A complete and explicit classification of generalized, or local, symmetries of massless free fields of spin $s\geq1/2$ is carried out. Up to equivalence, these are found to consists of the conformal symmetries and their duals, new chiral symmetries of order $2s$, and their higher-order extensions obtained by Lie differentiation
with respect to conformal Killing vectors. In particular, the results yield a complete classification
of generalized symmetries of the Dirac–Weyl neutrino equation, Maxwell's equations, and the linearized gravity equations.
\by Juha Pohjanpelto, Stephen C.~Anco
\paper Generalized Symmetries of Massless Free Fields on Minkowski Space
\jour SIGMA
\yr 2008
\vol 4
\papernumber 004
\totalpages 17
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