The review concerns the results of studies on the synthesis of polyelectrolyte coatings on charged surfaces. These coatings represent nanostructured systems with clearly defined tendency to self-assembly and self-adjustment, which is of particular interest for materials science, biomedicine and pharmacology. A breakthrough in this area of knowledge is due to the development and introduction of a new technique, so-called layer-by-layer (LbL) deposition of nanofilms. The technique is very simple, viz., multilayers are formed as a result of alternating treatment of a charged substrate of arbitrary shape with water-salt solutions of differently charged polyelectrolytes. Nevertheless, efficient use of the LbL method to fabricate nanofilms requires meeting certain conditions and limitations that were revealed in the course of research on model systems. Prospects for applications of polyelectrolyte layers in various fields are discussed.
The bibliography includes 58 references.
V. A. Izumrudov, B. Kh. Mussabayeva, K. B. Murzagulova, “Polyelectrolyte multilayers: preparation and applications”, Russian Chem. Reviews, 87:2 (2018), 192–200
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