
Mini-courses of the thematic program«Roots and ends of dynamics: topology, geometry, algebra, and ergodicity»
(Steklov mathematical institute, Moscow)

During the thematic program «Roots and ends of dynamics: topology, geometry, algebra, and ergodicity» there will be several mini-courses and individual talks. The information on these events will appear on this page.

Please contact Alexey Klimenko in case of any questions.

Bufetov Alexander Igorevich
Dynnikov Ivan Alekseevich
Klimenko Alexey Vladimirovich
Skripchenko Alexandra Sergeevna

Financial support
The event is supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (the grant to the Steklov International Mathematical Center, agreement no. 075-15-2022-265).

Steklov International Mathematical Center
Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Department of Mathematics, National Research University "Higher School of Economics", Moscow

Mini-courses of the thematic program«Roots and ends of dynamics: topology, geometry, algebra, and ergodicity», Moscow

March 30, 2022 (Wed)
1. Shadowing—The Anosov–Bowen approach to hyperbolicity. Lecture 1
Boris Hasselblatt
March 30, 2022 16:20–17:40, Moscow, Steklov mathematical institute

April 1, 2022 (Fri)
2. Shadowing—The Anosov–Bowen approach to hyperbolicity. Lecture 2
Boris Hasselblatt
April 1, 2022 16:20–17:40, Moscow, Steklov mathematical institute

April 6, 2022 (Wed)
3. Shadowing—The Anosov–Bowen approach to hyperbolicity. Lecture 3
Boris Hasselblatt
April 6, 2022 16:20–17:40, Moscow, Steklov mathematical institute

April 8, 2022 (Fri)
4. Shadowing—The Anosov–Bowen approach to hyperbolicity. Lecture 4
Boris Hasselblatt
April 8, 2022 16:20–17:40, Moscow, Steklov mathematical institute

November 28, 2022 (Mon)
5. Aperiodic tilings. Lecture 1
T. Fernique
November 28, 2022 18:10–19:30, Moscow, Math Department of HSE (Usacheva 6), room 306

November 30, 2022 (Wed)
6. Aperiodic tilings. Lecture 2
T. Fernique
November 30, 2022 18:10–19:30, Moscow, Math Department of HSE (Usacheva 6), room 306

December 5, 2022 (Mon)
7. Aperiodic tilings. Lecture 3
T. Fernique
December 5, 2022 18:10–19:30, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute (Gubkina 8), room 104

December 12, 2022 (Mon)
8. Aperiodic tilings. Lecture 4
T. Fernique
December 12, 2022 18:10–19:30, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute (Gubkina 8), room 104
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