I. K. Marchevsky, K. S. Kuzmina, I. A. Soldatova, “Improved Algorithm of Boundary Integral Equation Approximation in 2D Vortex Method for Flow Simulation Around Curvilinear Airfoil”, Mat. mat. model., 2019, no. 6, 22
Kseniia Kuzmina, Ilia Marchevsky, Evgeniya Ryatina, “Exact solutions of boundary integral equation arising in vortex methods for incompressible flow simulation around elliptical and Zhukovsky airfoils”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 1348:1 (2019), 012099
Kseniia Kuzmina, Ilia Marchevsky, Victoriya Moreva, Evgeniya Ryatina, “Cost-Efficient Numerical Schemes for the Boundary Integral Equation Solution in 2D Vortex Methods”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 1348:1 (2019), 012100
K. S. Kuzmina, I. K. Marchevsky, V. S. Moreva, “On the high-accuracy approach to flow simulation aroundthe airfoils by using vortex method”, Fundamental and Applied Problems of Mechanics - 2017, IOP Conference Series-Materials Science and Engineering, 468, IOP Publishing Ltd, 2018, 012009
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V.N. Timofeev, “Mathematical simulation of the subsonic flow around the lengthening bodies with the flow separation in the region of ground shear with the use of an equivalent body”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 1141 (2018), 012095
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