Apushkinskaya, Darya Evgen'evna

Statistics Math-Net.Ru
Total publications: 21
Scientific articles: 16
Presentations: 11

Number of views:
This page:1590
Abstract pages:5242
Full texts:2067
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (1993)
Speciality: 01.01.02 (Differential equations, dynamical systems, and optimal control)
Birth date: 17.03.1968
E-mail: ; ;
Keywords: free boundary problems; regularuty; parabolic variational inequalities; Venttsel conditions; quasilinear elliptic equations; quasilinear parabolic equations; a priori estimates; existence theorems; weight spaces.


Graduated from Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics of Leningrad State University (LGU) in 1990 (department of mathematical physics). Ph. D. thesis (advisor prof. N. N. Uraltseva) was defended in St. Petersburg State University in 1993. My List of publications contains 32 titles.

Main publications:
  • Apushkinskaya D. E., Nazarov A. I. Linear two-phase Venttsel problems // Ark. Mat., 2001,39(2), 201–222.
List of publications on Google Scholar
List of publications on ZentralBlatt

Publications in Math-Net.Ru Citations
1. D. E. Apushkinskaya, A. I. Nazarov, D. K. Palagachev, L. G. Softova, “Nonstationary venttsel problem with $VMO_x$ leading coefficients”, Dokl. RAN. Math. Inf. Proc. Upr., 510 (2023),  13–17  mathnet  elib; Dokl. Math., 107:2 (2023), 97–100 2
2. D. E. Apushkinskaya, A. I. Nazarov, D. K. Palagachev, L. G. Softova, “The quasilinear parabolic Venttsel' problem with discontinuous leading coefficients”, Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen., 57:2 (2023),  93–99  mathnet; Funct. Anal. Appl., 57:2 (2023), 158–163  scopus 2
3. A. S. Markov, E. Yu. Kotlyarov, N. P. Anosova, V. A. Popov, I. Karandashev, D. E. Apushkinskaya, “Using neural networks to detect anomalies in X-ray images obtained with full-body scanners”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 2022, no. 10,  23–34  mathnet; Autom. Remote Control, 83:10 (2022), 1507–1516 2
4. D. E. Apushkinskaya, G. G. Lazareva, V. A. Okishev, “Influence of numerical diffusion on the growth rate of viscous fingers in the numerical implementation of the Peaceman model by the finite volume method”, CMFD, 68:4 (2022),  553–563  mathnet  mathscinet
5. D. E. Apushkinskaya, A. I. Nazarov, “The normal derivative lemma and surrounding issues”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 77:2(464) (2022),  3–68  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath; Russian Math. Surveys, 77:2 (2022), 189–249  isi  scopus 14
6. D. E. Apushkinskaya, G. G. Lazareva, “Algorithm for the numerical solution of the Stefan problem and its application to calculations of the temperature of tungsten under impulse action”, CMFD, 67:3 (2021),  442–454  mathnet 1
7. D. E. Apushkinskaya, S. I. Repin, “Biharmonic obstacle problem: guaranteed and computable error bounds for approximate solutions”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 60:11 (2020),  1881–1897  mathnet  elib; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 60:11 (2020), 1823–1838  isi  scopus 4
8. D. E. Apushkinskaya, N. N. Uraltseva, “Uniform estimates near the initial state for solutions of the two-phase parabolic problem”, Algebra i Analiz, 25:2 (2013),  63–74  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  elib; St. Petersburg Math. J., 25:2 (2014), 195–203  isi  scopus 4
9. D. E. Apushkinskaya, N. N. Ural'tseva, H. Shahgholian, “On the Lipschitz property of the free boundary in a parabolic problem with obstacle”, Algebra i Analiz, 15:3 (2003),  78–103  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath; St. Petersburg Math. J., 15:3 (2004), 375–391 11
10. D. E. Apushkinskaya, N. N. Ural'tseva, H. Shahgholian, “On the global solutions of the parabolic obstacle problem”, Algebra i Analiz, 14:1 (2002),  3–25  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath; St. Petersburg Math. J., 14:1 (2003), 1–17 10
11. D. E. Apushkinskaya, A. I. Nazarov, “The elliptic Dirichlet problem in weight spaces”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 288 (2002),  14–33  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath; J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 123:6 (2004), 4527–4538 3
12. D. E. Apushkinskaya, H. Shahgholian, N. N. Ural'tseva, “Boundary estimates for solutions to the parabolic free boundary problem”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 271 (2000),  39–55  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath; J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 115:6 (2003), 2720–2730 14
13. D. E. Apushkinskaya, A. I. Nazarov, “Quasilinear two-phase Venttsel problems”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 271 (2000),  11–38  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath; J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 115:6 (2003), 2704–2719 4
14. D. E. Apushkinskaya, A. I. Nazarov, “On the quasilinear stationary Ventzel boundary-value problem”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 221 (1995),  20–29  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath; J. Math. Sci. (New York), 87:2 (1997), 3277–3283 4
15. D. E. Apushkinskaya, N. N. Uraltseva, “On the behavior of free boundaries near the boundary of the domain”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 221 (1995),  5–19  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath; J. Math. Sci. (New York), 87:2 (1997), 3267–3276 7
16. D. E. Apushkinskaya, A. I. Nazarov, “An initial-boundary value problem with a Venttsel' boundary condition for parabolic equations not in divergence form”, Algebra i Analiz, 6:6 (1994),  1–29  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath; St. Petersburg Math. J., 6:6 (1995), 1127–1149 7

17. D. E. Apushkinskaya, A. I. Nazarov, “75 years of the V. I. Smirnov seminar”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 519 (2022),  5–9  mathnet
18. A. I. Aptekarev, D. E. Apushkinskaya, O. V. Besov, V. I. Burenkov, V. V. Vlasov, R. V. Gamkrelidze, M. L. Gol'dman, G. V. Demidenko, V. G. Zadorozhniy, V. V. Kozlov, G. G. Lazareva, S. P. Novikov, V. M. Savchin, V. A. Sadovnichii, A. L. Skubachevskii, A. P. Soldatov, D. V. Treschev, M. A. Ragusa, H.-O. Walther, “Vladimir Mikhailovich Filippov”, CMFD, 67:3 (2021),  423–426  mathnet 1
19. D. E. Apushkinskaya, A. I. Nazarov, “Preface”, Algebra i Analiz, 32:3 (2020),  3  mathnet
20. D. E. Apushkinskaya, A. I. Nazarov, ““Keep the traces of Man in the sand of time!” (V. I. Smirnov)”, Algebra i Analiz, 30:2 (2018),  3–17  mathnet  mathscinet  elib; St. Petersburg Math. J., 30:2 (2019), 149–160  isi  scopus 1
21. D. E. Apushkinskaya, A. I. Nazarov, “Nina Nikolaevna Ural'tseva”, Algebra i Analiz, 27:3 (2015),  3–5  mathnet  mathscinet  elib; St. Petersburg Math. J., 27:3 (2016), 345–346  isi  scopus

Presentations in Math-Net.Ru
1. Апостериорные оценки ошибок в начально-краевой задаче для уравнения «реакция-диффузия»
D. E. Apushkinskaya
VI International Conference "Function Spaces. Differential Operators. Problems of Mathematical Education", dedicated to the centennial anniversary of the corresponding member of Russian Academy of Sciences, academician of European Academy of Sciences L.D. Kudryavtsev
November 15, 2023 15:55   
2. Venttsel problems with discontinuous data
D. E. Apushkinskaya
International Scientific Conference "Modern Methods, Problems and Applications of Operator Theory and Harmonic Analysis - 2023 (OTHA-2023)"
August 22, 2023 10:30   
3. Wentzel problem with discontinuous coefficients
D. E. Apushkinskaya
Scientific seminar on the differential and functional differential equations
February 7, 2023 12:00   
4. How free boundaries couple Salmonella with hysteresis
D. E. Apushkinskaya
Seminar on mathematical modeling in biology and medicine
October 27, 2022 16:30   
5. Estimates of the distance to exact solutions for a class of free boundary problems
D. E. Apushkinskaya, S. I. Repin
V. I. Smirnov Seminar on Mathematical Physics
October 17, 2022 15:00
6. Automatic detection of anomalies in the images of personal screening scanners
D. E. Apushkinskaya
Scientific seminar on the differential and functional differential equations
April 26, 2022 12:00   
7. Cовместное заседание Санкт-Петербургского математического общества, Cеминара по математической физике им. В. И. Смирнова, Cеминара по истории математики и Cекции математики Дома ученых РАН, посвященное 100-летию со дня рождения выдающегося математика Ольги Александровны Ладыженской (1922 – 2004)
A. I. Nazarov, D. E. Apushkinskaya
V. I. Smirnov Seminar on Mathematical Physics
March 7, 2022 15:00
8. Joint Meeting of St. Petersburg Mathematical Society, V.I. Smirnov Seminar on Mathematical Physics, Seminar on the History of Mathematics, and Section of Mathematics of St. Petersburg House of Scientists, dedicated to the centenary of an outstanding mathematician Olga Alexandrovna Ladyzhenskaya
D. E. Apushkinskaya, A. I. Nazarov
Seminar on the History of Mathematics
March 7, 2022 15:00   
9. Совместное заседание Санкт-Петербургского математического общества, Семинара по математической физике им. В. И. Смирнова, Семинара по истории математики и Секции математики Дома ученых РАН, посвященное 100-летию со дня рождения выдающегося математика Ольги Александровны Ладыженской (1922 – 2004)
D. E. Apushkinskaya, A. I. Nazarov
Meetings of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society
March 7, 2022 15:00
10. When Hopf’s lemma remains valid?
D. E. Apushkinskaya
Joint Mathematical seminar of Saint Petersburg State University and Peking University
October 22, 2020 16:00
11. Who are you, Monsieur Le Blanc?
D. E. Apushkinskaya
Seminar on the History of Mathematics
September 3, 2015 18:00   

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