01.01.02 (Differential equations, dynamical systems, and optimal control)
functional differential equations, theory of semigroups, space of initial data.
Parabolic functional differential equations, the initial space data problem and its connection with the T. Kato problem about a square root of m-sectorial operator.
Since May 2004 — post graduate course in People Friendship University of Russia. Adviser — A. L. Skubachevskii, The second and the third boundary value problems for parabolic differential-difference equation.
March 2004, MAI, Master in Applied Mathematics.
2002, 2005 — Member of Organizing Committe of the International Conferences on Differential and Functional Differential Equations in Moscow.
A. M. Selitsky, “Study of mathematical model of nonlinear optical system with two dimensional feedback”, Matem. Mod., 27:7 (2015), 117–121
M. S. Agranovich, A. M. Selitskii, “Fractional Powers of Operators Corresponding to Coercive Problems in Lipschitz Domains”, Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen., 47:2 (2013), 2–17; Funct. Anal. Appl., 47:2 (2013), 83–95
A. M. Selitskii, “Space of Initial Data for the Second Boundary-Value Problem for a Parabolic Differential-Difference Equation in Lipschitz Domains”, Mat. Zametki, 94:3 (2013), 477–480; Math. Notes, 94:3 (2013), 444–447
A. M. Selitskii, “The Space of Initial Data of the $3$d Boundary-Value Problem for a Parabolic Differential-Difference Equation in the One-Dimensional Case”, Mat. Zametki, 92:4 (2012), 636–640; Math. Notes, 92:4 (2012), 580–584
A. M. Selitskii, “The third boundary-value problem for parabolic differential-difference equations”, CMFD, 21 (2007), 114–132; Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 153:5 (2008), 591–611
A. M. Selitskii, A. L. Skubachevskii, “Second boundary-value problem for parabolic differential-difference equations”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 62:1(373) (2007), 207–208; Russian Math. Surveys, 62:1 (2007), 191–192
A. M. Selitskii, A. L. Skubachevskii, “The second boundary-value problem for parabolic differential-difference equations”, Tr. Semim. im. I. G. Petrovskogo, 26 (2007), 324–347; J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 143:4 (2007), 3386–3400