Publications in Math-Net.Ru |
Citations |
2019 |
1. |
E. N. Velichko, G. L. Klimchitskaya, V. M. Mostepanenko, “Dispersion forces between metal and dielectric plates separated by a magnetic fluid”, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 89:9 (2019), 1337–1343 ; Tech. Phys., 64:9 (2019), 1260–1266 |
1993 |
2. |
A. A. Lobashev, V. M. Mostepanenko, “Heisenberg representation of second-quantized fields in stationary external fields and nonlinear dielectric media”, TMF, 97:3 (1993), 431–451 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 97:3 (1993), 1393–1404 |
1991 |
3. |
A. A. Lobashov, V. M. Mostepanenko, “Quantum effects associated with parametric generation of light and the theory of squeezed states”, TMF, 88:3 (1991), 340–357 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 88:3 (1991), 913–925 |
4. |
A. A. Lobashev, V. M. Mostepanenko, “Quantum effects in nonlinear insulating materials in the presence of a nonstationary electromagnetic field”, TMF, 86:3 (1991), 438–447 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 86:3 (1991), 303–309 |
1989 |
5. |
Yu. N. Moiseev, V. M. Mostepanenko, V. I. Panov, I. Yu. Sokolov, “Yukawa-type long range interaction parameter constraint the atomic-force microscopy”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 304:5 (1989), 1127–1130 |
6. |
Yu. B. Zayaev, V. M. Mostepanenko, “Corrections to vacuum forces resulting from small distortions of the geometry of a region”, TMF, 79:2 (1989), 209–218 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 79:2 (1989), 487–493 |
1988 |
7. |
V. M. Mostepanenko, I. Yu. Sokolov, “On Casimir forces between solids of complex form”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 298:6 (1988), 1380–1383 |
8. |
V. M. Mostepanenko, I. Yu. Sokolov, “Energy-momentum tensor of intermediate vector bosons in an external electromagnetic field”, TMF, 74:2 (1988), 210–217 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 74:2 (1988), 137–142 |
9. |
V. M. Mostepanenko, N. N. Trunov, “The Casimir effect and its applications”, UFN, 156:3 (1988), 385–426 |
1985 |
10. |
S. G. Mamaev, V. M. Mostepanenko, V. A. Sheluto, “Method of dimensional regularization for scalar and vector fields in homogeneous isotropic spaces”, TMF, 63:1 (1985), 64–77 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 63:1 (1985), 366–375 |
1980 |
11. |
V. M. Mostepanenko, “Particle creation and vacuum polarization by a nonstationary electric field”, TMF, 45:2 (1980), 210–223 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 45:2 (1980), 983–991 |
1978 |
12. |
A. A. Grib, V. M. Mostepanenko, V. M. Frolov, “Breaking of conformal symmetry and quantization in curved spacetime”, TMF, 37:3 (1978), 347–354 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 37:3 (1978), 1065–1070 |
13. |
A. A. Grib, V. M. Mostepanenko, V. M. Frolov, “Spontaneous breaking of $CP$-symmetry in a nonstationary isotropic metric”, TMF, 37:2 (1978), 212–223 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 37:2 (1978), 975–983 |
1977 |
14. |
A. A. Grib, V. M. Mostepanenko, V. M. Frolov, “Spontaneous breaking of gauge symmetry in a nonstationary isotropic metric”, TMF, 33:1 (1977), 42–53 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 33:1 (1977), 42–53 |
1976 |
15. |
A. A. Grib, V. M. Mostepanenko, V. M. Frolov, “Spontaneous symmetry breaking in the interaction of a scalar field with an external vector field”, TMF, 29:3 (1976), 370–375 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 29:3 (1976), 1131–1135 |
16. |
A. A. Grib, V. M. Mostepanenko, V. M. Frolov, “Creation and scattering of particles by a nonstationary electromagnetic field in the canonical formalism”, TMF, 26:2 (1976), 221–233 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 26:2 (1976), 148–155 |
1975 |
17. |
B. A. Levitskii, V. M. Mostepanenko, V. M. Frolov, “Properties of the basis functions of expansions which are invariant under the group $O(4)$”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 220:1 (1975), 61–64 |
1974 |
18. |
A. A. Grib, B. A. Levitskii, V. M. Mostepanenko, “Particle creation from vacuum by a nonstationary gravitational field in the canonical formalism”, TMF, 19:1 (1974), 59–75 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 19:1 (1974), 349–361 |
1972 |
19. |
A. A. Grib, V. M. Mostepanenko, V. M. Frolov, “Particle creation from vacuum by a homogeneous electric field in the canonical formalism”, TMF, 13:3 (1972), 377–390 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 13:3 (1972), 1207–1217 |
2024 |
20. |
K. A. Bronnikov, V. Yu. Dorofeev, V. M. Mostepanenko, Yu. V. Pavlov, S. V. Sushkov, A. M. Cherepashchuk, “In memory of Andrei Anatol’evich Grib”, UFN, 194:12 (2024), 1345–1346 ; Phys. Usp., 67:12 (2024), 1271–1272 |
1986 |
21. |
M. I. Bashmakov, V. B. Braginskii, A. A. Grib, Ya. B. Zel'dovich, M. A. Markov, V. M. Mostepanenko, V. N. Ponomarev, N. A. Smurova, “Sergei Georgievich Mamaev (Obituary)”, UFN, 149:1 (1986), 165–166 ; Phys. Usp., 29:5 (1986), 478–479 |
Organisations |