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Sbornik: Mathematics, 2024, Volume 215, Issue 7, Pages 911–919
(Mi sm10040)

On a family of algebraic number fields with finite 3-class field tower

L. V. Kuz'min

National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute", Moscow, Russia
Abstract: Let $\ell=3$, $k=\mathbb Q(\sqrt{-3})$ and $K=k(\sqrt[3]{a})$, where $a$ is a natural number such that $a^2\equiv 1\pmod 9$. Under the assumption that there are exactly three places not over $\ell$ that ramify in the extension $K_\infty/k_\infty$, where $k_\infty$ and $K_\infty$ are cyclotomic $\mathbb Z_3$-extensions of the fields $k$ and $K$, respectively, we study 3-class field towers for intermediate fields $K_n$ of the extension $K_\infty/K$.
It is shown that for each $K_n$ the 3-class field tower of the field $K_n$ terminates already at the first step, which means that the Galois group of the extension $\mathbf H_\ell(K_n)/K_n$, where $\mathbf H_\ell(K_n)$ is the maximal unramified $\ell$-extension of the field $K_n$, is Abelian.
Bibliography: 7 titles.
Keywords: Iwasawa theory, Tate module, extensions with bounded ramification, Riemann–Hurwitz formula, class field tower.
Funding agency Grant number
Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation
This research was carried out in the framework of the state assignment for the National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute”.
Received: 28.11.2023 and 11.03.2024
Bibliographic databases:
Document Type: Article
MSC: Primary 11S15; Secondary 11S20
Language: English
Original paper language: Russian

§ 1. Introduction

Let $L$ be an algebraic number field, $\ell$ be an odd prime number, and $\mathscr H_\ell(L)$ be the $\ell$-Hilbert class field of $L$, that is, the maximal Abelian unramified $\ell$-extension of the field $L$. It is known that the Galois group $G(\mathscr H_\ell(L)/L)$ is canonically isomorphic to the $\ell$-component $\operatorname{Cl}_\ell(L)$ of the class group of $L$.

Set $F_0=L$, $F_1=\mathscr H_\ell(L)$, and for $n>1$ let $F_n=\mathscr H_\ell(F_{n-1})$. The sequence of fields $F_i$ is called the $\ell$-class field tower of the field $L$, and the field $\mathbf H_\ell(L)=\bigcup_n F_n$ is the maximal unramified $\ell$-extension of $L$. According to the famous Golod–Shafarevich theorem, there exist fields $L$ with an infinite $\ell$-class field tower, that is, fields $L$ for which $\mathbf H_\ell(L)$ has an infinite degree over $L$. Except for this fundamental fact, surprisingly little is known about $\ell$-class field towers. We consider the problem of finiteness of the $\ell$-class field tower in the following particular case.

Let $\ell=3$, $k=\mathbb Q(\sqrt{-3})$, and let $K=k(\sqrt[3]{a})$ be a cyclic cubic extension of the field $k$, where $a\in \mathbb Z$ and $a$ is not a cube in $\mathbb Z$. Thus, $K$ is a Galois extension of the field $\mathbb Q$ with Galois group $S_3$. In addition, we assume that $K$ is Abelian over $\ell$, that is, the completion $K_v$ of the field $K$ relative to any place $v$ over $\ell=3$ is an Abelian extension of the field $\mathbb Q_3$.

Let $k_n=\mathbb Q(\zeta_n)$, where $\zeta_n$ is a primitive $\ell^{n+1}$th root of unity (thus, $k=k_0$) and $k_\infty=\bigcup_n k_n$ is a cyclotomic $\mathbb Z_\ell$-extension of $k$. Also set $K_n=K\cdot k_n$, and let $K_\infty=\bigcup_n K_n$ be a cyclotomic $\mathbb Z_\ell$-extension of the field $K$.

The main result of this work consists in the proof of the following theorem.

Theorem. Let $\ell=3$, let $K$ have the form indicated above, and suppose that there are exactly three places not over $\ell$ that ramify the extension $K_\infty/k_\infty$. Then $\mathbf H_\ell(K_n)=\mathscr H_\ell(K_n)$ for every $n$, which means that the 3-class field tower of the field $K_n$ terminates already at the first step. Moreover, $G(\mathbf H_\ell(K_n)/K_n)\cong \operatorname{Cl}_\ell(K_n)$.

In § 2 we introduce the necessary definitions and recall the notation, which is basically the same as in [1]–[4].

In § 3, using an analogue of the Riemann–Hurwitz formula we study the case where the field $K_\infty$ has a finite Tate module (Iwasawa module). We show that for every $n$ and any unramified $\ell$-extension $L/K_n$ the Galois group $G(L/K_n)$ acts identically on the class group $\operatorname{Cl}_\ell(L)$ (Proposition 1). The definition of the Tate module $T_\ell(K_\infty)$ and the related modules $\overline T_\ell(K_\infty)$ and $R_\ell(K_\infty)$ mentioned below is given in § 2.

In § 4, again with the use of the analogue of the Riemann–Hurwitz formula we consider the case where the module $T_\ell(K_\infty)$ is infinite. It turns out again that in this case, for every $n$ and any unramified Galois $\ell$-extension $L/K_n$ the Galois group $G(L/K_n)$ acts identically on the class group $\operatorname{Cl}_\ell(L)$ (Proposition 5).

In § 5 we present a summary of the known results concerning fields $K$ such that there are precisely three places ramifying the extension $K_\infty/k_\infty$ and concerning the class groups $\operatorname{Cl}_\ell(K_n)$ for such fields.

Note that in the case $\ell=3$ the field $K$ is in a certain sense similar to the field of rational functions on an elliptic curve. Namely, any unramified $\ell$-extension $L$ of the field $K_n$, where $K_n$ is an intermediate subfield of the cyclotomic $\mathbb Z_\ell$-extension $K_\infty/K$, is Abelian, similarly to the case of an elliptic curve. However, the proof of this fact is based on quite different arguments than the ones employed in the geometric situation.

§ 2. Notation and definitions

We follow basically the notation of [1]–[4]. Let $\ell$ be a regular odd prime number and $\zeta_n$ be a primitive $\ell^{n+1}$th root of unity. Set $k=\mathbb Q(\zeta_0)$ and $k_\infty=\bigcup_{n=1}^\infty k_n$, where $k_n=k(\zeta_n)$. Let $K=k(\sqrt[\ell]{a})$, where $a$ is a natural number such that a place $v$ of the field $k$ over $\ell$ splits completely in the extension $K/k$. This means that $a^{\ell-1}\equiv1 \pmod{\ell^2}$. Moreover, we assume that there are exactly three places that ramify in the extension $K_\infty/k_\infty$. Accordingly, we assume that either $a=p_1^{r_1}p_2^{r_2}p_3^{r_3}$, or $a=p^rq^s$. In the first case $p_1, p_2$ and $ p_3$ are prime numbers remaining prime in the extension $k_\infty/\mathbb Q$; in the second case $p$ splits in the unique quadratic subfield $F$ of the field $k$ into the product $(p)=\mathfrak{p_1p_2}$ and each of the divisors $\mathfrak p_i$ remains prime in the extension $k_\infty/F$, and $\mathfrak q=(q)$ remains prime in the extension $k_\infty/\mathbb Q$. Accordingly, following the terminology of [1], we refer to these as extensions of type 2.1 and extensions of type 2.2. There also exist extensions of type 2.4. These are fields $K$ of the form $K=k(\sqrt[3]{p})$, where $p\equiv 8,17\pmod{27}$.

We let $G$ denote the Galois group $G(K/\mathbb Q)$, $H$ denote the group $G(K/k)$ and $\Delta$ denote the group $G(k/\mathbb Q)$. Thus, $G$ is a semidirect product of $H$ and $\Delta$, and the group $\Delta$ acts on $H$ in accordance with the Teichmüller character $\omega\colon \Delta\to(\mathbb Z/\ell\mathbb Z)^\times$.

We let $\mathbb F_\ell(i)$ denote the group $\mathbb Z/\ell\mathbb Z$ on which $\Delta$ acts in accordance with the rule $\omega^i$. The index $i$ is defined modulo $\ell-1$. Let $A$ be a finite $G$-module which is cyclic as an $H$-module and satisfies $N_H(A)=0$, where $N_H=\sum_{h\in H}h$ is the norm operator. Let $A=A_0\supseteq A_1\supseteq\dots\supseteq A_n=0$ be the lower central series of the $H$-module $A$. If $A_0/A_1\cong \mathbb F_\ell(i)$ and $A_{n-1}\cong \mathbb F_\ell(j)$, then we say that $A$ starts with $\mathbb F_\ell(i)$ and terminates with $\mathbb F_\ell(j)$. In this case, by Lemma 3.2 in [1] we have $A_k/A_{k+1}{\cong}\, \mathbb F_\ell(i+k)$ for every $k\,{<}\,n$. If $|A|{\kern1pt}{=}\,\ell^r$, then $r\equiv j-i+1\pmod{\ell-1}$.

In this work we use an analogue of the Riemann–Hurwitz formula, which was derived by this author in [5] (a refined proof can be found in [6]). This formula, which we present in § 3, relates some linear combinations of the Iwasawa $\lambda$-invariants of certain Galois modules associated with a finite $\ell$-extension of the fields $L'/L$. The definition of these Galois modules is given below. Note that all fields considered in this work are $\ell$-extensions of the field $k$, and therefore all modules under study have zero Iwasawa $\mu$-invariants.

Let $L$ be an arbitrary algebraic number field and $L_\infty$ be the cyclotomic $\mathbb Z_\ell$-extension of $L$. Let $\overline N$ denote the maximal Abelian unramified $\ell$-extension of the field $L_\infty$ and $N$ be the maximal subfield of $\overline N$ such that all places in $S$ (the set of all places over $\ell$) split completely in $N/L_\infty$. We let $T_\ell(L_\infty)$ and $\overline T_\ell(L_\infty)$ denote the Galois groups of the extensions $N/L_\infty$ and $\overline N/L_\infty$, respectively. These groups are compact Noetherian modules under the action of the group $\Gamma=G(L_\infty/L)$, where $\Gamma\cong \mathbb Z_\ell$. We fix some topological generator $\gamma_0 $ in $\Gamma$. Accordingly, these modules are acted upon by the Iwasawa algebra $\Lambda=\mathbb Z_\ell[[\Gamma]]=\varprojlim\mathbb Z_\ell[\Gamma/\Gamma_n]$, where $\Gamma_n$ is the unique subgroup of index $\ell^n$ in the group $\Gamma$. We let $R_\ell(L_\infty)$ denote the kernel of the natural map $\overline T_\ell(L_\infty)\to T_\ell(L_\infty)$, which means that $R_\ell(L_\infty)$ is the subgroup of the group $\overline T_\ell(L_\infty)$ generated by the decomposition subgroups of all places over $S$.

Let $M$ be the maximal Abelian $\ell$-extension of the field $L_\infty$ that is unramified outside $S$, and let $X(L_\infty)=G(M/L_\infty)$. Then $X(L_\infty)$ is a $\Lambda$-module, whose submodule of $\Lambda$-torsion is denoted by $\operatorname{Tors}X(L_\infty)$. The natural maps $X(L_\infty)\to \overline T_\ell(L_\infty)$ and $X(L_\infty)\!\to\! T_\ell(L_\infty)$ induce e maps $\operatorname{Tors}X(L_\infty)\!\to\! \overline T_\ell(L_\infty)$ and ${\operatorname{Tors}X(\mkern-1mu L_\infty\mkern-1mu)\!\to\! T_\ell(\mkern-1mu L_\infty\mkern-1mu)}$. Their images are denoted by $\overline T'_\ell(L_\infty) $ and $T'_\ell(L_\infty)$, respectively. Set $T''_\ell(L_\infty)=T_\ell(L_\infty)/T'_\ell(L_\infty)$, and let $\lambda'(L_\infty)$ and $\lambda ''(L_\infty)$ denote the $\lambda$-invariants of the modules $T'_\ell(L_\infty)$ and $T''_\ell(L_\infty)$, respectively.

We set $R'(L_\infty)=R(L_\infty)\cap\overline T_\ell'(L_\infty)$ and $R''(L_\infty)=R(L_\infty)/R'_\ell(L_\infty)$. Let $r(L_\infty)$, $r'(L_\infty)$ and $r''(L_\infty)$ denote the $\lambda$-invariants of the modules $R(L_\infty)$, $R'(L_\infty)$ and $R''(L_\infty)$, respectively.

In addition, we need one more invariant, denoted by $d(L_\infty)$, which is a $\lambda$-invariant of the module $D(L_\infty)$. This module is defined in the case where the field $L_\infty$ is Abelian over $\ell$ and $k\subset L$. The definition of $D(L_\infty)$ can be found in the work [1], § 6, which also contains the definition of the modules $V(L_\infty)$, $V^+(L_\infty)$ and $V^-(L_\infty)$ involved in the definition of $D(L_\infty)$, and a detailed description of the structure of this module and its properties can be found in [6]. Here we only note that $D(L_\infty)$ is defined as $V(L_\infty)/(V^+(L_\infty)\oplus V^-(L_\infty))$, where $V(L_\infty)$, $V^+(L_\infty)$ and $V^-(L_\infty)$ are free $\Lambda$-modules. It should also be noted that we often use without special mention the additive notation for the operation of multiplication since the operation of addition is not used here.

§ 3. An analogue of the Riemann–Hurwitz formula

This formula was first obtained by this author in [5]. A refined proof can be found in [6]. Let $L'/L$ be a finite $\ell$-extension of algebraic number fields (here $\ell$ is an arbitrary prime number). Let $L'_\infty$ and $L_\infty$ be cyclotomic $\mathbb Z_\ell$-extensions of the fields $L'$ and $L$, respectively, where the fields $L$ and $L'$ satisfy some additional constraints, namely, $L$ and $L'$ are Abelian over $\ell$. This means that for any place $v$ over $\ell$ the completion $L_v$ of the field $L$ (or the completion $L'_v$ of $L'$) is an Abelian extension of the field $\mathbb Q_\ell$. We also assume that the field $L$ contains a primitive $\ell$th root $\zeta_0$ of unity, which means that $L\supseteq k$ and all Galois modules considered below have zero Iwasawa $\mu$-invariants. The last condition holds for $k_\infty$ when $\ell=3$, since 3 is a regular prime number, and therefore it holds for any finite $\ell$-extension of the field $k_\infty$. In particular, it holds for $L_\infty$ and $L'_\infty$.

The analogue of the Riemann–Hurwitz formula provides a relation between the Iwasawa $\lambda$-invariants of the Galois modules defined in § 2 for the fields $L_\infty'$ and $L_\infty$, where $L'/L$ is a finite $\ell$-extension of algebraic number fields and the fields $L'$ and $L$ satisfy some additional conditions which were indicated above.

For $L_\infty$ we set

$$ \begin{equation*} g(L_\infty)=\frac{1}{2} d(L_\infty)+\lambda'(L_\infty)+2\lambda''(L_\infty)+2r''(L_\infty). \end{equation*} \notag $$
The analogue of the Riemann–Hurwitz formula relates the invariant $2g(L_\infty)$ to an invariant $2g(L'_\infty)$ defined similarly for the finite $\ell$-extension $L'/L$. Namely, under the above assumptions about the fields $L_\infty$ and $L'_\infty$ the following relation, which is an analogue of the Riemann–Hurwitz formula, holds:
$$ \begin{equation*} 2g(L'_\infty)-2=[L'_\infty:L_\infty][2g(L_\infty)-2]+\sum_{v\nmid\ell}(e_v-1), \end{equation*} \notag $$
where $v$ ranges over all the places of the field $L_\infty'$ that are not over $\ell$ and $e_v$ means the ramification index of the place $v$ in the extension $L'_\infty/L_\infty$.

Remark. It is obvious that $g(k_\infty)=0$. In the case $\ell=3$ an application of the above formula to the extension $K_\infty/k_\infty$, where $K_\infty/k_\infty$ is a cyclic extension of degree $\ell$ such that there are precisely three places not over $\ell$ ramifying in $K_\infty/k_\infty$, gives $g(K_\infty)=1$.

As explained in [4], Proposition 3.1, a finite unramified $\ell$-extension $L_\infty/K_\infty$ for ${\ell=3}$ obeys the relation $g(L_\infty)=1$ and one of the following two options holds:

(A) $d(L_\infty)=2(\ell-1)$ and $\lambda'(L_\infty)=\lambda''(L_\infty)=r''(L_\infty)=0$;

(B) $d(L_\infty)=0$, $\lambda'(L_\infty)=\ell-1$ and $\lambda''(L_\infty)=r''(L_\infty)=0$.

If $L_\infty/K_\infty$ is a finite unramified extension, then either both fields pertain to type (A), or both fields pertain to type (B). In this section we consider Case (A) in detail.

If $L/K_n$ is a finite unramified Galois extension, then the Galois group $G(L_\infty/K_n)$ is isomorphic to the direct product $G(L/K_n)\times G(K_\infty/K_n)$ and the group $G(L/K_n)$ acts on the $\Lambda_n$-modules $D(L_\infty), T_\ell(L_\infty)$ and the other $\Lambda$-modules defined in § 2.

Proposition 1. The group $G(L/K_n)$ acts identically on the module $D(L_\infty)$.

Proof. In Case (A) we have $d(L_\infty)=d(K_\infty)=2(\ell-1)=4$. The inclusion $K_\infty\hookrightarrow L_\infty$ induces a natural mapping $i\colon D(K_\infty)\to D(L_\infty)$, and the sequence of the norm mappings $N_m\colon L_m^\times\to K_m^\times$, where $L_m=K_m\cdot L$, induces a mapping $N\colon D(L_\infty)\to D(K_\infty)$. It is obvious that $N\circ i=[L:K_n]$. Since $D(K_\infty)$ and $D(L_\infty)$ are free $\mathbb Z_\ell$-modules of the same rank, this means that $i$ maps $D(K_\infty)$ isomorphically onto a submodule of finite index in $D(L_\infty)$. The mappings $i$ and $N$ are $G(L/K_n)$-homomorphisms and the group $G(L/K_n)$ acts identically on $D(K_\infty)$. Hence the group $G(L/K_n)$ also acts identically on $D(L_\infty)$.

The proof of the proposition is complete.

Proposition 2. In Case ( A) the module $\overline T_\ell(L_\infty)$ is a finite group.

Proof. It is sufficient to verify that the groups $T_\ell(L_\infty)$ and $R_\ell(L_\infty)$ are finite. The finiteness of the group $T_\ell(L_\infty)$ follows from the fact that in Case (A) we have $\lambda'(L_\infty)=\lambda''(L_\infty)=0$.

Since in Case (A) we have $r''(L_\infty)=0$, to prove that the group $R_\ell(L_\infty)$ is finite it is sufficient to establish the equality $r'(L_\infty)=0$. Note that all the places of the field $L$ over $\ell$ are purely ramified in the extension $L_\infty/L$, and therefore the group $\Gamma_n=G(L_\infty/L)$ acts identically on $R_\ell(L_\infty)$ and, by implication, on $R'(L_\infty)$. Since there exists an epimorphism $\operatorname{Tors}X(L_\infty)\to R'(L_\infty)$, it is sufficient to verify that

$$ \begin{equation*} \operatorname{rk}\bigl(\operatorname{Tors}X(L_\infty)/(\gamma_n-1) \operatorname{Tors}X(L_\infty)\bigr)=0, \end{equation*} \notag $$

where $\gamma_n=\gamma_0^{\ell^n}$ is a topological generator of the group $\Gamma_n$. If this rank were positive, then the field $L$ would have ‘superfluous’ $\Gamma$-extensions, which would mean that it disobeys the Leopoldt conjecture, contrary to the finiteness of the module $T_\ell(L_\infty)$ (see [1], Proposition 5.1, or [7], Theorem 4.1).

The proof of the proposition is complete.

If $L$ is an extension of the field $K_n$ such that $L\cap K_\infty=K_n$, then all Galois modules connected with the extension $L_\infty/L$ are $\Gamma_n$-modules or $\Lambda_n$-modules, where $\Lambda_n=\mathbb Z_\ell[[\Gamma_n]]$.

Let $\mathscr F(V(L_\infty)/V^+(L_\infty))$ be a minimal free $\Lambda_n$-module containing the torsion-free $\Lambda_n$-module $V(L_\infty)/V^+(L_\infty)$ as a submodule of finite index. Then there exists a natural embedding of the free $\Lambda_n$-module $V^-(L_\infty)$ into the free module $\mathscr F(V(L_\infty)/V^+(L_\infty))$ and the quotient module $D'(L_\infty)=\mathscr F(V(L_\infty)/V^+(L_\infty))/V^-(L_\infty)$ has no nonzero finite submodules, which means that it is a free $\mathbb Z_\ell$-module containing $D(L_\infty)$ as a submodule of finite index. Consequently, the Galois group $G(L/K_n)$ also acts identically on $D'(L_\infty)$. Set $E'(L_\infty)=D'(L_\infty)/D(L_\infty)$. Then the group $G(L/K_n)$ acts identically on $E'(L_\infty)$.

In a similar way we set $D''(L_\infty)=\mathscr F(V(L_\infty)/V^-(L_\infty))$ and $E''(L_\infty)=D''(L_\infty)/D(L_\infty)$. Again, we show that the group $G(L/K_n)$ acts identically on $E''(L_\infty)$. The groups $E'(L_\infty)$ and $E''(L_\infty)$ are isomorphic as Abelian groups (the isomorphism is induced by the skew automorphism $\psi$; [1], Theorem 6.1). In addition, $D'(L_\infty)\cap D''(L_\infty)= D(L_\infty)$ ([6], Proposition 1.7), and therefore the group $E'(L_\infty)\oplus E''(L_\infty)$ is embedded into $(D(L_\infty)\otimes \mathbb Q_\ell)/D(L_\infty)$ and the minimum number of generators of the group $E'(L_\infty)$ does not exceed $\ell-1=2$.

Proposition 3. The group $G(L/K_n)$ acts identically on the group $\operatorname{Cl}_\ell(L)$.

Proof. By Theorem 3.1 in [2] the Galois module $E'(L_\infty)$ contains a submodule $E'_2(L_\infty)$ naturally isomorphic to the module $\overline T_\ell(L_\infty)$ (note that the proof of that theorem is based only of the fact that $\overline T_\ell(L_\infty)$ is finite, so its claim is not only true for $K_\infty$, but also for the field $L_\infty$). Then it follows from Proposition 2 that $G(L/K_n)$ acts identically on $\overline T_\ell(L_\infty)$.

Since the extension $L_\infty/L$ is purely ramified in the divisors of $\ell$, the natural mapping $\overline T_\ell(L_\infty)\to \operatorname{Cl}_\ell(L)$ is epimorphic. Consequently, $G(L/K_n)$ also acts identically on $\operatorname{Cl}_\ell(L)$.

The proof of is complete.

§ 4. The Riemann–Hurwitz formula (Case (B))

Assume that the field $L$ satisfies the conditions of Case (B).

Proposition 4. In Case (B) $\overline T_\ell(L_\infty)=T_\ell(L_\infty)$ and $T_\ell(L_\infty)\cong\mathbb Z_3^2$.

Proof. Let $H :=G(K_\infty/k_\infty)$. Then $T_\ell(K_\infty)$ is a cyclic $H$-module ([1], Theorem 4.1) annihilated by the operator $N_H$. With regard to the condition $\lambda'(L_\infty)=2$ this means that $T_\ell(K_\infty)\cong \mathbb Z_\ell^2$ as a $\mathbb Z_\ell$-module. Suppose that $\gamma_0$ acts on roots of unity $\zeta_n$ by the rule $\gamma_0(\zeta_n)=\zeta_n^{\varkappa(\gamma_0)}$, $\varkappa(\gamma_0)\in\mathbb Z_\ell$. Then by [1], Theorem 5.1, $\gamma_0$ acts on $T_\ell(K_\infty)$ by multiplication by $\sqrt{\varkappa(\gamma_0)}$. In the case $\ell=3$ we assume that $\gamma_0$ is defined by the condition $\varkappa(\gamma_0)=4$, where $\sqrt{\varkappa(\gamma_0)}=-2$.

Then, as in the proof of Proposition 1, the embedding of fields $K_\infty\hookrightarrow L_\infty$ induces the embedding $i\colon T_\ell(K_\infty)\hookrightarrow T_\ell(L_\infty)$ with a finite cokernel. Let $T_\ell^0(L_\infty)$ be the maximal $\mathbb Z_\ell$-free quotient module of the module $T_\ell(L_\infty)$. Then $T_\ell^0(L_\infty)$ is acted upon by the topological generator $\gamma_n=\gamma_0^{\ell^n}$ of the group $\Gamma_n$ and $\gamma_n$ multiplies $T_\ell^0(L_\infty)$ by $-2^{\ell^n}$. The group $G(L/K_n)$ acts identically on $T_\ell^0(L_\infty)$.

As in the proof of Proposition 2, we use Theorem 4.1 in [7] to show that any field $L_n$ obeys the Leopoldt conjecture and thus $r'(L_\infty)=0$ and $R(L_\infty)$ is a finite group. However, by [4], Proposition 3.3, the module $\overline T_\ell(L_\infty)$ has no nontrivial finite submodules. This means that $\overline T_\ell(L_\infty)=T_\ell(L_\infty)=T_\ell^0(L_\infty)\cong \mathbb Z_3^2$.

The proof of the proposition is complete.

Proposition 5. In Case (B) the group $G(L/K_n)$ acts identically on the group $\operatorname{Cl}_\ell(L)$.

Proof. There is a natural mapping $\varphi\colon \overline T_\ell(L_\infty)\!\to\! \operatorname{Cl}_\ell(L)$, which is a $G(L/K_n)$-homomorphism. Since the extension $L_\infty/L$ is purely ramified at the places lying over $\ell$, $\varphi$ is epimorphic. By Proposition 4 the group $G(L/K_n)$ acts identically on $\overline T_\ell(L_\infty)$. Consequently, it also acts identically on $\operatorname{Cl}_\ell(L)$ as well.

The proof of the proposition is complete.

To use Propositions 3 and 5 in the proof of our theorem we need the following simple statement concerning finite $\ell$-groups.

Proposition 6. Let $G$ be a finite $\ell$-group such that for each normal subgroup $H$ of $G$ the quotient group $G/H$ acts identically on the $G/H$-module $H^{\mathrm{ab}}=H/[H,H]$. Then $G$ is an Abelian group.

Proof. Assume that $G$ is not Abelian, that is, $[G,G]\!\neq\! 1$. Then ${[G,G]/[G,[G,G]]\!\neq\! 1}$. Let $\varphi$ be an epimorphism of the group $[G,G]/[G,[G,G]]$ onto $A\cong \mathbb F_\ell$. Then the group extension
$$ \begin{equation*} 1\to [G,G]\to G\to G^{\mathrm{ab}}\to 1, \end{equation*} \notag $$
where $G^{\mathrm{ab}}=G/[G,G]$, and the epimorphism $\varphi$ induce the central extension
$$ \begin{equation*} 1\to A\to B\to G^{\mathrm{ab}}\to 1, \end{equation*} \notag $$
where $B=G/\ker \varphi$. Thus, $[B,B]=A$ and there exist elements $x,y\in B$ such that $[x,y]\neq 1$. Let $B_1$ be the subgroup of $B$ generated by $x^\ell$ and $y$. Then $B_1$ is an Abelian subgroup and $x$ acts nontrivially on $B_1$. Set $F=B/B_1$. Then there exists a group extension
$$ \begin{equation*} 1\to B_1\to B\to F\to 1 \end{equation*} \notag $$
such that $F$ acts nontrivially on the Abelian kernel $B_1$.

The group $F$ is a quotient group of $G$ with some kernel $H$, hence there exists a commutative diagram of group extensions

Consequently, $F$ acts nontrivially on $H/[H,H]$, contrary to the hypothesis of the proposition.

The proof of the proposition is complete.

Proof of the theorem. Assume that there exists a finite unramified Galois $\ell$-extension $M/K_n$ with non-Abelian Galois group $G$. Suppose that the subfield $L\subset M$ is a Galois extension, that is, the group $H=G(M/L)$ is a normal subgroup of $G$. Set $L_1=M^{[H,H]}$. Then $L_1$ is an Abelian unramified $\ell$-extension of the field $L$ and, consequently, there exists a canonical epimorphism $\operatorname{Cl}_\ell(L)\to G(L_1/L)=H/[H,H]$.

The Galois group $G(L/K_n)$ acts identically on the group $\operatorname{Cl}_\ell(L)$ by Propositions 3 and 5, and therefore it also acts identically on $H/[H,H]$. Thus, all the hypotheses of Proposition 6 are satisfied, and so the group $G$ is Abelian, which means that there can exist only Abelian unramified $3$-extensions over $K_n$. In turn, this means that the claim of the theorem holds for $K_n$.

§ 5. The form of the field $K$ and the structure of the class groups of the fields $K_n$

For the reader’s convenience we give a brief survey of the results obtained in [1]–[4] and concerning the field $K$ and the class groups $\operatorname{Cl}_\ell(K_n)$.

If $\ell=3$ and $K$ is a cubic extension of the field $k$ such that $K$ is a Galois extension of $\mathbb Q$ with Galois group $S_3$, $K$ is Abelian over $\ell$, and there are precisely three places not over $\ell$ that ramify in the extension $K_\infty/k_\infty$, then $K$ pertains to one of the following three types, which, as in [1], are referred to as Cases 2.1, 2.2, and 2.4 (see [1], Propositions 2.1, 2.2 and 2.4). The work [1] also contains one more case, namely, Case 2.3, but it cannot occur for $\ell=3$.

Case 2.1. $K=k(\sqrt[3]{a})$, $a\in\mathbb Z$, $a^{\ell-1}\equiv 1\pmod{\ell^2}$ and $a=p_1^{r_1}p_2^{r_2}p_3^{r_3}$, where $p_1$, $p_2$ and $p_3$ are distinct prime numbers not equal to $\ell$. Here $r_1r_2r_3\not\equiv 0\pmod\ell$ and the principal divisors $(p_i)$ remain prime in $K_\infty$ for $i=1,2,3$. The last condition means that the $p_i$ are primitive roots modulo $\ell^2$.

In Case 2.1 the module $\overline T_\ell(K_\infty)$ starts with $\mathbb F_\ell(1)$, and there can be three subcases.

Subcase 2.1.a. $|T_\ell(K_\infty)|=3, |\overline T_\ell(K_\infty)|=27$, $\operatorname{Cl}_\ell(K)\cong (\mathbb Z/3\mathbb Z)^2$ and $\operatorname{Cl}_\ell(K_n)\cong \mathbb Z/3\mathbb Z\oplus \mathbb Z/9\mathbb Z$ for $n>0$.

Subcase 2.1.b. $|T_\ell(K_\infty)|=3^r$, $|\overline T(K_\infty)|=3^{r+2}$ for some odd $r>1$, and $\operatorname{Cl}_\ell(K_n)\cong (\mathbb Z/3^{n+1})^2$ for $n<n_0=(r-1)/2$ and $\operatorname{Cl}_\ell(K_n)\cong \mathbb Z/3^{n_0+1}\mathbb Z\oplus \mathbb Z/3^{n_0+2}\mathbb Z$ for $n\geqslant n_0$.

Subcase 2.1.c. $T_\ell(K_\infty)\cong \mathbb Z_3^2$ and $\operatorname{Cl}_\ell (K_n)\cong (\mathbb Z/3^{n+1}\mathbb Z)^2$ for $n\geqslant 0$.

For any pair of distinct prime numbers $p_1$, $p_2$ there exist infinitely many primes $p_3$ such that $K$ pertains to Subcase 2.1.a, and infinitely many primes $p_3$ such that $K$ pertains either to Subcase 2.1.b, or to Subcase 2.1.c, though there is no field $K$ of the last type that can definitely be classified as pertaining to Subcase 2.1.b or to Subcase 2.1.c (see [2], Theorem 4.1 and Proposition 4.3, and [3], Theorem 6.2).

Case 2.2. In this case $K=k(\sqrt[3]{a})$, $a^{\ell-1}\equiv 1\pmod{\ell^2}$ and $a=p^r q^s$, $rs\not\equiv 0\ (\operatorname{mod}\ell)$, where $p$ and $q$ are distinct prime numbers not equal to $\ell$, and $p$ splits into a product of two divisors $\mathfrak p_1$ and $\mathfrak p_2$ in the unique quadratic subfield $F$ of $k$ (note that for $\ell=3$ the fields $F$ and $k$ coincide) such that each divisor remains prime in the extension $K_\infty/F$.

The divisor $(q)$ remains prime in the extension $K_\infty/\mathbb Q$. In this case $\overline T_\ell(K_\infty)$ starts with $\mathbb F_\ell(0)$ and the following three subcases are possible.

Subcase 2.2.a. $T(K_\infty)=0$ and $\overline T_\ell(K_\infty)\cong (\mathbb Z/3\mathbb Z)^2$. Then $\operatorname{Cl}_\ell(K_n)\cong (\mathbb Z/3\mathbb Z)^2$ for every $n$.

Subcase 2.2.b. $T_\ell(K_\infty)\cong (\mathbb Z/3^{n_0}\mathbb Z)^2$ for some index $n_0$ and $|R_\ell(K_\infty)|=9$. In this subcase $\operatorname{Cl}_\ell(K_n)\cong (\mathbb Z/\ell^{n+1}\mathbb Z)^2$ for $n\leqslant n_0$ and $\operatorname{Cl}_\ell(K_n)\cong (\mathbb Z/\ell^{n_0}\mathbb Z)^2$ for ${n>n_0}$.

Subcase 2.2.c. $T_\ell(K_\infty)\cong \mathbb Z_3^2$. In this case we have $\operatorname{Cl}_\ell(K_n)\cong (\mathbb Z/3^{n+1}\mathbb Z)^2$ for every $n$.

Again, it is known that there exist infinitely many fields $K$ pertaining to Subcase 2.2.a and infinitely many fields $K$ pertaining to Subcases 2.2.b and 2.2.c, but there is no field of the last type that can definitely be classified as pertaining to Subcase 2.2.b or to Subcase 2.2.c (see [4], Propositions 4.1–4.4). Note also that in Case 2.2 there exist fields $K$ pertaining to none of the three subcases distinguished above.

Case 2.4. In this case we have $K=k(\sqrt[3]{p})$, where the prime number $p$ satisfies the congruence $p\equiv 8,17\pmod{27}$. This case remains unexplored so far, and there is nothing definite about it yet.


1. L. V. Kuz'min, “Arithmetic of certain $\ell$-extensions ramified at three places”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 307 (2019), 65–84  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath
2. L. V. Kuz'min, “Arithmetic of certain $\ell$-extensions ramified at three places. II”, Izv. Math., 85:5 (2021), 953–971  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa
3. L. V. Kuz'min, “Arithmetic of certain $\ell$-extensions ramified at three places. III”, Izv. Math., 86:6 (2022), 1143–1161  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa
4. L. V. Kuz'min, “Arithmetic of certain $\ell$-extensions ramified at three places. IV”, Izv. Math., 88:2 (2024), 270–283  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath
5. L. V. Kuz'min, “An analog of the Riemann–Hurwitz formula for one type of $l$-extension of algebraic number fields”, Math. USSR-Izv., 36:2 (1991), 325–347  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa
6. L. V. Kuz'min, “New explicit formulas for the norm residue symbol, and their applications”, Math. USSR-Izv., 37:3 (1991), 555–586  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa
7. L. V. Kuz'min, “The Tate module for algebraic number fields”, Math. USSR-Izv., 6:2 (1972), 263–321  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa

Citation: L. V. Kuz'min, “On a family of algebraic number fields with finite 3-class field tower”, Sb. Math., 215:7 (2024), 911–919
Citation in format AMSBIB
\by L.~V.~Kuz'min
\paper On a~family of algebraic number fields with finite 3-class field tower
\jour Sb. Math.
\yr 2024
\vol 215
\issue 7
\pages 911--919
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