Publications in Math-Net.Ru |
Citations |
2021 |
1. |
V. V. Gorokhovik, “High-order tangent vectors to sets and high-order necessary minimality conditions for vector optimization problems”, Tr. Inst. Mat., 29:1-2 (2021), 52–66 |
2020 |
2. |
V. V. Gorokhovik, “Step-Affine Functions, Halfspaces, and Separation of Convex Sets with Applications to Convex Optimization Problems”, Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 26:1 (2020), 51–70 ; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. (Suppl.), 313, suppl. 1 (2021), S83–S99 |
2019 |
3. |
V. V. Gorokhovik, A. S. Tykoun, “Abstract Convexity of Functions with Respect to the Set of Lipschitz (Concave) Functions”, Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 25:3 (2019), 73–85 ; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. (Suppl.), 309, suppl. 1 (2020), S36–S46 |
2018 |
4. |
N. A. Izobov, V. V. Gorokhovik, Yu. S. Kharin, L. A. Yanovich, D. F. Bazylev, V. V. Benyash-Krivets, I. D. Suprunenko, S. V. Tikhonov, “V. I . Yanchevskii is 70”, Algebra Discrete Math., 26:1 (2018), C–F |
2017 |
5. |
V. V. Gorokhovik, “On the representation of upper semicontinuous functions defined on infinite-dimensional normed spaces as lower envelopes of families of convex functions”, Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 23:1 (2017), 88–102 |
2015 |
6. |
V. V. Gorokhovik, M. A. Trafimovich, “Geometrical and analytical characterizations of positively homogeneous functions”, Tr. Inst. Mat., 23:1 (2015), 27–54 |
2014 |
7. |
V. V. Gorokhovik, “First and second necessary optimality conditions for a discrete optimal control problem with nontransitive performance index”, Tr. Inst. Mat., 22:1 (2014), 35–50 |
8. |
V. V. Gorokhovik, M. A. Trofimovich, “First and second order optimality conditions in vector optimization problems with nontransitive preference relation”, Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 20:4 (2014), 81–96 ; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. (Suppl.), 292, suppl. 1 (2016), 91–105 |
2012 |
9. |
V. V. Gorokhovik, “Optimality conditions in vector optimization problems with a nonsolid cone of positive elements”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 52:7 (2012), 1192–1214 |
2011 |
10. |
V. V. Gorokhovik, M. A. Starovoitova, “Characteristic properties of primal exhausters for various classes of positively homogeneous functions”, Tr. Inst. Mat., 19:2 (2011), 12–25 |
2009 |
11. |
V. V. Gorokhovik, S. Ya. Gorokhovik, B. Marinković, “Necessary optimality conditions for a smooth discrete optimal control problem with vector-valued objective function”, Tr. Inst. Mat., 17:1 (2009), 27–40 |
12. |
V. I. Bakhtin, V. V. Gorokhovik, “Optimality conditions of first and second order in vector optimization problems on metric spaces”, Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 15:4 (2009), 32–43 ; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. (Suppl.), 269, suppl. 1 (2010), S28–S39 |
2007 |
13. |
E. V. Gireiko, V. V. Gorokhovik, “General existence conditions for maximal elements of ordered sets”, Tr. Inst. Mat., 15:2 (2007), 3–14 |
14. |
V. V. Gorokhovik, “Geometrical and analytical characterizations of piecewise affine mappings”, Tr. Inst. Mat., 15:1 (2007), 22–32 |
2006 |
15. |
V. V. Gorokhovik, “Second order tangent vectors to sets and minimality conditions for points of subsets of ordered normed spaces”, Tr. Inst. Mat., 14:2 (2006), 35–47 |
1998 |
16. |
V. V. Gorokhovik, E. A. Semenkova, “Classification of semispaces according to their types in infinite-dimensional vector spaces”, Mat. Zametki, 64:2 (1998), 191–198 ; Math. Notes, 64:2 (1998), 164–169 |
1984 |
17. |
V. V. Gorokhovik, “Quasidifferentiability of real-valued functions and conditions for a local extremum”, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 25:3 (1984), 62–70 ; Siberian Math. J., 25:3 (1984), 388–395 |
1983 |
18. |
V. V. Gorokhovik, “Necessary conditions for second-order optimality in problems of control with a vector performance index”, Differ. Uravn., 19:10 (1983), 1672–1680 |
1982 |
19. |
V. V. Gorokhovik, S. Ya. Gorokhovik, “Different forms of the generalized Legendre-Clebsch conditions”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 1982, no. 7, 28–33 ; Autom. Remote Control, 43:7 (1982), 860–865 |
20. |
V. V. Gorokhovik, “On quasidifferentiability of real-valued functions”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 266:6 (1982), 1294–1298 |
1972 |
21. |
V. V. Gorokhovik, “On the theory of differential $n$-person games”, Differ. Uravn., 8:3 (1972), 424–434 |
1971 |
22. |
V. V. Gorokhovik, F. M. Kirillova, “О линейных дифференциальных играх нескольких лиц”, Upravliaemie systemy, 1971, no. 10, 3–9 |
2018 |
23. |
N. A. Izobov, V. V. Gorokhovik, Yu. S. Kharin, L. A. Yanovich, D. F. Bazylev, V. V. Benyash-Krivets, I. D. Suprunenko, S. V. Tikhonov, “Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus V.I. Yanchevskii. Towards the 70th birthday”, Tr. Inst. Mat., 26:1 (2018), 6–8 |
2000 |
24. |
R. F. Gabasov, I. V. Gaishun, V. V. Gorokhovik, N. A. Izobov, A. M. Kamachkin, F. M. Kirillova, D. A. Ovsyannikov, L. A. Petrosyan, “Vladimir Ivanovich Zubov”, Differ. Uravn., 36:10 (2000), 1299–1300 ; Differ. Equ., 36:10 (2000), 1433–1435 |
Organisations |