
Online Workshop "Frontiers of Holographic Duality-5"
(December 4–8, 2023, Steklov Mathematical Institute, online, Moscow)

Having been initially used as a tool to explore strongly coupled phenomena, holography found important applications and intriguing insights in the structure of quantum gravity and quantum information, linking them to certain universal properties of strongly coupled chaotic quantum systems. It provides unified geometric tools for the description of various phenomena in the heavy ions collision physics, many-body physics applications, black hole physics, and quantum information theory.

The aim is to explore a wide variety of aspects of holographic duality, bringing together specialists in main topics to have a comprehensive, but intensive discussions of the frontiers of holography and closely related subjects of quantum information and strongly-coupled theory.

The topics to be discussed include string theory, holographic duality and their applications:

  • black holes and quantum information;
  • entanglement, chaos and many-body phenomena;
  • holographic quantum chromodynamics and heavy ions collisions.
Zoom password and organization information will be sent to speakers and registered participants (see the link to the registration form below). Please note that all talks will be moderated and recorded.







This workshop continues the tradition of online workshops held in Steklov Institute of Mathematics from 2020. Web pages of previous seminars: 2022, 2021, 2020-II and 2020-I.


Organizing Committee
Aref'eva Irina Yaroslavna (Chairman)
Ageev Dmitry Sergeevich (Secretary)

Financial support
The event is supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (the grant to the Steklov International Mathematical Center, agreement no. 075-15-2022-265).

Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Steklov International Mathematical Center

Online Workshop "Frontiers of Holographic Duality-5", Moscow, December 4–8, 2023

December 4, 2023 (Mon)
1. Opening
December 4, 2023 12:55–13:00, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute, online
2. A simple model, extracted using holography, of a domain wall between a confining and a de-confining phases and its velocity
J. Sonneschein
December 4, 2023 13:00–13:55, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute, online
J. Sonneschein
3. Binding Complexity and the Cost of Entanglement
G. Policastro
December 4, 2023 14:00–14:55, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute, online
4. Torus shadow formalism and exact global conformal blocks
S. Mandrygin
December 4, 2023 16:00–16:25, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute, online
S. Mandrygin
5. Renormalization group flows in $3d$ holographic model
M. Usova
December 4, 2023 16:30–16:55, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute, online

December 5, 2023 (Tue)
6. Gravity from Optimized Computation
J. Pedraza
December 5, 2023 14:00–14:55, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute, online
7. Timelike Entanglement Entropy
A. Mollabashi
December 5, 2023 15:00–15:55, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute, online
8. Magnetic Catalysis in Holographic Model with Two Types of Anisotropy for Heavy Quarks
A. Hajilou
December 5, 2023 17:00–17:55, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute, online
9. Open AdS/CFT via a Double-trace Deformation
H. Geng
December 5, 2023 18:00–18:55, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute, online

December 6, 2023 (Wed)
10. Insights on Pentaquarks through Gauge/String Duality
O. Andreev
December 6, 2023 13:00–13:55, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute, online
11. Weak chaos in the string $S$-matrix
M. Čubrović
December 6, 2023 14:00–14:55, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute, online
12. Dropping a diary into semiclassical black hole microstates
M. Khramtsov
December 6, 2023 17:00–17:55, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute, online
13. Holographic Beta-Function for Quark-Gluon Plasma with Heavy/Light Quarks
P. Slepov
December 6, 2023 18:00–18:55, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute, online
14. Universal Properties in ICFTs
Yu. Kusuki
December 6, 2023 19:00–19:55, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute, online

December 7, 2023 (Thu)
15. Fluctuations in the entropy of Hawking radiation and interior information recovery
M. Miyaji
December 7, 2023 13:00–13:55, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute, online
16. Black Holes, Cavities and Blinking Islands
T. Rusalev
December 7, 2023 14:00–14:55, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute, online
17. Wilson networks in AdS and global conformal blocks
V. Khiteev
December 7, 2023 16:00–16:25, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute, online
18. Classical Liouville Action and Uniformization of Orbifold Riemann Surfaces
B. Taghavi
December 7, 2023 16:30–16:55, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute, online
19. On the role of the $z^4$ and $z^5$ terms in the metric strain coefficient for the holographic description of QGP in magnetic field
K. Rannu
December 7, 2023 17:00–17:55, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute, online
20. QG-seminar
December 7, 2023 18:00–18:55, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute, online

December 8, 2023 (Fri)
21. Krylov Complexity in Free and Interacting Scalar Field Theories with Bounded Power Spectrum
V. Jahnke
December 8, 2023 13:00–13:55, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute, online
22. How chaos reigns in free field theories
D. Ageev
December 8, 2023 14:00–14:55, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute, online
23. Closing remarks
I. Aref'eva
December 8, 2023 15:00–15:55, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute, online
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