Hajilou, Ali

Total publications: 11 (11)
in MathSciNet: 3 (3)
in Web of Science: 1 (1)
Cited articles: 8
Citations: 109
Presentations: 7

Number of views:
This page:311
Abstract pages:52
List of publications on ZentralBlatt

Full list of publications:
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Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru)
1. I. Ya. Aref'eva, A. Hajilou, P. S. Slepov, M. K. Usova, “Beta-functions in holographic QCD models”, TMF (to appear)  mathnet
2. Ali Hajilou, “Meson excitation time as a probe of holographic critical point”, Eur. Phys. J. C, Part. Fields, 83 (2023), 301 , 17 pp.  mathnet  crossref; 1
3. S. N. Sajadi, Ali Hajilou, S. H. Hendi, “Analytically approximation solution to $R^2$ gravity”, Eur. Phys. J. C, Part. Fields, 83 (2023), 45 , 12 pp.  mathnet  crossref; 1
4. Irina Ya. Aref'eva, Ali Hajilou, Kristina Rannu, Pavel Slepov, “Magnetic catalysis in holographic model with two types of anisotropy for heavy quarks”, Eur. Phys. J. C, Part. Fields, 83 (2023), 1143 , 28 pp., arXiv: 2305.06345  mathnet  crossref  isi;
5. S. N. Sajadi, A. Hajilou, “More on boundary conditions for warped AdS in GMG”, Europ. Phys. J. C, 82:10 (2022), 1–12  crossref
6. M. Asadi, Ali Hajilou, “Meson potential energy in a non-conformal holographic model”, Nuclear Phys. B, 979 (2022), 115744 , 17 pp.  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet; 2
7. H. Bohra,D. Dudal, A. Hajilou,S. Mahapatra, “Chiral transition in the probe approximation from an Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton gravity model”, Phys. Rev. D, 103:8 (2021), 086021 , 16 pp.  crossref  mathscinet 24
8. D. Dudal, A. Hajilou, S. Mahapatra, “A quenched 2-flavour Einstein–Maxwell–Dilaton gauge-gravity model”, Europ. Phys. J. A, 57:4 (2021), 1–4  crossref 19
9. H. Bohra, D. Dudal, A. Hajilou, S. Mahapatra, “Anisotropic string tensions and inversely magnetic catalyzed deconfinement from a dynamical AdS/QCD model”, Phys. Lett. B, 801 (2020), 135184 , 11 pp.  crossref  mathscinet 56
10. A. Hajilou, M. Ali-Akbari, “Meson excitation at finite chemical potential”, Europ. Phys. J. C, 79:3 (2019), 1–11  crossref 2
11. A. Hajilou, M. Ali-Akbari, F. Charmchi, “A classical string in Lifshitz–Vaidya geometry”, Europ. Phys. J. C, 78:5 (2018), 1–11  crossref 4

Presentations in Math-Net.Ru
1. Magnetic Catalysis in Holographic Model with Two Types of Anisotropy for Heavy Quarks
A. Hajilou
Seminar of the LHEP (MIPT) theory group
April 10, 2024 14:00
2. Energy loss of a heavy quark
A. Hajilou
Seminar by I. Ya. Aref'eva "Perspective directions in quantum field theory and superstrings"
April 1, 2024 16:00
3. Magnetic catalysis in holographic model with two types of anisotropy for heavy quarks
A. Hajilou
International Conference "Fields & Strings 2024"
February 7, 2024 13:05   
4. Magnetic Catalysis in Holographic Model with Two Types of Anisotropy for Heavy Quarks
A. Hajilou
Online Workshop "Frontiers of Holographic Duality-5"
December 5, 2023 17:00   
5. Êèðàëüíûé êîíäåíñàò â ñèëüíîì ìàãíèòíîì ïîëå (ïðîäîëæåíèå)
A. Hajilou
Seminar by I. Ya. Aref'eva "Perspective directions in quantum field theory and superstrings"
October 2, 2023 16:45
6. Êèðàëüíûé êîíäåíñàò â ñèëüíîì ìàãíèòíîì ïîëå
A. Hajilou
Seminar by I. Ya. Aref'eva "Perspective directions in quantum field theory and superstrings"
September 18, 2023 17:00
7. Holographic Anisotropic Model for Heavy Quarks in Anisotropic Hot Dense QGP: Magnetic Catalysis
A. Hajilou
Conference "SIMC Youth Race"
March 17, 2023 15:00   

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