Galkin, Valerii Alekseevich

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Total publications: 31
Scientific articles: 31

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This page:324
Abstract pages:2501
Full texts:917
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences
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Publications in Math-Net.Ru Citations
1. O. P. Bobrovskaya, T. V. Gavrilenko, V. A. Galkin, “The traffic flow temperature concept”, Russian Journal of Cybernetics, 5:2 (2024),  26–34  mathnet
2. T. V. Gavrilenko, V. A. Galkin, “Intuitive logical systems and their applications in artificial intelligence technologies”, Russian Journal of Cybernetics, 5:1 (2024),  8–16  mathnet
3. O. P. Bobrovskaya, T. V. Gavrilenko, V. A. Galkin, “Swarm intelligence algorithm of traffic”, Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making, 2023, no. 4,  58–70  mathnet  elib
4. V. A. Galkin, A. O. Dubovik, “On one class of exact solutions of the Navie–Stokes system of equations for an incompressible fluid”, Matem. Mod., 35:8 (2023),  3–13  mathnet; Math. Models Comput. Simul., 15:1 suppl. (2023), S78–S85 1
5. A. D. Smorodinov, T. V. Gavrilenko, V. A. Galkin, “Theoretical foundations of artificial neural network application to approximation and interpolation problems”, Russian Journal of Cybernetics, 4:4 (2023),  41–53  mathnet
6. T. N. Sadykov, V. A. Galkin, D. A. Morgun, “Using Python for numerical solution of the heat equation initial boundary value problems and visualization”, Russian Journal of Cybernetics, 4:3 (2023),  31–38  mathnet
7. V. A. Galkin, A. D. Smorodinov, D. A. Morgun, “Solution of the Navier–Stokes equation for colliding jets”, Russian Journal of Cybernetics, 4:2 (2023),  8–15  mathnet 1
8. A. D. Smorodinov, T. V. Gavrilenko, V. A. Galkin, “Applicability of genetic algorithms for determining the weighting coefficients of an artificial neural network with one hidden layer”, Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 43:2 (2023),  69–86  mathnet
9. V. A. Galkin, “On a class of exact solutions to the incompressible Navier–Stokes system in a ball and a spherical layer”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 63:6 (2023),  1000–1005  mathnet  elib; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 63:6 (2023), 1064–1069 4
10. V. B. Betelin, V. A. Galkin, “Mathematical and computational problems associated with the formation of structures in complex systems”, Computer Research and Modeling, 14:4 (2022),  805–815  mathnet 4
11. V. B. Betelin, V. A. Galkin, “On fixed points of continuous mappings associated with construction of artificial neural networks”, Dokl. RAN. Math. Inf. Proc. Upr., 507 (2022),  22–25  mathnet  mathscinet  elib; Dokl. Math., 106:3 (2022), 423–425 2
12. V. A. Galkin, T. V. Gavrilenko, A. D. Smorodinov, O. P. Bobrovskaya, “Swarm intelligence algorithms applicability for minimizing various functions”, Russian Journal of Cybernetics, 3:4 (2022),  84–97  mathnet
13. D. A. Bykovskikh, V. A. Galkin, “Adiabatic compression of ideal collisionless gas in 3D space”, Russian Journal of Cybernetics, 3:4 (2022),  54–64  mathnet
14. V. A. Galkin, A. O. Dubovik, “Simulation of layered flow in an infinite cylinder with a time-varying radius”, Russian Journal of Cybernetics, 3:4 (2022),  14–23  mathnet
15. V. A. Galkin, D. A. Morgun, “Modeling and visualization of particle trajectories driven by an asymmetric potential”, Russian Journal of Cybernetics, 3:3 (2022),  8–13  mathnet
16. V. A. Galkin, “On fixed points of periodic continuous mappings to plane ${\mathbb R}^2$ and sphere $S^{2}$”, Russian Journal of Cybernetics, 3:2 (2022),  8–10  mathnet 1
17. V. A. Galkin, T. V. Gavrilenko, A. D. Smorodinov, “Approaches to solving systems of linear algebraic equations using neural networks”, Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 40:3 (2022),  153–164  mathnet  mathscinet 1
18. O. P. Bobrovskaya, T. V. Gavrilenko, V. A. Galkin, “Transport flow model based on interaction of particles with action potential”, Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 40:3 (2022),  72–87  mathnet 2
19. V. A. Galkin, T. V. Gavrilenko, A. D. Smorodinov, “Some aspects of approximation and interpolation of functions artificial neural networks”, Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 38:1 (2022),  54–73  mathnet  mathscinet 2
20. V. A. Galkin, A. O. Dubovik, “Modeling of three-dimensional potential fluid flow in a time-varying domain”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 62:7 (2022),  1180–1186  mathnet  elib; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 62:7 (2022), 1152–1157 2
21. V. B. Betelin, V. A. Galkin, “Reducing the dimensionality of grid approximations”, Russian Journal of Cybernetics, 2:4 (2021),  75–77  mathnet 1
22. V. A. Galkin, “Mathematical problems of collaborating robotic vehicle traffic”, Russian Journal of Cybernetics, 2:4 (2021),  67–74  mathnet
23. V. B. Betelin, V. A. Galkin, “Mathematical problems of artificial intelligence and artificial neural networks”, Russian Journal of Cybernetics, 2:4 (2021),  6–14  mathnet 4
24. V. B. Betelin, V. A. Galkin, A. O. Dubovik, “Some mathematical aspects of constructing artificial neural networks”, Russian Journal of Cybernetics, 2:3 (2021),  19–22  mathnet
25. V. B. Betelin, V. A. Galkin, T. V. Gavrilenko, A. K. Dibizhev, O. V. Kovalenko, N. F. Nikitin, V. P. Solovyov, “Issues of artificial intelligence application to the domestic high-tech industries (critical components of the Russian society)”, Russian Journal of Cybernetics, 2:3 (2021),  8–18  mathnet
26. Vladimir B. Betelin, Valerii A. Galkin, Alexei V. Ryakhovskiy, “Local and distributed models of the coronavirus spread”, Russian Journal of Cybernetics, 2:2 (2021),  12–20  mathnet 1
27. V. B. Betelin, V. A. Galkin, A. O. Dubovik, “Exact solutions of incompressible Navier–Stokes equations in the case of oil and gas industrial problems”, Dokl. RAN. Math. Inf. Proc. Upr., 495 (2020),  13–16  mathnet  zmath  elib; Dokl. Math., 102:3 (2020), 456–459 6
28. V. A. Galkin, A. O. Dubovik, “About modeling a layered viscous conductive fluid flow in a region changing in time”, Matem. Mod., 32:4 (2020),  31–42  mathnet; Math. Models Comput. Simul., 12:6 (2020), 942–949 4
29. N. R. Urmantseva, V. A. Galkin, K. V. Mazayshvili, M. A. Shushaev, T. V. Gavrilenko, “Conformity of vein merging angles to the rules of Roux in the mathematical interpretation of Murray”, Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 31:2 (2020),  79–91  mathnet
30. V. A. Galkin, A. O. Dubovik, A. A. Epifanov, “Approximate methods for equations of incompressible fluid”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 57:2 (2017),  275–284  mathnet  elib; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 57:2 (2017), 272–280  isi  scopus 1
31. I. V. Bychin, V. A. Galkin, T. V. Gavrilenko, A. V. Gorelikov, A. V. Ryakhovsky, “Software for numerical simulation of convection in spherical shells for hybrid CPU/GPU computing systems”, Matem. Mod., 26:10 (2014),  95–108  mathnet; Math. Models Comput. Simul., 7:3 (2015), 271–280  scopus

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