1. Ryabov A.O., Frolov V.L., “Relationship Between the Potential of An Artificial Earth Satellite and the Temperature of Electrons in the Upper Ionosphere Perturbed By High-Power Short-Wave Radiation of the “Sura” Ground-Based Facility”, Radiophys. Quantum Electron., 62:10 (2020), 657–666  crossref  isi  scopus
  2. Mogilevskii M.M., Romantsova T.V., “Formation of a Group of Small-Sized Satellites For Obtaining the Two-Dimensional Field of Ionospheric Parameters”, Cosmic Res., 57:2 (2019), 138–141  crossref  isi  scopus
  3. Lukianova R., Frolov V., Ryabov A., “First Swarm Observations of the Artificial Ionospheric Plasma Disturbances and Field-Aligned Currents Induced By the Sura Power Hf Feating”, Geophys. Res. Lett., 46:22 (2019), 12731–12738  crossref  isi  scopus
  4. Sodha M.S., Prakash G., Agarwal S.K., “Production of Artificial Conducting Regions in the Atmosphere”, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 47:11, 2 (2019), 5113–5118  crossref  isi  scopus
  5. Sodha M.S., Verma R.K., “Nonlinear Electromagnetic Propagation in Ionosphere: Inclusion of Electron Temperature Dependence of the Collision Parameter (Delta)”, Phys. Plasmas, 25:2 (2018), 022302  crossref  isi  scopus
  6. Bakhmetieva N.V., Frolov V.L., Vyakhirev V.D., Kalinina E.E., Akchurin A.D., Zykov E.Yu., “The Lower Ionosphere Response to Its Disturbances By Powerful Radio Waves”, Adv. Space Res., 61:7 (2018), 1919–1930  crossref  isi  scopus
  7. Safargaleev V.V., Safargaleeva N.N., “On the Accuracy of the Conjugation of High-Orbit Satellites With Small-Scale Regions in the Ionosphere”, Cosmic Res., 56:2 (2018), 115–122  crossref  isi  scopus
  8. Frolov V.L., Rapoport V.O., Shorokhova E.A., Parrot M., Rauch J.-L., “The Results of Measurements of Features of Artificial Electromagnetic and Plasma Perturbations in the Outer Ionosphere of the Earth Using the Demeter Satellite”, Mosc. Univ. Phys. Bull., 73:1 (2018), 17–40  crossref  isi  scopus
  9. Tereshchenko E.D., Turyansky V.A., Khudukon B.Z., Yurik R.Yu., Frolov V.L., “On Spatial Structuring of the F2 Layer Studied By the Satellite Radio Sounding of the Ionosphere Disturbed By High-Power Hf Radio Waves”, Radiophys. Quantum Electron., 60:8 (2018), 609–617  crossref  isi  scopus
  10. Streltsov A.V., Berthelier J.-J., Chernyshov A.A., Frolov V.L., Honary F., Kosch M.J., McCoy R.P., Mishin E.V., Rietveld M.T., “Past, Present and Future of Active Radio Frequency Experiments in Space”, Space Sci. Rev., 214:8 (2018), UNSP 118  crossref  isi  scopus
  11. Zhang X., Frolov V., Zhao Sh., Zhou Ch., Wang Ya., Ryabov A., Zhai D., “The First Joint Experimental Results Between Sura and Cses”, Earth Planet. Phys., 2:6 (2018), 527–537  crossref  isi  scopus
  12. Frolov V.L., Lukyanova R.Yu., Belov A.S., Bolotin I.A., Dobrovolsky M.N., Ryabov A.O., Shorokhova E.A., “Characteristics of the Plasma Disturbance Excited At Altitudes of 450-500 Km During the “Sura” Facility Operation”, Radiophys. Quantum Electron., 61:5 (2018), 319–331  crossref  isi  scopus
  13. Д. С. Моисеева, А. А. Моторин, Е. Л. Ступицкий, “Численные исследования параметров возмущенной области, образующейся в нижней ионосфере под действием направленного потока радиоизлучения от наземного источника”, Компьютерные исследования и моделирование, 10:5 (2018), 679–708  mathnet  crossref [D. S. Moiseeva, A. A. Motorin, E. L. Stupitsky, “Numerical studies of the parameters of the perturbed region formed in the lower ionosphere under the action of a directed radio waves flux from a terrestrial source”, Computer Research and Modeling, 10:5 (2018), 679–708  mathnet]
  14. James H.G., Frolov V.L., Andreeva E.S., Padokhin A.M., Siefring C.L., “Sura heating facility transmissions to the CASSIOPE/e-POP satellite”, Radio Sci., 52:2 (2017)  crossref  isi  scopus
  15. Sodha M.S., Mishra S.K., “Modification of Electron Density in F Layer of Ionosphere By Dust Suspension”, Phys. Plasmas, 24:4 (2017), 043705  crossref  isi  elib  scopus
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  19. Frolov V.L., Rapoport V.O., Schorokhova E.A., Belov A.S., Parrot M., Rauch J.-L., “Features of the Electromagnetic and Plasma Disturbances Induced at the Altitudes of the Earth's Outer Ionosphere by Modification of the Ionospheric F 2 Region Using High-Power Radio Waves Radiated by the SURA Heating Facility”, Radiophys. Quantum Electron., 59:3 (2016), 177–198  crossref  isi  scopus
  20. Sergeev E.N., Shindin A.V., Grach S.M., Milikh G.M., Mishin E.V., Bernhardt P.A., Siefring C.L., Briczinski S.J., McCarrick M.J., “Exploring HF-induced ionospheric turbulence by Doppler sounding and stimulated electromagnetic emissions at the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program heating facility”, Radio Sci., 51:7 (2016), 1118–1130  crossref  isi  elib  scopus