The function space Cn−1(¯Q)Cn−1(¯¯¯¯Q), C(¯Q)⊂Cn−1(¯Q)⊂L2(Q)C(¯¯¯¯Q)⊂Cn−1(¯¯¯¯Q)⊂L2(Q), where QQ is a bounded domain in RnRn, consists of elements that on sets of positive (n−1)(n−1)-dimensional Hausdorff measure have traces with a property analogous to joint continuity. For ∂Q∈C1∂Q∈C1 the set of traces of the functions in Cn−1(¯Q)Cn−1(¯¯¯¯Q) on ∂Q∂Q coincides with L2(∂Q)L2(∂Q), and the imbedding W12(Q)⊂Cn−1(¯Q)W12(Q)⊂Cn−1(¯¯¯¯Q) is valid.
Solutions of the Dirichlet problem in Cn−1(¯Q)Cn−1(¯¯¯¯Q) are considered for the elliptic equation
Under the assumption that the normal to ∂Q∂Q and the coefficients of the equation satisfy the Dini condition on ∂Q∂Q, it is established that for all u0∈L2(∂Q)u0∈L2(∂Q) and f∈W−12(Q)f∈W−12(Q) there is a unique solution that depends continuously on u0u0 and ff. It is proved that in this situation the solution in Cn−1(¯Q)Cn−1(¯¯¯¯Q) coincides with the concept of a solution in W12,locW12,loc introduced by Mikhailov.
Bibliography: 39 titles.
\by A.~K.~Gushchin
\paper On the Dirichlet problem for a second-order elliptic equation
\jour Math. USSR-Sb.
\yr 1990
\vol 65
\issue 1
\pages 19--66
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This publication is cited in the following 51 articles:
A. K. Gushchin, “On Dirichlet problem”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 218:1 (2024), 51–67
A. K. Gushchin, “On some properties of elliptic partial differential equation solutions”, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A, 37:20 (2022), 2243002–9
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Petrushko I.M., “On Boundary and Initial Values of Solutions of a Second-Order Parabolic Equation That Degenerate on the Domain Boundary”, Dokl. Math., 96:3 (2017), 568–570
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