Let G be a nontrivial compact Abelian group. The following result is proved: a real-valued function on G such that the sums of shifts of it are dense in the L2-norm in the corresponding real space of mean zero functions exists if and only if the group G is connected and has an infinite countable character group.
Bibliography: 13 titles.
density, sums of shifts, compact groups, space L2.
In the real space L0p(T) of mean zero functions on the circle T that are integrable to power p, 1⩽p<∞, there exists a function f such that the sums of shifts of f are dense in L0p(T) (see [1], where whole classes of such functions were distinguished). There exists a function on the real line R such that the sums of shifts of it are dense in all real spaces Lp(R) for 2⩽p<∞ [2]. The real space l2(Z) of two-sided sequences contains an element such that the sums of its shifts are dense in all real spaces lp(Z) for 2⩽p<∞ (see [3]). In [4] these results were extended to several dimensions, that is, to the torus Td, the space Rd and the lattice Zd, where d∈N. In [5] sufficient conditions on a function f were found under which the sums of functions of the form f(αx−θ), α∈A⊂R, θ∈Θ⊂R, are dense in the real space Lp on the line or a compact subset of it. For a survey of results on the density of the sums of shifts of a single function, see [6]. In this connection the following problem arises in the natural way, which was stated in [6].
Problem 1. Let G be a locally compact Abelian group with Haar measure m. Does there exist a function f on this group such that the sums
The compact case is distinguished in Problem 1 for the following reason. If G is a compact Abelian group, then its Haar measure satisfies m(G)<∞ (see [7], Ch. 4, § 15, Theorem 15.9). Then for a function f∈L2(G) the sums (1.1) of shifts of f cannot be dense in the whole of L2(G): the mean value ∫Gf(g)dm(g)=α of f is defined and sums (1.1) cannot approximate functions with mean value outside the set {nα:n∈N}.
The aim of this paper is to give an exhaustive answer to question (b) in Problem 1, namely, establish the following result.
Theorem 1. Let G be a nontrivial compact Abelian group. Then a function f: G→R such that the sums (1.1) of shifts of f are dense in the real space L02(G) exists if and only if G is connected and its character group is infinite countable.
Note that if G is a trivial group consisting of the single neutral element, then the space L02(G) contains only the function identically equal to zero, the sums of shifts of which are dense in this space.
§ 2. Auxiliary lemmas
Throughout what follows fg(⋅)=f(⋅+g) is the shift of f by the element g of G. We prove a few auxiliary lemmas.
Lemma 1. If G is a finite nontrivial Abelian group, then there exists no function f:G→R such that the sums (1.1) of shifts of it are dense in the real space L02(G).
Proof. We fix a real function f∈L02(G) and number the elements of the group: G={g1,g2,…,gN}, N⩾2. Each gk is an atom of the measure m, and m(gk)=1/N. We represent a function h:G→R as the vector of values (h(g1),h(g2),…,h(gN)), and we represent L02(G) as the space L of vectors of length N with sum of coordinates equal to zero. Since f has mean value zero, for each g∈G we have ∑Nn=1f(g+gn)=0. Therefore,
If the vectors fgn, n=1,…,N−1, are linearly independent, then the set S, and therefore also its closure ¯¯¯¯S, is the integer lattice generated by these vectors, so the closure ¯¯¯¯S cannot coincide with the (N−1)-dimensional space L. If the vectors fgn, n=1,…,N−1, are linearly dependent, then ¯¯¯¯S lies in a subspace of dimension at most N−2, so it cannot coincide with L of dimension N−1.
Lemma 2. Let G be a compact Abelian group and H be a closed subgroup of G. If there exists a function f0:G→R the sums of shifts of which are dense in the real space L02(G), then there exists a function F0:G/H→R the sums of shifts of which are dense in the real space L02(G/H).
Proof. Since G is a compact Abelian group and H is a closed subgroup of it, G/H is a compact Abelian group (see [7], Ch. 2, § 5, Theorem 5.22, and [8], Appendix B, § B6). We denote the coset of an element x∈G by the subgroup H by ˆx. According to [8], Ch. 2, § 2.7.3, the groups G,H and G/H are endowed with the Haar measures mG, mH and mG/H such that mH(H)=1 and for each function f∈L1(G) the function
is well defined on G/H; moreover, the map T:f↦F is a bounded linear operator T:L1(G)→L1(G/H) and
Since f0∈L02(G) and G is a compact group, it follows that f0∈L1(G) and the function F0=Tf0∈L1(G/H) is well defined. Using equality (2.4) for the functions f0, |f0|2∈L1(G), we obtain
Now we show that the sums of shifts of F0 are dense in the space L02(G/H). We fix P∈L02(G/H) and define a function p on G by p(g):=P(ˆg). Clearly, P=Tp. By Theorem 3 in [9], Ch. VIII, § 39, p is a function in L1(G), and we have
Thus, p∈L02(G), and for each ε>0 there exist by assumption n∈N and gk∈G, k=1,…,n, such that
Using the definition of F0, equalities (2.3) and (2.4) for the function |p(⋅)−∑nk=1f0(⋅+gk)|2 and inequality (2.5) we obtain
Let G∗ denote the group of continuous characters of G, and I denote the unit character on G. Let H be a closed subgroup of the locally compact Abelian group G and H⊥ be the set of γ∈G∗ such that γ(h)=1 for all h∈H. Then H⊥ is called the annihilator of H. By [8], Ch. 2, § 2.1.1, H⊥ is a closed subgroup of G∗.
Lemma 3. Let G be a disconnected compact Abelian group. Then there does not exist a function f in the real space L02(G) such that the sums of shifts (1.1) of f are dense in this space.
Proof. By [7], Ch. 6, § 24, Theorem 24.25, the character group G∗ of a disconnected compact Abelian group G has torsion: it contains a nontrivial element χ0∈G∗ of finite order n0⩾2. Therefore, Ξ:={χ0,χ20,…,χn00≡I} is a closed subgroup of G∗ of order n0. Let H=Ξ⊥ be the annihilator of Ξ⊂G∗. Then H is a closed subgroup of (G∗)∗, so that by Pontryagin’s duality theorem (see [8], Ch. 1, § 1.7.2) H is a closed subgroup of G and the quotient group G/H coincides with (G∗)∗/Ξ⊥. By [8], Ch. 2, § 2.1.2, the quotient group (G∗)∗/Ξ⊥ is topologically isomorphic to Ξ∗. By [7], Ch. 6, § 23.27.d, the character group Ξ∗ of the finite Abelian group Ξ is topologically isomorphic to Ξ. Thus, the disconnected compact Abelian group G contains a closed subgroup H such that G/H is topologically isomorphic to a finite group Ξ of order n0⩾2.
Assume that there exists a function f in the real space L02(G) such that the sums (1.1) are dense in this space. Then by Lemma 2 there exists a function F in the real space L02(G/H) such that the sums of shifts of F are dense in this space. However, G/H is a nontrivial finite Abelian group. This is in contradiction to Lemma 1.
Lemma 4. Let G be a nontrivial compact Abelian group such that its character group G∗ is not infinite countable. Then in the real space L02(G) there exists no function f such that the sums of shifts (1.1) are dense in this space.
Proof. If G∗ is finite, then by [7], Ch. 6, § 23.27.d, G is topologically isomorphic to G∗, so G is a nontrivial finite Abelian group and the required result follows from Lemma 1.
Consider the case when G∗ is uncountable. Let f∈L02(G). Then by the completeness of the system of characters of a compact Abelian group ([10], Ch. III, § 2, Theorem 3.9) the character group G∗ is an orthonormal basis of L2(G); in particular, f expands in a Fourier series in the system of characters:
where the set of nonzero coefficients cα is at most countable (otherwise Parseval’s identity does not hold). Hence
Then sums of shifts of f lie in the closed subspace L of the real space L02(G) that is spanned by the functions χαk, k∈N, and, as a basis of L02(G) is uncountable, L does not coincide with L02(G).
Proof.Necessity. This follows from Lemmas 3 and 4.
Sufficiency. Now let G be a connected compact Abelian group with infinite countable character group G∗. We prove in several steps that the required function exists.
1. Let χ be a continuous character on the group G, 0 be the identity element of G, and I be the neutral element of G∗. Then ¯¯¯¯χ is also a continuous character on G, and χ≡¯¯¯¯χ on G if and only if χ takes only the values ±1 in G. However, χ(0)=1 and G is a connected group, so χ≡¯¯¯¯χ if and only if χ≡I. Thus, the group G∗ has the form
Note that G∗ has a discrete topology (see [8], Ch. 1, § 2, Theorem 1.2.5), and compact subsets of G∗ are merely finite subsets of it. By the completeness of the system of characters of a compact Abelian group (see [10], Ch. III, § 2, Theorem 3.9) G∗ forms an orthonormal basis of L2(G), and each real function f∈L02(G) expands in a Fourier series in the system G∗:
We seek a function f such that the sums of shifts of f are dense in L02(G) in the following form:
2. By [7], Ch. 6, § 24, Theorem 24.15, the topological weight μ(G) of the compact Abelian group G coincides with the cardinality of G∗, that is, it is infinite countable. By [7], Ch. 6, § 25, Theorem 25.14, if the topological weight μ(G) of a connected compact Abelian group G does not exceed the cardinality of a continuum, then G is monothetic, that is, there exists g0∈G such that ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯{ng0:n∈Z}=G. By [7], Ch. 6, § 25, Theorem 25.11, each nontrivial character is distinct from 1 at the element g0: χν(g0)≠1, ν∈N. Therefore,
∀k∈N∃δk>0:|χν(g0)−1|⩾δkfor ν=1,…,k.(3.2)
For each k∈N fix εk∈(0,δk/k). By Dirichlet’s theorem on simultaneous approximation (see [11], Ch. 1, § 5) there exists a sequence of positive integers {Nk}∞k=0 such that
in particular, the sequence {Nk}∞k=0 satisfies the condition
3. By [7], Ch 6, § 25, Theorem 25.18, 2 ⇒ 3, given a connected compact Abelian group G, there exists a homomorphism φ:G∗→Rd into the additive group Rd of real numbers endowed with the discrete topology. According to another part of the same result (see [7], Ch. 6, § 25, Theorem 25.18, 3 ⇒ 1), G is solenoidal, that is, there exists a continuous homomorphism τ:R→G such that ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯τ(R)=G, and we can see from the proof that
Here φ(χm)≠0 because otherwise χm≡1 by identity (3.5) since the image of τ is dense in G.
4. We show that the function
is a metric on G. The function ρ is well defined because equalities (3.6) imply the estimate ρ(g,h)⩽∑∞m=11/2m−1=2 for g,h∈G. Clearly, ρ is nonnegative, symmetric and, by the triangle inequality for the modulus, satisfies the triangle inequality. If ρ(g,h)=0, then χm(g)=χm(h) for each m∈N, so that (α(g−h))(χ)=χ(g−h)=1 for all χ∈G∗, where α:G→(G∗)∗ is the canonical isomorphism ([8], Ch. 1, §§ 1.7.1–1.7.2). Therefore, α(g−h) is the identity element of the group (G∗)∗, and so g−h=0. It follows from (3.7) that
so that each character χ∈G∗ is a Lipschitz function with respect to ρ. Moreover, it is obvious from the definition of ρ that this metric is shift invariant.
Now we show that the topology on G induced by ρ coincides with the topology of the group G. By [8], Ch. 1, § 1.2.6, and [8], Ch. 1, § 1.7.2, a basis of topology on G consists of the sets
N(x,C,r)={y∈G:|γ(y)−γ(x)|<r for all γ∈C},
where x∈G, C is a compact subset of G∗ and r>0. First we show that for all ε>0 and x∈G there exist a compact set C⊂G∗ and r>0 such that N(x,C,r)⊂Bε(x):={y∈G:ρ(x,y)<ε}. We choose M∈N such that 1/2M<ε/4, and set r:=ε/2 and C:={χ1,…,χM}. Then for all y∈N(x,C,r) and m=1,…,M we have the inequality |χm(y)−χm(x)|<r, so that by the definition of the coefficients am, m∈N,
Next we show that for all r>0 and x∈G and each compact set C⊂G∗ there exists ε>0 such that Bε(x)⊂N(x,C,r). Because G∗ is infinite countable and C⊂G∗ is a compact set, C is finite and there exists M∈N such that C⊂{I,χ1,¯¯¯¯χ1,…,χM,¯¯¯¯χM}. Set ε:=rminm=1,…,Mam. If y∈Bε(x), then by (3.8) we have |χm(y)−χm(x)|=|¯¯¯¯χm(y)−¯¯¯¯χm(x)|<ε/am⩽r for m=1,…,M, that is, y∈N(x,C,r).
We see that the metric ρ agrees with the topology of the group G.
5. Now we prove that the continuous homomorphism τ:R→G defined in part 3 of the proof is Lipschitz with respect to the metric ρ on G. Let u,v∈R. Then from (3.5) and (3.7) we obtain
where in the penultimate inequality we used the definition (3.6) of the am.
6. For each ν∈N we choose a constant cν so that
where Nν and aν were defined in parts 2 and 3 of the proof, respectively. Then the function f is defined by (3.1). Using inequalities (3.4) and (3.9) we can estimate the norm of f in L2(G):
Hence f∈L02(G). Next we estimate the following norm:
(the closure in L2(G)). Therefore, −f(⋅+h) belongs to S for all h∈G, that is, S is a closed additive subgroup of L02(G).
7. We require the following result.
Lemma A ([12], Lemma 4). Let S be a closed additive subgroup of a uniformly smooth Banach space X with modulus of smoothness s(t), t⩾0. If a,b∈S and for each ε>0 there exist x0,…,xn∈S such that x0=a, xn=b and ∑nk=1s(∥xk−xk−1∥)<ε, then the whole line segment [a,b] lies in S.
Let h∈G and ε>0. Since τ:R→G is a homomorphism with dense image and the metric ρ agrees with the topology of G (see parts 3 and 4 of the proof), there exists w∈R such that ρ(τ(w),h)<√ε/2. Fix an integer N>1+8|w|2/ε and set
As the metric ρ is translation invariant and τ is a bi-Lipschitz homomorphism (see parts 4 and 5 of the proof), we obtain the estimate
Thus, the subgroup S defined in part 6 of the proof lies in the space L02(G) with modulus of smoothness s(t)=√1+t2−1=O(t2) (for instance, see [13], Ch. 1, § e) and moreover, the functions f(x+h0)=f(x), f(x+h1), …, f(x+hN)=f(x+h) belong to S and (3.10) holds. Then by Lemma A, for each λ∈[0,1] the function λf(x)+(1−λ)f(x+h) belongs to S. Hence for each λ∈R we also have λ(f(x)−f(x+h))∈S. Therefore, S contains the closed R-linear subspace L spanned by the functions of the form f(⋅)−f(⋅+h), h∈G.
8. We show that L coincides with the real space L02(G). Otherwise there exists a nontrivial real function r∈L02(G) such that
Since the sequences {cν}ν∈N and {dν}ν∈N belong to l2, the left-hand side of the above identity is an absolutely convergent Fourier series in h, and therefore cνdν=cν¯¯¯¯¯dν=0, ν∈N. Since cν>0 for ν∈N, we obtain dν=0 for ν∈N, that is, r≡0, which contradicts the assumptions.
Thus, the subspace L, and therefore the subgroup S, coincides with the real space L02(G).
Remark 1. Let G be a nontrivial compact Abelian group. Then there does not exist a function f in the complex space L02(G) whose sums of shifts (1.1) are dense in this space.
In fact, given a disconnected compact Abelian group G or a nontrivial compact Abelian group G whose character group G∗ is not infinite countable, if there exists a function f such that the sums of shifts of f are dense in the complex space L02(G), then the sums of shifts of Ref are dense in the real space L02(G), in contradiction to Lemma 3 or Lemma 4, respectively.
Now let G be a connected compact Abelian group with infinite countable character group G∗=Γ1⊔Γ2⊔{I}, where Γ1={χν}∞ν=1 and Γ2={¯¯¯¯χν}∞ν=1, and assume that there exists a function f in the complex space L02(G) such that the sums of shifts of f are dense in this space. Let mG and mG∗ be the Haar measures on G and G∗, respectively. Then the Fourier transform
for all y∈G, and thus sums of shifts of f lie in a real hyperplane in the complex space L02(G), so that they cannot be dense in this space.
The author is grateful to P. A. Borodin for stating the problem and making useful comments.
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N. A. Dyuzhina, “Density of the sums of shifts of a single function in the L02 space on a compact Abelian group”, Sb. Math., 215:6 (2024), 743–754
\by N.~A.~Dyuzhina
\paper Density of the sums of shifts of a~single function in the $L_2^0$ space on a~compact Abelian group
\jour Sb. Math.
\yr 2024
\vol 215
\issue 6
\pages 743--754
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