This article is cited in 3 scientific papers (total in 3 papers)
Estimates of the curvature of a three-dimensional evolute
Yu. A. Volkov, B. V. Dekster
The article discusses compact three-dimensional evolutes of positive curvature and convex boundary and establishes inequalities that connect their integral characteristics: volume $V$, boundary area $S$, mean integral curvature of the boundary $H$, radius of the inscribed sphere $r$, and inner integral curvature $\Omega$. The last characteristic is a measure of non-Euclidicity of an evolute involved: $\Omega=0$ if and only if the evolute is locally Euclidean. The inequalities obtained in particular imply that $2\pi\chi r\leqslant H+\Omega$, where $\chi$ is the Euler characteristic of the evolute boundary.
For an evolute homeomorphic to a sphere we have $\chi=2$, so that $r\leqslant\frac{H+\Omega}{4\pi}$, $V\leqslant Sr\leqslant\frac{H+\Omega}{4\pi}$. Equality in the estimate $r\leqslant\frac{H+\Omega}{4\pi}$ is achieved for a Euclidean sphere: for it $\Omega=0$ and $r=\frac H{4\pi}$.
Figures: 6.
Bibliography: 2 titles.
Received: 26.05.1970
Yu. A. Volkov, B. V. Dekster, “Estimates of the curvature of a three-dimensional evolute”, Math. USSR-Sb., 12:4 (1970), 615–637
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https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/sm3532https://doi.org/10.1070/SM1970v012n04ABEH000941 https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/sm/v125/i4/p616