. Ser. Prikl. Matem. [Herald of Tver State University. Ser. Appl. Math.], 2022, no. 3, 5–26 |
2020 |
4. |
V. E. Bening, “On the asymptotic behavior of insurance company reserve”, Vestnik TVGU. Ser. Prikl. Matem. [Herald of Tver State University. Ser. Appl. Math.], 2020, no. 2, 35–48 |
2019 |
5. |
V. E. Bening, “On the asymptotic expansions for the risk function and deficiencies of some statistical estimators based on the samples with random sizes”, Vestnik TVGU. Ser. Prikl. Matem. [Herald of Tver State University. Ser. Appl. Math.], 2019, no. 2, 5–25 |
2018 |
6. |
V. E. Bening, “On the power of criteria in the case of samples of random size”, Vestnik TVGU. Ser. Prikl. Matem. [Herald of Tver State University. Ser. Appl. Math.], 2018, no. 4, 5–22 |
7. |
V. E. Bening, “On asymptotic behavior of quantiles deficiencies of the distributions of statistics based on the samples with random sizes”, Vestnik TVGU. Ser. Prikl. Matem. [Herald of Tver State University. Ser. Appl. Math.], 2018, no. 3, 42–57 |
2017 |
8. |
V. E. Bening, “An estimate of the distribution of the unknown parameters with a random number of independent observations”, Vestnik TVGU. Ser. Prikl. Matem. [Herald of Tver State University. Ser. Appl. Math.], 2017, no. 3, 5–12 |
2016 |
9. |
V. E. Bening, “Calculation of the asymptotic deficiency of some statistical procedures based on samples with random sizes”, Inform. Primen., 10:4 (2016), 34–45 |
10. |
V. E. Bening, V. A. Savushkin, “On the deficiency of sample mediane based on the sample with random size”, Vestnik TVGU. Ser. Prikl. Matem. [Herald of Tver State University. Ser. Appl. Math.], 2016, no. 2, 5–30 |
2015 |
11. |
V. E. Bening, “On deficiencies of some estimators based on samples of random size”, Vestnik TVGU. Ser. Prikl. Matem. [Herald of Tver State University. Ser. Appl. Math.], 2015, no. 1, 5–14 |
2014 |
12. |
V. E. Bening, M. A. Dranitsyna, T. V. Zakharova, P. I. Karpov, “Independent component analysis for the inverse problem in the multidipole model of magnetoencephalogram’s sources”, Inform. Primen., 8:2 (2014), 77–85 |
2013 |
13. |
V. E. Bening, N. K. Galieva, V. Yu. Korolev, “Asymptotic expansions for the distribution functions of statistics constructed from samples with random sizes”, Inform. Primen., 7:2 (2013), 75–83 |
14. |
V. E. Bening, N. K. Galieva, V. Yu. Korolev, “On bounds for the concentration functions of regular statistics constructed from samples with random sizes”, Inform. Primen., 7:1 (2013), 116–123 |
15. |
V. E. Bening, V. Yu. Korolev, N. K. Galieva, “Rate Of Convergence Of Random Sums Distribution To Nonsymmetric Laplace Distribution”, Vestnik TVGU. Ser. Prikl. Matem. [Herald of Tver State University. Ser. Appl. Math.], 2013, no. 4, 39–45 |
16. |
V. E. Bening, N. K. Galieva, “Upper Bounds For The Concentration Function Of Statistics Based On The Samples With Random Sizes”, Vestnik TVGU. Ser. Prikl. Matem. [Herald of Tver State University. Ser. Appl. Math.], 2013, no. 3, 49–63 |
2012 |
17. |
V. Yu. Korolev, V. E. Bening, L. M. Zaks, A. I. Zeifman, “Generalized Laplace distribution as a limit law for random sums and statistics constructed from samples with randomsizes”, Inform. Primen., 6:4 (2012), 34–39 |
18. |
V. E. Bening, L. M. Zaks, V. Yu. Korolev, “Estimates of the rate of convergence of the distributions of random sums to variance-gamma distributions”, Inform. Primen., 6:3 (2012), 69–73 |
19. |
V. E. Bening, L. M. Zaks, V. Yu. Korolev, “Estimates of the rate of convergence of the distributions of random sums to the skew Student distribution”, Sistemy i Sredstva Inform., 22:1 (2012), 132–141 |
20. |
V. E. Bening, N. K. Galieva, “Rate of convergence of the distribution functions of the asumptotic normal statistics based on the samples of random size”, Vestnik TVGU. Ser. Prikl. Matem. [Herald of Tver State University. Ser. Appl. Math.], 2012, no. 2, 53–65 |
21. |
V. E. Bening, R. A. Korolev, “On one update for the limit formula of the normalized difference between asymptotically optimal tests”, Vestnik TVGU. Ser. Prikl. Matem. [Herald of Tver State University. Ser. Appl. Math.], 2012, no. 1, 67–83 |
2011 |
22. |
V. E. Bening, A. K. Gorshenin, V. Yu. Korolev, “An asymptotically optimal test for the number of components of a mixture of probability distributions”, Inform. Primen., 5:3 (2011), 4–16 |
2010 |
23. |
V. E. Bening, R. A. Korolev, “On asymptotic behavior of the powers of the tests for the case of Laplace distribution”, Inform. Primen., 4:2 (2010), 63–74 |
24. |
V. E. Bening, A. V. Sipina, “Asymptotic expansion for the power of test based on sample median in the case of Laplace distribution”, Inform. Primen., 4:1 (2010), 18–23 |
25. |
V. M. Goncharov, V. E. Bening, “Use of methods of mathematical modeling at agrophysical assessment of soil cover”, Vestnik TVGU. Ser. Prikl. Matem. [Herald of Tver State University. Ser. Appl. Math.], 2010, no. 16, 43–54 |
2009 |
26. |
V. E. Bening, O. O. Lyamin, “On the power of the tests in the case of generalized Laplace distribution”, Inform. Primen., 3:3 (2009), 79–85 |
2008 |
27. |
V. E. Bening, V. Yu. Korolev, “Some statistical problems related to the Laplace distribution”, Inform. Primen., 2:2 (2008), 19–34 |
28. |
R. A. Korolev, V. E. Bening, “Asymptotic expansions for the power of the criteria in the case of a Laplace distribution”, Vestnik TVGU. Ser. Prikl. Matem. [Herald of Tver State University. Ser. Appl. Math.], 2008, no. 10, 97–107 |
29. |
R. A. Korolev, A. V. Testova, V. E. Bening, “About the power of asymptotically optimal test in the case of Laplace distribution”, Vestnik TVGU. Ser. Prikl. Matem. [Herald of Tver State University. Ser. Appl. Math.], 2008, no. 8, 5–23 |
2007 |
30. |
V. E. Bening, “Estimates of the shift parameter of the Student's distribution with a small number of degrees of freedom”, Vestnik TVGU. Ser. Prikl. Matem. [Herald of Tver State University. Ser. Appl. Math.], 2007, no. 7, 5–25 |
2006 |
31. |
V. E. Bening, “On the asymptotic properties of some Bayesian tests”, Sistemy i Sredstva Inform., 2006, no. special issue, 309–323 |
32. |
V. E. Bening, S. N. Koksharov, V. Yu. Korolev, “On powers of likelihood ratio tests constructed from samples with random sizes”, Sistemy i Sredstva Inform., 2006, no. special issue, 258–285 |
33. |
G. I. Bakhturin, V. E. Bening, A. V. Eulampiev, V. Yu. Korolev, E. V. Nepomnyashchii, A. T. Tungushpaev, “An application of the method of mixtures of probability distributions to the analysis of expert estimates”, Sistemy i Sredstva Inform., 2006, no. special issue, 85–100 |
2004 |
34. |
V. E. Bening, V. Yu. Korolev, “On an application of the Student distribution
in the theory of probability
and mathematical statistics”, Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 49:3 (2004), 417–435 ; Theory Probab. Appl., 49:3 (2005), 377–391 |
2003 |
35. |
G. M. Batanov, V. E. Bening, V. Yu. Korolev, A. E. Petrov, A. A. Pshenichnikov, K. A. Sarksyan, N. N. Skvortsova, N. K. Kharchev, Yu. V. Khol'nov, “Low-frequency structural plasma turbulence in the L-2M stellarator”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 78:8 (2003), 974–983 ; JETP Letters, 78:8 (2003), 502–510 |
2002 |
36. |
V. E. Bening, V. Yu. Korolev, “Nonparametric estimation of the ruin probability for generalized
risk processes”, Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 47:1 (2002), 3–20 ; Theory Probab. Appl., 47:1 (2003), 1–16 |
2001 |
37. |
G. M. Batanov, V. E. Bening, V. Yu. Korolev, A. E. Petrov, K. A. Sarksyan, N. N. Skvortsova, N. K. Kharchev, S. V. Shchepetov, “Turbulent transport processes in a plasma as a diffusion process with random time”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 73:3 (2001), 143–147 ; JETP Letters, 73:3 (2001), 126–130 |
1996 |
38. |
V. E. Bening, “Estimates for the rate of convergence under alternatives of some
statistics”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 349:2 (1996), 151–152 |
39. |
V. E. Bening, V. Yu. Korolev, “Asymptotic behavior of nonrandomly centered generalized Cox processes”, Fundam. Prikl. Mat., 2:4 (1996), 957–975 |
1980 |
40. |
V. E. Bening, “An asymptotic expansion for the distribution of a statistic admitting a stochastic decomposition depending on a linear combination of order statistics, for close alternatives”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 251:1 (1980), 14–16 |
41. |
V. E. Bening, “An asymptotic expansion for the distribution of a statistic admitting a stochastic decomposition depending on a linear combination of order statistics”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 250:6 (1980), 1289–1292 |
2006 |
42. |
S. Avvakumov, V. Bening, S. Voloshin, V. Voronin, E. Grigor'ev, D. Denisov, A. Zoteev, N. Levshin, I. Lomov, G. Medvedev, V. Panferov, V. Pogozhev, A. Razgulin, I. Sergeev, A. Sklyankin, V. Ushakov, E. Khailov, S. Chesnokov, E. Shikin, A. Shcheglov, B. Shchedrin, “Московский государственный университет им. М.В. Ломоносова”, Kvant, 2006, no. 1, 44–52 |
2005 |
43. |
V. Bening, P. Borodin, V. Voronin, E. Grigor'ev, D. Denisov, A. V. Zoteev, I. Inovenkov, N. Levshin, I. Lomov, G. Medvedev, A. Pavlikov, V. S. Panferov, V. Pogozhev, M. Potapov, A. Razgulin, I. Sergeev, A. Sklyankin, V. Ushakov, M. Fedotov, E. Khailov, S. Chesnokov, O. Shalygina, B. Shchedrin, “Московский государственный университет им. М.В. Ломоносова”, Kvant, 2005, no. 1, 40–49 |
1981 |
44. |
V. E. Bening, “Поправки к статье “Асимптотическое разложение для распределения статистики, допускающей стохастическое разложение, зависящее от линейной комбинации порядковых статистик” (ДАН, 1980 г., т. 250, № 6)”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 261:3 (1981), 520 |