Niranjan Kumar, Roman S. Pleshkov, B. S. Prathibha, Vladimir N. Polkovnikov, Nikolay I. Chkhalo, Vladimir A. Golyashov, Oleg E. Tereshchenko, “Depth-resolved oxidational studies of Be/Al periodic multilayers investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 25:2 (2023), 1205
Alexey T Kozakov, Niranjan Kumar, Valery G Vlasenko, Iliya V Pankov, Vadim A Volochaev, Anton A Scrjabin, Anatoly V Nikolskii, Aleksey V Nezhdanov, Ruslan M Smertin, Vladimir N Polkovnikov, Nikolay I Chkhalo, “Investigation of nanostructural and electronic properties of silicides intermetallic in Mo/Si interfaces of periodic multilayers and bilayer structures”, Bull Mater Sci, 46:1 (2023)
Sergey Kuzin, Sergey Bogachev, Andrey Pertsov, Ivan Loboda, Viktor Chervinsky, Nikolay Chkhalo, Alexey Lopatin, Ilya Malyshev, Alexey Pestov, Roman Pleshkov, Vladimir Polkovnikov, Michael Toropov, Nikolay Tsybin, Sergey Zuev, “EUV telescope for a Cubesat nanosatellite”, Appl. Opt., 62:31 (2023), 8462
R. M. Smertin, M. M. Barysheva, S. A. Garakhin, M. V. Zorina, S. Yu. Zuev, V. N. Polkovnikov, N. I. Chkhalo, D. B. Radishchev, “Study of the X-ray Optical and Mechanical Characteristics of C/Si and B4C/Si Multilayer Mirrors”, J. Surf. Investig., 17:6 (2023), 1350
Niranjan Kumar, Aleksey V. Nezhdanov, Ruslan M. Smertin, Vladimir N. Polkovnikov, Nikolay I. Chkhalo, “Microstructural stability of silicon and beryllium nanofilms in periodic Si/Be multilayer mirrors investigated by Raman scattering spectroscopy”, Indian J Phys, 97:14 (2023), 4205
Niranjan Kumar, Kalpataru Panda, Roman S Pleshkov, Aleksey V Nezhdanov, Vladimir N Polkovnikov, Pavel A Yunin, Nikolay I Chkhalo, “High thermal stability of the reflectivity of Be/Al multilayer mirrors designed for extreme ultraviolet wavelength”, Surfaces and Interfaces, 42 (2023), 103414
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Kumar N., Nezhdanov V A., Garakhin S.A., Yunin P.A., Polkovnikov V.N., Chkhalo I N., Mashin I A., “Microstructure and Phonon Behavior in W/Si Periodic Multilayer Structures”, J. Phys. D-Appl. Phys., 55:17 (2022), 175302
Kumar N., Antisheva G.D., Nezhdanov V A., Drozdov M.N., Pleshkov R.S., Yunin P.A., Polkovnikov V.N., Chkhalo I N., “Raman Scattering Studies of the Ambient Atmospheric Thermal Stability of Be in Periodic Be/Mo and Be/W Multilayer Mirrors”, J. Phys. D-Appl. Phys., 55:24 (2022), 245301
Kumar N., Pleshkov R.S., Garakhin S.A., Nezhdanov V A., Yunin P.A., Polkovnikov V.N., Chkhalo I N., “Investigation of Microstructure and Reflectivity of Thermally Annealed Mo/Be and W/Be Multilayer Mirrors”, Surf. Interfaces, 28 (2022), 101656
N. I. Chkhalo, S. A. Garakhin, N. Kumar, K. V. Nikolaev, V. N. Polkovnikov, A. Rogachev, M. V. Svechnikov, D. A. Tatarsky, S. N. Yakunin, “Investigation of physical properties of Si crystallites in W/Si multilayers”, J Appl Crystallogr, 55:6 (2022), 1455
Sergei S. Sakhonenkov, Elena Filatova, “Effect of B4c Barrier Layer on Layer Intermixing in Nanoscale W/Be Multilayers Before and after Annealing”, SSRN Journal, 2022
Niranjan Kumar, Aleksey V. Nezhdanov, Rushlan M. Smertin, Vladimir N. Polkovnikov, Nikolay I. Chkhalo, Vladimir A. Golyashov, Oleg E. Tereshchenko, “A volume plasmon blueshift in thin silicon films embedded within Be/Si periodic multilayer mirrors”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 24:26 (2022), 15951
R. M. Smertin, N. I. Chkhalo, M. N. Drozdov, S. A. Garakhin, S. Yu. Zuev, V. N. Polkovnikov, N. N. Salashchenko, P. A. Yunin, “Influence of Mo interlayers on the microstructure of layers and reflective characteristics of Ru/Be multilayer mirrors”, Opt. Express, 30:26 (2022), 46749
Sergei S. Sakhonenkov, Elena O. Filatova, “Effect of B4C barrier layer on layer intermixing in nanoscale W/Be multilayers before and after annealing”, Applied Surface Science, 606 (2022), 154961
Kumar N., Kozakov A.T., Smertin R.M., Polkovnikov V.N., Chkhalo N.I., Nikolskii A.V., Scrjabin A.A., “X-Ray Photoelectron Studies of Near Surface Oxidation and Plasmon Excitation in Spatially Confined Bi- and Tri- Layers Periodic Multilayer Mirrors”, Thin Solid Films, 717 (2021), 138449
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Kozakov A.T., Kumar N., Garakhin S.A., Polkovnikov V.N., Chkhalo I N., Nikolskii V A., Scrjabin A.A., Nezhdanov V A., Yunin P.A., “Size-Dependent Plasmon Effects in Periodic W-Si- Based Mirrors, Investigated By X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy”, Appl. Surf. Sci., 566 (2021), 150616
Gaisin A.U., Karataev V A., Solomonov V A., Pleshkov R.S., Chkhalo I N., Filatova E.O., “Effect of Annealing on the Interface Formation in Mo/Be Multilayer Structures Without/With a Barrier Layer”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 23:41 (2021), 23978–23985