Polovinkin, Igor Petrovich

Total publications: 41 (41)
in MathSciNet: 9 (9)
in zbMATH: 11 (11)
in Web of Science: 3 (3)
in Scopus: 6 (6)
Cited articles: 9
Citations: 15
Presentations: 6

Number of views:
This page:1745
Abstract pages:1327
Full texts:693
Polovinkin, Igor Petrovich
Associate professor
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (2014)
Speciality: 01.01.02 (Differential equations, dynamical systems, and optimal control)
Birth date: 13.04.1963
Keywords: Media theorems, noneuqlidian methrics.
Main publications:
  • Polovinkin I. P. Obraschenie teoremy o srednem znachenii dlya volnovogo uravneniya // Differentsialnye uravneniya. - 1991. - T. 27, N 11. - S. 1987–1990.
  • Ivanov L. A., Polovinkin I. P. O nekotorykh svoistvakh operatora Beltrami v rimanovoi metrike // Doklady Akademii nauk RF. - 1999, - T. 365, # 3. - S. 306–309.
  • Polovinkin I. P. O svoistvakh odnogo semeistva rimanovykh metrik // Vestnik Voronezhskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya: Fizika. Matematika. - 2005. - # 1. - S. 208–209.
  • Polovinkin I. P. O statsionarnykh nulyakh reshenii lineinykh ellipticheskikh uravnenii // Differentsialnye uravneniya. - 2013. - T. 49, # 1. - S. 132 – 136.
  • Polovinkin I. P. K teoremam o srednem znachenii dlya lineinykh uravnenii v chastnykh proizvodnykh // Trudy seminara imeni I.G. Petrovskogo. - T. 29. - Izdatelstvo Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, Moskva, 2013. - S. 396 – 404
  • Polovinkina, M. V., Debbouche, A., Polovinkin, I. P., & David, S. A. (2021). Stability of stationary solutions for the glioma growth equations with radial or axial symmetries. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences.
  • Debbouche, A., Polovinkina, M.V., Polovinkin, I.P. et al. On the stability of stationary solutions in diffusion models of oncological processes. Eur. Phys. J. Plus 136, 131 (2021).
  • Polovinkina, M.V., Polovinkin, I.P. & Muglanov, A.L. Two-Point Mean Value Formulas. Lobachevskii J Math 41, 853–868 (2020).
  • Polovinkin, I. P., & Polovinkina, M. V. (2020). Mean Value Theorems and Properties of Solutions of Linear Differential Equations. In Transmutation Operators and Applications (pp. 587-602). Birkhäuser, Cham.
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Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru)
1. V. Z. Meshkov, I. P. Polovinkin, “Mean value properties of solutions of linear partial differential equations”, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 160:1 (2009), 45 - 52  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  scopus 6
2. Sitnik S.M., Polovinkin I.P., Shishkina E.L., “Space of images of the mixed Riesz hyperbolic B-potential and analytic continuation”, J. Inverse Ill-Posed Probl., 27:2 (2019), 171–184  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus 2
3. M. V. Polovinkina, I. P. Polovinkin, “Remarks on the Paley–Wiener–Schwarz theorem for the Fourier–Bessel transform”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematical Modelling in Applied Sciences — ICMMAS'19. Belgorod, August 20–24, 2019, Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Ser. Sovrem. Mat. Pril. Temat. Obz., 195, VINITI, Moscow, 2021, 81–87  mathnet  crossref
4. A.L. Muglanov, I.P. Polovinkin, M.V.Polovinkina, “Two-point mean value formulas for some elliptic equations in spaces with constant curvature”, IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 973 (2018) 012056, 973 (2018)  crossref  isi  elib  scopus 1
5. Meshkov V.Z., Yu.D.Ermakova Yu.D., Polovinkin I.P., “Difference Mean-Value Formula for a Two-Dimensional Linear Fourth Order Hyperbolic Equation”, Perevod stati Meshkov V.Z., Ermakova Yu.D., Polovinkin I.P. Raznostnaya formula srednego znacheniya dlya dvumernogo lineinogo giperbolicheskogo uravneniya chetvertogo poryadka // Problemy matematicheskogo analiza. -2016. – Vyp. 86. – S. 31-34., Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 219:2 (2016), 203-207  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  elib  scopus 1
6. V. Z. Meshkov, I. P. Polovinkin, “A Criterion for the Compactness of the Support of a Generalized Function (Distribution) in Terms of the Fourier–Laplace Transform”, Math. Notes, 96:1 (2014), 95–98  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  elib  scopus
7. 1. Lyakhov L.N., Polovinkin I.P., Shishkina E.L., “Ob odnoi zadache I.A. Kipriyanova dlya singulyarnogo ultragiperbolicheskogo uravneniya”, Differentsialnye uravneniya, 50:4 (2014), 516 - 528  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  elib 1
8. I. P. Polovinkin, “Mean value theorems for linear partial differential equations”, J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 197:3 (2014), 399–403  mathnet  crossref  elib  scopus
9. I. P. Polovinkin, “Obraschenie teoremy o srednem znachenii dlya volnovogo uravneniya”, Differentsialnye uravneniya, 27:11 (1991), 1987-1990  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath 1
10. Meshkov V.Z., Polovinkin I.P., Polovinkina M.V., Ermakova Yu.D., Rabeeakh S.A., “Formula srednego znacheniya dlya dvumernogo lineinogo giperbolicheskogo uravneniya”, Vestnik Voronezhskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya: Fizika. Matematika., 2016, no. 4, 121-126  zmath  elib
11. 3. Lyakhov L.N., Polovinkin I.P., Shishkina E.L., “Formuly resheniya zadachi Koshi dlya singulyarnogo volnovogo uravneniya s operatorom Besselya po vremeni”, Doklady akademii nauk RF, 459:5 (2014), 533 -538  crossref  zmath
12. I. P. Polovinkin, “O statsionarnykh nulyakh reshenii lineinykh ellipticheskikh uravnenii”, Differentsialnye uravneniya, 49:1 (2013), 132 – 136  mathscinet  zmath  elib
13. V. Z. Meshkov, I. P. Polovinkin, “Otsenki dlya koeffitsientov odnorodnykh mnogochlenov”, Vestnik Voronezhskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya: Fizika. Matematika, 2013, no. 2, 236-241
14. I. P. Polovinkin, “K issledovaniyu lineinoi modeli T.Pu dinamiki dokhodov s uchetom mezhregionalnoi torgovli”, Differentsialnye uravneniya, 48:6 (2012), 902 – 903
15. I. P. Polovinkin, “Dopolneniya k svoistvam srednikh znachenii reshenii lineinykh differentsialnykh uravnenii s postoyannymi koeffitsientami”, Differentsialnye uravneniya, 47:11 (2011), 1669 – 1671
16. V. Z. Meshkov, I. P. Polovinkin, “O poluchenii novykh formul srednego znacheniya dlya dineinykh differentsialnykh uravnenii s postoyannymi koeffitsientami”, Differentsialnye uravneniya, 47:12 (2011), 1724 – 1731  mathscinet  zmath  elib
17. I. P. Polovinkin, “O statsionarnykh nulyakh reshenii lineinykh ellipticheskikh uravnenii v chastnykh proizvodnykh”, Nauchnye vedomosti BelGU. seriya “Matematika. Fizika”, 5 (100):22 (2011), 99 - 105
18. I. P. Polovinkin, “K issledovaniyam lineinoi nepreryvnoi modeli T. Pu raspredeleniya dokhoda”, Nauchnye vedomosti BelGU. Seriya Matematika. Fizika", 17 (112):24 (2011), 111 - 124
19. I. P. Polovinkin, “Ob odnom sledstvii iz teoremy o srednem A.V. Bitsadze i A.M. Nakhusheva”, Doklady Adygskoi (Cherkesskoi) Mezhdunarodnoi akademii nauk, 13:11 (2011), 49 - 56
20. I. P. Polovinkin, “K svoistvam reshenii lineinykh uravnenii v chastnykh proizvodnykh”, Vestnik Chelyabinskogo universiteta. Matematika. Mekhanika. Informatika, 12:23 (204) (2010), 59 – 66  mathnet
21. I. P. Polovinkin, “O simvolicheskom podkhode k izucheniyu svoistv srednikh znachenii reshenii lineinykh differentsialnykh uravnenii”, Sistemy upravleniya i informatsionnye tekhnologii, 2009, no. 3.1(37), 167-170  elib
22. I. P. Polovinkin, “O nekotorykh sledstviyakh iz teoremy o srednem A.V. Bitsadze i A.M. Nakhusheva dlya volnovogo uravneniya i ikh primeneniyakh”, Sistemy upravleniya i informatsionnye tekhnologii, 2009, no. 3.1(37), 193-195  elib
23. I. P. Polovinkin, “O mnozhestve beznadezhnosti v lineinoi nepreryvnoi modeli Pu raspredeleniya dokhoda”, Sistemy upravleniya i informatsionnye tekhnologii, 2008, no. 1.2(31), 253 -256  elib
24. I. P. Polovinkin, “O printsipe Gyuigensa v lineinoi nepreryvnoi modeli Pu raspredeleniya dokhoda”, Sistemy upravleniya i informatsionnye tekhnologii, 2008, no. 3(33), 18-20  elib
25. I. P. Polovinkin, “K svoistvam srednikh znachenii reshenii differentsialnykh uravnenii”, Nauchnye vedomosti BelGU. seriya “Matematika. Fizika”, 2008, 13 (53), no. 15, 79 - 84
26. I. P. Polovinkin, “Priblizhenie voln, udovletvoryayuschikh printsipu Gyuigensa, diffundiruyuschimi volnami”, Obozrenie prikladnoi i promyshlennoi matematiki, 14:2 (2007), 333 – 335
27. V. Z. Meshkov, I. P. Polovinkin, “O svoistvakh srednikh znachenii reshenii lineinykh uravnenii v chastnykh proizvodnykh”, Obozrenie prikladnoi i promyshlennoi matematiki, 15:1 (2007), 161 -162
28. I. P. Polovinkin, “Dvukhtochechnye teoremy o srednem dlya nekotorykh uravnenii vtorogo poryadka”, Obozrenie prikladnoi i promyshlennoi matematiki, 13:3 (2006), 533
29. I. P. Polovinkin, “O nekotorykh aspektakh printsipa Gyuigensa v ekonomiko – matematicheskikh prilozheniyakh”, Obozrenie prikladnoi i promyshlennoi matematiki, 13:3 (2006), 533 – 534
30. I. P. Polovinkin, “O svoistvakh odnogo semeistva rimanovykh metrik”, Vestnik Voronezhskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. – Seriya: Fizika. Matematika., 2005, no. 1, 208 – 209  zmath
31. I. P. Polovinkin, “Ob odnom semeistve singulyarnykh giperbolicheskikh uravnenii, udovletvoryayuschikh printsipu Gyuigensa”, Obozrenie prikladnoi i promyshlennoi matematiki, 12:3 (2005), 762  elib
32. V. Z. Meshkov, I. P. Polovinkin, M. E. Semenov, “Ob ustoichivosti statsionarnogo resheniya uravneniya Khotellinga”, Obozrenie prikladnoi i promyshlennoi matematiki, 9:1 (2002), 226 – 227
33. L. A. Ivanov, I. P. Polovinkin, “O nekotorykh svoistvakh operatora Beltrami v rimanovoi metrike”, Doklady Akademii nauk RF, 365:3 (1999), 306 – 309  mathscinet
34. I. P. Polovinkin, “K teoreme o srednem dlya volnovogo uravneniya”, Neklassicheskie uravneniya matematicheskoi fiziki, Novosibirskii gosudarstvennyi universitet, Novosibirsk, 1992, 50 – 62
35. S. M. Sitnik, M. V. Polovinkina, I. P. Polovinkin, “On recovery of the solution to the Cauchy problem for the singular heat equation”, Functional spaces. Differential operators. Problems of mathematics education, CMFD, 70, no. 1, PFUR, M., 2024, 173–187  mathnet  crossref
36. S. M. Sitnik, M. V. Polovinkina, V. E. Fedorov, I. P. Polovinkin, “Recovery of the Laplace–Bessel operator of a function by the spectrum, which is specified not everywhere”, Proceedings of the Voronezh international winter mathematical school “Modern methods of function theory and related problems”, Voronezh, January 27 - February 1, 2023, Part 2, Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Ser. Sovrem. Mat. Pril. Temat. Obz., 228, VINITI, Moscow, 2023, 52–57  mathnet  crossref
37. M. V. Polovinkina, I. P. Polovinkin, “On sufficient conditions for the stability of a stationary solution and on one effect in diffusion models of oncological processes”, Proceedings of the Voronezh spring mathematical school  “Modern methods of the theory of boundary-value problems. Pontryagin  readings – XXXI”. Voronezh, May 3-9, 2020, Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Ser. Sovrem. Mat. Pril. Temat. Obz., 204, VINITI, Moscow, 2022, 115–123  mathnet  crossref
38. A. A. Kretov, M. V. Polovinkina, I. P. Polovinkin, “On some models in linguistics”, Proceedings of the Voronezh International Winter Mathematical School “Modern Methods of Function Theory and Related Problems”, Voronezh, January 28 - February 2, 2021, Part 1, Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Ser. Sovrem. Mat. Pril. Temat. Obz., 206, VINITI, Moscow, 2022, 98–106  mathnet  crossref
39. M. V. Polovinkina, I. P. Polovinkin, S. A. Rabeeakh, “On the Huygens effect and points of hopelessness in the T. Puu macroeconomic model”, Proceedings of the Voronezh spring mathematical school “Modern methods of the theory of boundary-value problems. Pontryagin readings – XXX”. Voronezh, May 3-9, 2019. Part 2, Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Ser. Sovrem. Mat. Pril. Temat. Obz., 191, VINITI, Moscow, 2021, 129–134  mathnet  crossref
40. M. V. Polovinkina, I. P. Polovinkin, “On the stability of stationary states in diffusion models”, Taurida Journal of Computer Science Theory and Mathematics, 2021, no. 2, 88–101  mathnet
41. M. V. Polovinkina, I. P. Polovinkin, “On Properties of Riemannian metrics Associated with $B$-Elliptic Operators”, Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Ser. Sovrem. Mat. Pril. Temat. Obz., 170, 2019, 30–37  mathnet  crossref  elib

Presentations in Math-Net.Ru
1. On recovering the solution of the Cauchy problem for the singular heat equation from incomplete inaccurate measurements
I. P. Polovinkin, M. V. Polovinkina
Scientific seminar on the differential and functional differential equations
February 27, 2024 12:00   
2. Î âîññòàíîâëåíèè ôóíêöèé â âåñîâûõ ïðîñòðàíñòâàõ ïî íåïîëíûì äàííûì
M. V. Polovinkina, I. P. Polovinkin
VI International Conference "Function Spaces. Differential Operators. Problems of Mathematical Education", dedicated to the centennial anniversary of the corresponding member of Russian Academy of Sciences, academician of European Academy of Sciences L.D. Kudryavtsev
November 17, 2023 17:45   
3. Mean Values Formulas for Two-dimensional Linear Hyperbolic Equations
V. Z. Meshkov, I. P. Polovinkin, M. V. Polovinkina, S. A. Rabeeakh, Yu. D. Ermakova
International Conference on Mathematical Control Theory and Mechanics
July 4, 2015 12:40
4. The ratio of Asgeirsson-Kipriyanov for the general ultra-hyperbolic equations
L. N. Lyakhov, I. P. Polovinkin, E. L. Shishkina
International Conference on Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems
July 5, 2014 12:20

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