The differential equations of heat conduction of a solid body, which are a consequence of the Fourier, Cattaneo–Vernotte, and Lykov’s equations, are considered. A mathematical model of the transient, three-period process in a circular plate is constructed in the form of a solution to the hyperbolic boundary value problem of heat conduction with boundary conditions of the third kind. The method to determine the Bio numbers in each period of the transition process and the time of thermal relaxation is described by the results of experimental and theoretical studies of transient thermal processes in the center of round plates of different thicknesses made of polymethylmethacrylate upon their sudden immersion in hot water.
Funding agency
Grant number
Академэнерго КазНЦ РАН
№ 7 от 28.01.2015 г.
The work was carried out within the framework of the agreement no. 7 of January 28, 2015, on creative cooperation between the KNITU-KAI and Akademenergo of the KazRC of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Yu. A. Kirsanov, A. Yu. Kirsanov, A. E. Yudakhin, “Method of measuring thermal relaxation in the solid state”, TVT, 56:3 (2018), 446–454; High Temperature, 56:3 (2018), 425–432
\by Yu.~A.~Kirsanov, A.~Yu.~Kirsanov, A.~E.~Yudakhin
\paper Method of measuring thermal relaxation in the solid state
\jour TVT
\yr 2018
\vol 56
\issue 3
\pages 446--454
\jour High Temperature
\yr 2018
\vol 56
\issue 3
\pages 425--432
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This publication is cited in the following 4 articles:
Yu. A. Kirsanov, “Thermal Relaxation and Heat Conduction of a Solid Body”, J Eng Phys Thermophy, 2025
L.A. Komar, A.L. Svistkov, A.Y. Beliaev, “Method for solving linearized thermal problems taking into account the phenomenon of heat flow relaxation”, Comp. Contin. Mech., 15:2 (2022), 185
A.V. Eremin, E.A. Kishov, A.I. Popov, “Discrete heat transfer model with space–time nonlocality”, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 138 (2022), 106346
V V Zhukov, “Study of analytical solution of the thermal conductivity equation considering relaxation phenomena under the third class boundary conditions”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 1889:2 (2021), 022027