
Academician Andrei A. Slavnov memorial conference
(December 21–22, 2022, Steklov Mathematical Institite, 8, Gubkina str., room 104, Moscow)

The conference is timed to the birthday of Academician A.A. Slavnov (December 22, 1939), head of the Department of Theoretical Physics of the Steklov Mathematical Institute, an outstanding scientist, one of the creators of the theory of gauge fields, who made a huge contribution to quantum field theory. The topics of the conference cover a wide range of problems of theoretical and mathematical physics, illustrating the modern development of scientific ideas of A.A. Slavnov.

The conference will take place both in-person and online (in Zoom)


Titles and abstracts



Program Committee
Aref'eva Irina Yaroslavna
Chekhov Leonid Olegovich
Kazakov Dmitri Igorevich
Pogrebkov Andrei Konstantinovich

Organizing Committee
Slavnov Nikita Andreevich (Chairman)
Bykov Dmitrii Vladimirovich (Scientific Secretary)
Matushko Mariya Georgievna
Slepov Pavel Sergeevich
Zotov Andrei Vladimirovich

Financial support
The conference is supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (the grant to the Steklov International Mathematical Center, agreement no. 075-15-2022-265).

Steklov International Mathematical Center
Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

Academician Andrei A. Slavnov memorial conference, Moscow, December 21–22, 2022

December 21, 2022 (Wed)
1. Opening
D. V. Treschev
December 21, 2022 10:50–11:10, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institite, 8, Gubkina str., room 104
2. The structure of quantum corrections and exact results in supersymmetric theories revealed by the higher covariant derivative regularizaton
K. V. Stepanyantz
December 21, 2022 11:00–11:30, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institite, 8, Gubkina str., room 104
3. Five-point correlation numbers in minimal Liouville gravity
A. A. Artem'ev, A. A. Belavin
December 21, 2022 11:30–12:00, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institite, 8, Gubkina str., room 104
4. Conformal triangles and zig-zag diagrams
S. È. Derkachov, A. P. Isaev
December 21, 2022 12:30–13:00, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institite, 8, Gubkina str., room 104
5. Yang-Mills solitons in models with conformal symmetry breaking
D. V. Gal'tsov
December 21, 2022 13:00–13:30, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institite, 8, Gubkina str., room 104
6. Concentrating Gravity on Branes
K. S. Stelle
December 21, 2022 15:00–15:30, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institite, 8, Gubkina str., room 104
7. Isometry invariance of exact correlation functions in various charts of Minkowski and de Sitter spaces
E. T. Akhmedov
December 21, 2022 15:30–16:00, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institite, 8, Gubkina str., room 104
8. Solving symplectic groupoid: quantization and integrability
L. O. Chekhov
December 21, 2022 16:30–17:00, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institite, 8, Gubkina str., room 104
9. Gauge-invariant variables and Slavnov-Taylor decomposition in spontaneously broken theories
A. Quadri
December 21, 2022 17:00–17:30, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institite, 8, Gubkina str., room 104
10. Dressing Factors and TBA for AdS3 x S3 x T4
S. A. Frolov
December 21, 2022 17:30–18:00, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institite, 8, Gubkina str., room 104

December 22, 2022 (Thu)
11. Supersymmetric sigma models as Gross-Neveu models
D. V. Bykov
December 22, 2022 11:00–11:30, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institite, 8, Gubkina str., room 104
12. Higher Spins in Harmonic Superspace
E. A. Ivanov
December 22, 2022 11:30–12:00, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institite, 8, Gubkina str., room 104
13. Locality and Spin-Locality in Higher-Spin Theory
M. A. Vasiliev
December 22, 2022 12:30–13:00, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institite, 8, Gubkina str., room 104
14. Generalized eigenvalue models
K. L. Zarembo
December 22, 2022 13:00–13:30, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institite, 8, Gubkina str., room 104
15. Квантовые поправки в эффективный потенциал в обобщенных моделях со скалярным полем
D. I. Kazakov
December 22, 2022 15:00–15:30, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institite, 8, Gubkina str., room 104
16. Quarkionic matter
I. Ya. Aref'eva
December 22, 2022 15:30–16:00, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institite, 8, Gubkina str., room 104
17. Comments on 4-derivative scalar theory in 4 dimensions
A. A. Tseytlin
December 22, 2022 16:30–17:00, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institite, 8, Gubkina str., room 104
18. Path integral measure in quadratic gravity models
V. V. Belokurov
December 22, 2022 17:00–17:30, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institite, 8, Gubkina str., room 104
19. Memorial session
December 22, 2022 17:30–19:00, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institite, 8, Gubkina str., room 104

Poster session
20. Generating cosmological perturbations in non-singular Horndeski cosmologies
Yu. A. Ageeva
December 22, 2022, Poster session, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institite, 8, Gubkina str., room 104
21. Loop corrections to a cosmological particle creation
P. A. Anempodistov
December 22, 2022, Poster session, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institite, 8, Gubkina str., room 104
22. Non-abelian fermionic T-duality in supergravity
L. N. Astrakhantsev
December 22, 2022, Poster session, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institite, 8, Gubkina str., room 104
23. Backlund transformation for the nonlinear Schrodinger equation
N. M. Belousov
December 22, 2022, Poster session, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institite, 8, Gubkina str., room 104
24. T-violation in neutrino spin-flavor transition probabilities in the case of real mixing matrix
A. V. Chukhnova
December 22, 2022, Poster session, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institite, 8, Gubkina str., room 104
25. Lower-dimensional Regge-Teitelboim gravity
A. A. Grechko
December 22, 2022, Poster session, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institite, 8, Gubkina str., room 104
26. Asymptotic symmetries of general relativity in the BV-BRST formalism
M. V. Markov
December 22, 2022, Poster session, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institite, 8, Gubkina str., room 104
27. An Effective Field Theory for Large Oscillons
V. E. Maslov
December 22, 2022, Poster session, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institite, 8, Gubkina str., room 104
28. Entanglement entropy of finite regions in spherically symmetric black hole
T. A. Rusalev
December 22, 2022, Poster session, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institite, 8, Gubkina str., room 104
29. Символьные вычисления в N=1 суперсимметричной электродинамике, регуляризованной высшими производными
I. E. Shirokov
December 22, 2022, Poster session, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institite, 8, Gubkina str., room 104
30. Suppression exponent for multiparticle production in $\phi^4$ theory
B. R. Farkhtdinov
December 22, 2022, Poster session, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institite, 8, Gubkina str., room 104
31. Holographic RG flows in 3d supergravity
M. K. Usova
December 22, 2022, Poster session, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institite, 8, Gubkina str., room 104
32. N=2 cubic higher spin vertices and rigid symmetries of hypermultiplet
N. M. Zaigraev
December 22, 2022, Poster session, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institite, 8, Gubkina str., room 104
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