Publications in Math-Net.Ru |
Citations |
2024 |
1. |
V. D. Sedykh, O. G. Rybchenko, A. I. Dmitriev, V. I. Kulakov, A. M. Gapochka, V. S. Rusakov, “The effect of Sr concentration on the crystal and magnetic structures of La$_{1-x}$Sr$_x$FeO$_{3-\gamma}$ orthoferrite”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 66:11 (2024), 1973–1982 |
2. |
A. I. Dmitriev, S. V. Zaitsev, M. S. Dmitrieva, O. G. Rybchenko, V. D. Sedykh, “Effect of oxygen content variations on structural and magnetic features in La$_{0.5}$Sr$_{0.5}$FeO$_{3-\delta}$”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 66:3 (2024), 386–391 |
3. |
A. I. Dmitriev, S. V. Zaitsev, M. S. Dmitrieva, “Increasing the temperature of the magnetic ordering in La$_{0.33}$Sr$_{0.67}$FeO$_{3-\delta}$ by heat treatment”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 50:13 (2024), 24–27 |
2021 |
4. |
A. I. Dmitriev, A. V. Kochura, S. F. Marenkin, E. Lähderanta, A. P. Kuz’menko, B. A. Aronzon, “Magnetic anisotropy of needlelike single-crystal MnSb inclusions in an InSb matrix”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 47:10 (2021), 46–49 ; Tech. Phys. Lett., 47:7 (2021), 490–493 |
2020 |
5. |
A. I. Dmitriev, A. V. Kochura, A. P. Kuz’menko, L. S. Parshina, O. A. Novodvorskii, O. D. Khramova, E. P. Kochura, A. L. Vasil'ev, E. I. Nekhaeva, B. A. Aronzon, “Effect of growth temperature and postgrowth annealing on magnetic properties of Mn$_{1+x}$Sb nanoparticles embedded in GaSb thin films”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 62:2 (2020), 203–207 ; Phys. Solid State, 62:2 (2020), 241–245 |
2019 |
6. |
A. I. Dmitriev, A. V. Kochura, A. P. Kuz’menko, L. S. Parshina, O. A. Novodvorskii, O. D. Khramova, E. P. Kochura, A. L. Vasil'ev, B. A. Aronzon, “Effect of heat treatment on the dispersion of the magnetic anisotropy of MnSb nanoinclusions embedded in thin GaMnSb films”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 61:4 (2019), 652–658 ; Phys. Solid State, 61:4 (2019), 523–529 |
7. |
A. I. Dmitriev, M. S. Dmitrieva, G. G. Ziborov, “Influence of the magnetic anisotropy dispersion in Ge$_{3}$Mn$_{5}$ clusters on the temperature dependences of magnetization in thin Ge:Mn films”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 45:2 (2019), 36–38 ; Tech. Phys. Lett., 45:1 (2019), 34–36 |
2018 |
8. |
A. I. Dmitriev, M. S. Dmitrieva, G. G. Ziborov, “Spin-wave resonance in Ge : Mn thin films with percolation magnetic ordering”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 60:5 (2018), 919–922 ; Phys. Solid State, 60:5 (2018), 921–924 |
9. |
A. I. Dmitriev, “Temporal stability of magnetization of $\varepsilon$-In$_{0.24}$ Fe$_{1.76}$O$_{3}$ nanoparticles”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 44:4 (2018), 17–24 ; Tech. Phys. Lett., 44:2 (2018), 137–140 |
2017 |
10. |
A. I. Dmitriev, A. A. Filatov, “Generality of spontaneous and stimulated magnetization reversal in MnSb clusters embedded in GaMnSb thin films”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 59:9 (2017), 1712–1715 ; Phys. Solid State, 59:9 (2017), 1734–1738 |
11. |
A. I. Dmitriev, L. I. Buravov, “Competition between band and hopping carrier transport in Ge : Mn thin films”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 59:3 (2017), 523–527 ; Phys. Solid State, 59:3 (2017), 538–542 |
12. |
A. I. Dmitriev, S. A. Kostyuchenko, “Switching of bistable magnetic states in (NdSmDy)(FeCo)B alloy in the vicinity of a spin-reorientation transition”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 43:14 (2017), 19–25 ; Tech. Phys. Lett., 43:7 (2017), 645–647 |
2016 |
13. |
A. I. Dmitriev, “Spontaneous spin-reorientation transition in (NdSmDy)(FeCo)B alloys”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 58:12 (2016), 2361–2364 ; Phys. Solid State, 58:12 (2016), 2449–2452 |
14. |
A. I. Dmitriev, A. A. Filatov, “Effect of the magnetic anisotropy energy distribution of MnSb clusters on spontaneous magnetization reversal of GaMnSb thin films”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 58:10 (2016), 1935–1939 ; Phys. Solid State, 58:10 (2016), 2005–2010 |
15. |
A. I. Dmitriev, V. V. Kucheryaev, E. I. Kunitsyna, R. A. Valeev, R. B. Morgunov, V. P. Piskorsky, O. G. Ospennikova, E. N. Kablov, “Effect of samarium impurity on the relaxation of the magnetization of a (NdDy)(FeCo)B alloy”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 58:8 (2016), 1530–1533 ; Phys. Solid State, 58:8 (2016), 1582–1586 |
Organisations |