V. L. Frolov, E. S. Andreeva, A. M. Padokhin, “Spatial Structure of Plasma Density Disturbances in the Topside Ionosphere Caused by High-Power HF Heating of the F2 Layer”, Geomagn. Aeron., 64:3 (2024), 329
V. L. Frolov, E. S. Andreeva, A. M. Padokhin, “Spatial Structure of Plasma Density Perturbations Excited at Altitudes of the Upper and Outer Ionosphere During F2-Layer Heating by Powerful HF Radio Waves”, Geomagnetizm i aèronomiâ, 64:3 (2024), 363
Д. С. Моисеева, Е. Л. Ступицкий, “Физические исследования и численное моделирование воздействия мощного потока радиоизлучения на нижнюю ионосферу. Часть 1. Краткий обзор состояния вопроса и постановка задачи”, Компьютерные исследования и моделирование, 15:3 (2023), 619–637
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Tatiana Borisova, Nataly Blagoveshchenskaya, Alexey Kalishin, “Features of artificial ionosphere turbulence induced by the O- and X-mode HF heating near the F2-layer critical frequency”, Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 9:1 (2023), 21
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И. Ю. Зудин, М. Е. Гущин, А. В. Стриковский, С. В. Коробков, И. А. Петрова, А. Н. Катков, В. В. Кочедыков, “Особенности турбулентности, возбуждаемой импульсной высокочастотной накачкой в замагниченной плазме”, Письма в ЖЭТФ, 116:1 (2022), 46–53
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Nataliya V. Bakhmetieva, Gennadiy I. Grigoriev, “Study of the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere by the Method of Creating Artificial Periodic Irregularities of the Ionospheric Plasma”, Atmosphere, 13:9 (2022), 1346
Daria S. Moiseeva, Evgenii L. Stupitsky, Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 274, Advances in Theory and Practice of Computational Mechanics, 2022, 213
V. L. Frolov, Yu. Yu. Kulikov, A. V. Troitsky, “Artificial Injection of Energy Electrons from the Earth's Radiation Belt: A New Channel for Modifying Ionized and Neutral Atmospheric Components”, Russ. J. Phys. Chem. B, 16:5 (2022), 965
Frolov V.L., Luk'yanova R.Yu., Ryabov A.O., Bolotin I.A., “Satellite Measurements of Plasma Disturbances and Electric Currents Induced in the Midlatitude Ionosphere Modified By High-Power Hf Radio Waves”, Cosmic Res., 59:4 (2021), 231–249
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Shindin A.V., Sergeev E.N., Grach S.M., Milikh G.M., Bernhardt P., Siefring C., McCarrick M.J., Legostaeva Yu.K., “Hf-Induced Modifications of the Electron Density Profile in the Earth'S Ionosphere Using the Pump Frequencies Near the Fourth Electron Gyroharmonic”, Remote Sens., 13:23 (2021), 4895
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Leble S., Vereshchagin S., Bakhmetieva V N., Grigoriev I G., “On the Diagnosis of Unidirectional Acoustic Waves as Applied to the Measurement of Atmospheric Parameters By the Api Method in the Sura Experiment”, Atmosphere, 11:9 (2020), 924
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Frolov V.L., Akchurin A.D., Bolotin I.A., Ryabov A.O., Berthelier J.J., Parrot M., “Precipitation of Energetic Electrons From the Earth'S Radiation Belt Stimulated By High-Power Hf Radio Waves For Modification of the Midlatitude Ionosphere”, Radiophys. Quantum Electron., 62:9 (2020), 571–590