Duality principle which is well known in linear observability and control theory is generalized for nonlinear dynamical systems. Possibility of phase state reconstruction in analytical dynamical systems by stable discrete observation programs is proved. The solvability of the boundary-value problems of hydrogen interraction with solids with nonlinear dynamical boundary conditions is investigated. The methods of inverse problem solution of parametric identification of hydrogen permeability models are propozed.
Graduated from Faculty of Applied Mathematics-Control Processes of Leningrad State University (now St.-Petersburg State University) in 1982 (department of mechanics of control motion). Ph.D. thesis was defended in 1985. D.Sci. thesis was defended in 1998. A list of my works contains for about 60 titles.
Main publications:
Zaika Yu.V., Bormatova E.P., “Parametricheskaya identifikatsiya modeli vodorodopronitsaemosti po vremenam zapazdyvaniya”, Zhurnal tekhnicheskoi fiziki, 80:3 (2010), 31–39
Zaika Yu. V., Rodchenkova N.I., “Boundary-value problem with moving bounds and dynamic boundary conditions: diffusion peak of TDS-spectrum of dehydriding”, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 33:10 (2009), 3776–3791
Zaika Yu.V., “Identification of a hydrogen transfer model with dynamical boundary conditions”, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 2004, № 4, 195–216
Zaika Yu.V., “Integral observability operators of nonlinear dynamical systems”, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 2003, no. 55, 3519–3538
Zaika Yu.V., “Interval estimates of functionals in time-delay systems with uncertainty”, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 2003, no. 56, 3573–3590
Yu. V. Zaika, N. I. Rodchenkova, “Computational algorithm for solving the nonlinear boundary-value problem of hydrogen permeability with dynamic boundary conditions and concentration-dependent diffusion coefficient”, Computer Research and Modeling, 16:5 (2024), 1179–1193
Yu. V. Zaika, E. K. Kostikova, “Qualitative and parametric identification of two-peak hydrogen thermal desorption spectra”, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 93:12 (2023), 1720–1723
Yu. V. Zaika, E. K. Kostikova, Yu. S. Nechaev, “Peaks of hydrogen thermal desorption: simulation and interpretation”, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 91:2 (2021), 222–231; Tech. Phys., 66:2 (2021), 210–220
Yu. V. Zaika, N. I. Rodchenkova, “Modelling of fast hydrogen permeability of alloys for membrane gas separation”, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 87:5 (2017), 651–658; Tech. Phys., 62:5 (2017), 669–676
Yu. V. Zaika, E. K. Kostikova, “Computer simulation of hydrogen thermal desorption spectra”, Mat. Model., 29:4 (2017), 121–136
Yu. V. Zaika, N. I. Rodchenkova, N. I. Sidorov, “Modeling of $\rm H_2$-permeability of alloys for gas separation membranes”, Computer Research and Modeling, 8:1 (2016), 121–135
Yu. V. Zaika, E. K. Kostikova, “Modeling of thermal desorption and hydrogen permeability”, Computer Research and Modeling, 6:5 (2014), 679–703
Yu. V. Zaika, N. I. Rodchenkova, “Diffusion peak of TDS-spectrum of dehydriding: boundary-value problem with moving bounds”, Mat. Model., 20:11 (2008), 67–79
Yu. V. Zaika, I. A. Chernov, “Chernov. Boundary-value problem with dynamical boundary conditions and moving phase bound (dehydrating kinetics)”, Mat. Model., 16:4 (2004), 3–16
Yu. V. Zaika, “Интегральные операторы восстановления фазового вектора динамических систем”, Tr. Petrozavodsk. Gos. Univ. Ser. Mat., 1999, no. 6, 15–24
Yu. V. Zaika, M. M. Kruchek, “Suboptimal integral observation operators in dynamical systems with delay”, Tr. Petrozavodsk. Gos. Univ. Ser. Mat., 1997, no. 4, 62–75
Yu. V. Zaika, “Математическое обоснование модели диффузии с обратимым захватом и динамическими граничными условиями”, Tr. Petrozavodsk. Gos. Univ. Ser. Mat., 1996, no. 3, 137–171
Yu. V. Zaika, “The solvability of the equations for a model of gas transfer through membranes with dynamic boundary conditions”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 36:12 (1996), 108–120; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 36:12 (1996), 1731–1741
Yu. V. Zaika, M. M. Kruchek, “Среднеквадратичная оценка функционалов на решениях систем с запаздыванием и случайными возмущениями”, Tr. Petrozavodsk. Gos. Univ. Ser. Mat., 1995, no. 2, 19–30
Yu. V. Zaika, “Интегральные операторы идеального наблюдения динамических систем”, Tr. Petrozavodsk. Gos. Univ. Ser. Mat., 1993, no. 1, 8–21
Yu. V. Zaika, “Zeros of holomorphic functions, and integral operators for observing dynamical systems”, Mat. Sb., 184:12 (1993), 65–86; Russian Acad. Sci. Sb. Math., 80:2 (1995), 445–465
Yu. V. Zaika, N. E. Kirin, “Conjugate problems of the identification of dynamical systems”, Differ. Uravn., 24:5 (1988), 770–776; Differ. Equ., 24:5 (1988), 499–504