Ilia K. Marchevsky, Sofiya R. Serafimova, Aliya I. Gumirova, Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, 152, Numerical Geometry, Grid Generation and Scientific Computing, 2024, 151
Ilia Marchevsky, Andrey Popov, Sofiya Serafimova, Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2241, Parallel Computational Technologies, 2024, 177
Ilia Marchevsky, Kseniia Sokol, Evgeniya Ryatina, Yulia Izmailova, “The VM2D Open Source Code for Two-Dimensional Incompressible Flow Simulation by Using Fully Lagrangian Vortex Particle Methods”, Axioms, 12:3 (2023), 248
I.K. Marchevsky, K.S. Sokol, Yu.A. Izmailova, “T-Schemes for Mathematical Modelling of Vorticity Generation on Smooths Airfoils in Vortex Particle Methods”, HoBMSTU.SNS, 2022, no. 6 (105), 33
K. Kuzmina, I. Marchevsky, I. Soldatova, Yu. Izmailova, “On the scope of Lagrangian vortex methods for two-dimensional flow simulations and the POD technique application for data storing and analyzing”, Entropy, 23:1 (2021), 118
E Ryatina, A Lagno, “The Barnes — Hut-type algorithm in 2D Lagrangian vortex particle methods”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 1715:1 (2021), 012069
I Soldatova, K Kuzmina, M Yakutina, “On vortex sheet intensity reconstruction in meshless vortex particle method for two-dimensional flows simulation”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 1715:1 (2021), 012068
И. К. Марчевский, Г. А. Щеглов, “Процедура определения интенсивности вихревого слоя при моделировании обтекания тела пространственным потоком несжимаемой среды”, Матем. моделирование, 31:11 (2019), 21–35
; I. K. Marchevskii, G. A. Shcheglov, “The algorithm of the vortex sheet intensity determining in 3D incompressible flow simulation around a body”, Math. Models Comput. Simul., 12:4 (2020), 464–473
Е. А. Михайлов, И. К. Марчевский, К. С. Кузьмина, “Итерационный подход к решению граничных интегральных уравнений
в двумерных вихревых методах вычислительной гидродинамики”, Сиб. журн. индустр. матем., 22:4 (2019), 54–67
; E. A. Mikhailov, I. K. Marchevskii, K. S. Kuzmina, “Iterative approach to solving boundary integral equations
in the two-dimensional vortex methods
of computational hydrodynamics”, J. Appl. Industr. Math., 13:4 (2019), 672–684
S. A. Dergachev, I. K. Marchevsky, G. A. Shcheglov, “Flow simulation around 3D bodies by using Lagrangian vortex loops method with boundary condition satisfaction with respect to tangential velocity components”, Aerosp. Sci. Technol., 94 (2019), UNSP 105374
I. A. Soldatova, I. K. Marchevskyl, K. S. Kuzmina, “Accurate solution of the boundary integral equation in 2D Lagrangian vortex method for flow simulation around curvilinear airfoils”, Vi International Conference on Particle-Based Methods (Particles 2019): Fundamentals and Applications, eds. E. Onate, P. Wriggers, T. Zohdi, M. Bischoff, D. Owen, Int Center Numerical Methods Engineering, 2019, 115–126
K. S. Kuzmina, I. K. Marchevsky, E. P. Ryatina, “Comparison of the finite volume method with Lagrangian vortex method for 2D flow simulation around airfoils at intermediate reynolds number”, Vi International Conference on Particle-Based Methods (Particles 2019): Fundamentals and Applications, eds. E. Onate, P. Wriggers, T. Zohdi, M. Bischoff, D. Owen, Int Center Numerical Methods Engineering, 2019, 127–137
S. A. Dergachev, I. K. Marchevsky, G. A. Shcheglov, “Lagrangian vortex loops method for hydrodynamic loads computation in 3D incompressible flows”, Vi International Conference on Particle-Based Methods (Particles 2019): Fundamentals and Applications, eds. E. Onate, P. Wriggers, T. Zohdi, M. Bischoff, D. Owen, Int Center Numerical Methods Engineering, 2019, 138–149
K. S. Kuzmina, I. K. Marchevskii, “On the calculation of the vortex sheet and point vortices effects at approximate solution of the boundary integral equation in 2D vortex methods of computational hydrodynamics”, Fluid Dyn., 54:7 (2019), 991–1001
K. Kuzmina, I. Marchevsky, “The boundary integral equation solution in vortex methods with the airfoil surface line discretization into curvilinear panels”, Conference Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics 2019: Proceedings, Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics, eds. D. Simurda, T. Bodnar, Acad Sci Czech Republic, Inst Thermomechanics, 2019, 131–138
I. Marchevsky, G. Scheglov, S. Dergachev, “New modification of 3D meshless Lagrangian vortex method with improved boundary condition satisfaction and divergence-free vorticity representation”, Conference Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics 2019: Proceedings, Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics, eds. D. Simurda, T. Bodnar, Acad Sci Czech Republic, Inst Thermomechanics, 2019, 151–160
A. S. Epikhin, V. T. Kalugin, “Numerical modeling of vortices impact processes on the tail of aircraft with airbrake at subsonic flow”, International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (Icnaam-2018), AIP Conf. Proc., 2116, ed. T. Simos, C. Tsitouras, Amer. Inst. Phys., 2019, 380005
K. S. Kuzmina, I. K. Marchevsky, E. P. Ryatina, “The vm2d open source code for incompressible flow simulation by using meshless Lagrangian vortex methods on cpu and gpu”, 2019 Ivannikov Memorial Workshop (Ivmem 2019), ed. S. Prokhorov, IEEE, 2019, 86–92
Matvey Kraposhin, Ksenia Kuzmina, Ilia Marchevsky, Valeria Puzikova, OpenFOAM®, 2019, 465
Kseniia Kuzmina, Ilia K. Marchevsky, IUTAM Bookseries, 34, IUTAM Symposium on Recent Advances in Moving Boundary Problems in Mechanics, 2019, 147