Publications in Math-Net.Ru |
Citations |
2021 |
1. |
E. Liflyand, “Ball's lemma as an exercise”, Chebyshevskii Sb., 22:3 (2021), 464–466 |
2. |
E. Liflyand, M. Skopina, “Hausdorff operators on Hardy type spaces”, Chebyshevskii Sb., 22:3 (2021), 133–142 |
2019 |
3. |
E. Liflyand, “Multidimensional Fourier transforms on an amalgam type space”, Eurasian Math. J., 10:4 (2019), 63–74 |
2018 |
4. |
E. Liflyand, “Babenko's work on spherical Lebesgue constants”, Eurasian Math. J., 9:4 (2018), 79–81 |
5. |
E. R. Liflyand, “Salem's Conditions in the Nonperiodic Case”, Mat. Zametki, 104:3 (2018), 447–453 ; Math. Notes, 104:3 (2018), 437–442 |
2017 |
6. |
V. I. Burenkov, E. Liflyand, “On the boundedness of Hausdorff operators on Morrey-type spaces”, Eurasian Math. J., 8:2 (2017), 97–104 |
2016 |
7. |
E. R. Liflyand, “Asymptotics of the Fourier Sine Transform of a Function of Bounded Variation”, Mat. Zametki, 100:1 (2016), 109–117 ; Math. Notes, 100:1 (2016), 93–99 |
2013 |
8. |
E. Liflyand, “Hausdorff operators on Hardy spaces”, Eurasian Math. J., 4:4 (2013), 101–141 |
2010 |
9. |
E. R. Liflyand, R. M. Trigub, “On the representation of a function as an absolutely convergent Fourier integral”, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 269 (2010), 153–166 ; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 269 (2010), 146–159 |
1994 |
10. |
I. R. Liflyand, “The operator of division by a power function in the multidimensional case”, Mat. Zametki, 56:2 (1994), 82–89 ; Math. Notes, 56:2 (1994), 818–823 |
1988 |
11. |
È. S. Belinskii, I. R. Liflyand, “Behavior of the Lebesgue constants of hyperbolic partial sums”, Mat. Zametki, 43:2 (1988), 192–196 ; Math. Notes, 43:2 (1988), 107–109 |
1987 |
12. |
I. R. Liflyand, “Sharp estimates of the Lebesgue constants of partial sums of multiple Fourier series”, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov., 180 (1987), 151–152 ; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 180 (1989), 176–177 |
1986 |
13. |
I. R. Liflyand, “Exact order of the Lebesgue constants of hyperbolic partial sums of multiple Fourier series”, Mat. Zametki, 39:5 (1986), 674–683 ; Math. Notes, 39:5 (1986), 369–374 |
2021 |
14. |
A. V. Abanin, O. G. Avsyankin, V. I. Burenkov, B. G. Vakulov, S. K. Vodopyanov, M. L. Gol'dman, V. S. Guliev, I. M. Erusalimskyi, A. N. Karapetyants, M. I. Karyakin, V. M. Kokilashvili, A. G. Kusraev, E. R. Liflyand, A. V. Pskhu, V. S. Rabinovich, S. V. Rogozin, B. S. Rubin, A. P. Soldatov, I. M. Spitkovsky, V. D. Stepanov, Kh. G. Umarov, S. M. Umarkhadzhiev, “Stefan Grigorievich Samko (on the occasion of his 80th birthday)”, Vladikavkaz. Mat. Zh., 23:3 (2021), 126–129 |
Presentations in Math-Net.Ru |
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